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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened

Faroe Islander

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Everything posted by Faroe Islander

  1. What ways did you find to deal with this?
  2. good day, invested a significant amount of time doing work and then cooked and went out with friends instead of staying inside, I will have to focus on continuously increasing concentrated amount of time at work but today was a nice step in the right direction
  3. went well in the morning, got up did some chores, went to classes and then drove back home. after that some sport and nothing much wasted pretty much the afternoon. I did well in the morning and managed to save the nigh for which I am proud. I just need to keep working on the afternoon-evening periods since those tend to be the hardest ones, as well as just trying to focus on just begining the task instead of just making circles doing plans as an excuse to not get down to business. Tomorrow my goal will be to block off distracting sites and focus on just advancing my tasks no matter how much
  4. rough day yesterday, lots of questions some let downs spend the day recovering, at first it was going to be a downward slope with the depression nap from 3 to 5 but more or less managed to save a bit of the day with some studying and some exercise, it is a big win managing to recover within the same day so I'm happy
  5. Congratulations on being able to deal with your problems and still managing to keep a balanced work-life relationship you are an inspiration.
  6. Yesterday was bad, woke up and almost instantly picked up a phone and it was downhill from there, most of the habits were kept which was good since it at least meant that I showed up for what I had to do and made the effort even if the total amount of progress was minimum. Today I'm hoping to fix this so that I can get back into the flow of things and work on getting back to speed on my studies since that had gotten left by the wayside on preparation for this contest and extracurricular activity I loved so much. At least with today it is concluded happily and I can focus my attention on remembering it fondly, preparing for the next one and if I can doing some self-criticism with an after action report as well as thanking the team for their work towards making this one of my fondest years with this extracurricular activity.
  7. Reporting in for the past 2 days, they went well. Right now I'm trying to not get back into using the phone as that would negate a lot of the work I've done this past days. Let's see how it goes for now just managing to work this afternoon-evening will be enough.
  8. Day ??? Checking in, tired as shit, need to get some sleep, todays it seems like I will be lucky and get 6h, tomorrow is the last day of the competition and I get to finally celebrate with team mates, recognizement of achivements even little ones is very important that's one thing I've learned Anyways I'm just going to go to sleep, don't want to think about what I'll have to do to catch back up with classes.
  9. Checking in, today was overall quite good, lots of ups and downs on the emotional state but managed to keep working on the competition and talking with new people + enjoying the company of my team. Hope to continue it tomorrow and I'll see what I can do to catch up with the rest of the responsabilities, for now I know for a fact that I must keep working on what the competition since it is a great experience and who knows if I may be lucky enough to experience it again. I'm very thankful to my team for accepting and dealing with me and I hope I can give back some of this through little actions and work on the project. let's see if we can get the final improvements done.
  10. I'm glad to hear that things are going well for you and that you are finding joy not only in your hobbies but also in you work, hope it continues and congratulations on the way you have been handling your life.
  11. Great to hear that you are managing to keep a balanced life between work, relax, wants socializing and learning hope the rest of the week and weekend go well
  12. 2nd day of the competition, last day was all about traveling, I wanted to leave my smartphone behind and only use a dumb phone for this trip, unfortunately I had bad luck and the Whattsapp web application closed and left me kind of stranded, I still have my team to rely on but it sucks to lose your way of contact with most of your friends and family for a week just randomly, hopefully it will be resolved by Friday next week if I get the chance. Looking at the bright side of it at least I get to focus more on the experience and get a more through disconnection from the internet so that's nice, let's see how the following days unfold, I'm kind of nervous and feeling even a bit ashamed or undeserving of my place since I always feel like I'm not doing enough for the group, but more or less can manage with by trying to rationalizing them, anyways I'll try to focus more on the now, on what I can do instead of the future and what bad outcomes could come from there, let's get on with this and enjoy the moment while it lasts.
  13. I'll try this this week since I'm having a trip with the extracurricular work group whose company I enjoy, it could be a great place to try to reinforce good habits since it will be a new and conductive environment with many differences with the old one in significant ways like order, fun, social stimulus... I'll tell you how it goes and whether I can or can't translate it into my normal life once I return and have to deal with the relegated work
  14. Thank you for the suggestions I also notice that when going with friends or doing extracurricular activities I feel better about myself afterwards even though I also sometimes directly or indirectly sink too much time on it either by spending time on a project in there or by just being around there and not being too productive with our time. This is the last serious week I have left in the project it is sad since I really liked the team and what we were doing but also a bit of a relief since now I'll have the time to focus on the degree but I'm really scared about what I would need to do to catch up since it sometimes feels like a mountain and I'm also afraid to slowly loose connection with the friends I made in the group, but I guess I'll just have to focus up and see what happens
  15. Welcome Matt hope you find what you are looking for in this community and good luck on your journey.
  16. That could have been a big help with your type of education, right now I sometimes find myself struggling with time management, specially with dedicating lots of time to study/extracurricular work but not being very efficient with it, though that it also aggravated by internet and commitment problems which I still have to work on. Yes and I'm very thankful to them for giving me more and more independence as the years have gone by, right now I'm not living at home but still financially depend on them, they have given me some freedom to choose what to do with my time. The conversations we have are not threats but rather reminders which is great, my only worry is that they have always been very keen on me focussing on the normal good grades -> Fixed good job at a private/public company while this year I have taken another route. Right now I'm riding on trust from previous years (passing everything with good marks) and I fear what may happen if that trust breaks, since they know people directly or indirectly at the uni who could keep an eye on me + handle most of my expenses. I'll try to look into it since they have promised to be open about possible different masters or even other degrees/vocational training programs once I finish my degree, it could be interesting, specially with the general university subsidies in EU countries though I would probably have to look at making it compatible with work. Thanks for the advice, now I'm going to try to recover from this mornings slump, where I more or less relapsed and ended up just scrolling through internet posts/images for a long time (most of the morning and midday). @Ikar and @BooksandTrees, since you are probably far more experienced that me in the topic of handling time and distractions could I ask you for some advice on what to do when cravings, mental blocks come up but you still have to keep working since your schedule is tight? And also on how you arrange your time afterwards to stop the cravings and blocks to gain strength. Thanks in advance
  17. Congratulations, it is a lot of progress, don't let the weight get you down, with weight and exercise what matters most is maintaining consistency in the face of non-linear results. You will some weeks see more progress than others, if this was one of the lower results one thats fine what is important is the progress you are making towards creating a healthier lifestyle that you feel confortable with and I commend you for your progress
  18. Today I went to the psychologist and went over more or less everything on a general way studies, time dedicated to different activities, conflict with extracurricular activities vs degree and what my parents say I should focus on, and relationships. I wish I had prepared myself a bit more before the interview. He says that he agrees that I should find a balance between the extracurricular activities and the higher degree and that I should be careful to not overextend myself on the work part of my life, that is I guess good advice since I don't spend much time on it but I always feel like I need more time for studies, maybe it is that I'm not making the best out of the time that I spend on work. On the topic of romance he reminded me to ask myself whether I'm not taking more steps because of just not being interested and being fine by myself or out of fear which is a good point, I have to think about it a bit since I don't know if I'm just making mostly excuses or if I really can't afford/don't genuinely want to try to start a relationship right now That's about it I should also focus on deciding where I stand in regards to music, it helps me start my work and it is better that straight out videos since it distracts me less and therefore lets me at least work a bit, but at the same time it also limits me in terms of concentration and sometimes continuity on study sessions I will go for a walk and talk it with a friend, who knows maybe little by little I may start to see it more clearly
  19. It was. thank you for taking the time to write it out That is a more or less true, right now I was always told that I needed to go to uni, they didn't let me choose vocational training, it more or less ended well since with the extracurricular activities and by starting to understand university more as a chance to learn, understand the world, grow as a person and have more opportunities instead as an obligation to study it helped a lot. Right now what I'm struggling most with is that they push me towards focussing more on better grades (which is understandable) but this also comes at the cost of also shifting priorities away from things like extracurricular activities where I can apply things learned in the uni. I can't really fight back to much since they have experience in the field and also in educational things + they have the money. Right now I'm looking forward to the undergraduate's thesis to get a chance to try something new though I don't know how I would go about trying other fields since when I study my degree I find it enjoyable but also lack concepts or things that can be found in other degrees and I don't know what to do about that. I wish I could also learn about those and not just be forced to focus completely on my degree but I also know that to some point specialization in todays days and age is required to really get economic opportunities, specially in my country. For now I'll just focus on my degree, do you have any ideas on what could be done about this? And congratulations on getting your degree and finishing the subjects in your master, it can at times be quite challenging and it deserves recognition
  20. End of the day Feeling really tired, it was a good day, I struggled with the problems I had been creating for myself by overstretching my capabilities and time as well as by consuming content mindlessly on the last weekend but it could be more or less be done. Right now I just feel mentally worn out and have some cravings to watch mindless content, I guess it's fine, today I'm going to try going outside and just giving myself some time to be not think or worry, I haven't done it in a very long time but it is worth trying, better that walking around the house like a trapped lion or sleeping for too long
  21. The final decision is yours, you can speak your mind here, congratulations on getting through the days and digging deep into what the underlying issues of your struggles are. And on the topic of feeling sometimes feeling like an impostor, just know that you aren't alone in a good way, and that sometimes being honest about it (specially with the people you feel closest to/trust the most)can help a lot since bad habits tend to fester and grow in the dark Anyways I you can little by little learn how to deal with the things that cause you the most grief, and good luck in your journey
  22. and sorry for not being able to give too much more on the topic of why specifically I feel lost, I used a lot of the time today reading and reflecting on the lessons taught by the novel "3 days of happiness", about what gives a person value and what do you even define as valuable for yourself (which is something they don't even answer). I just came to the realization that remembering that question exists in the first time and that the answer might be different for different people in different contexts could be about as far as I can get for now in this limited time I invested into thinking about it. Unfortunately I can't even give you a compelling reason as to why I feel lost since when I dove into the question I realized that there are lots more things that I hadn't completely answered like what I value most in someone, I guess it is a much more complex field that I once had imagined and now I need to find the time to dive deeper into it
  23. Congratulations on finding the right not so obvious long term path to deal with depression, it is a serious issue and I hope that the additional support you can receive as well as your other measures you have been building though out the years help you deal with it appropriately. Hope you have a better day and week ahead of you
  24. Today I kept away from games and videos by reading a really good introspective novel with lessons about the value of time, life and the how we can ruin it not by big events but by little actions. It was beautiful read and the story specially its ending left me thinking about how I spent time, current and past opportunities how I behaved myself and how much for granted we often times take things. It required 2-4h reading and 4-6 to just digest the message, I liked it a lot, now I have to learn how to control myself a bit with it since it did also conflict with some of my study needs and I should avoid that by being more responsible with my time. Still it was a nice change of pace, at least I didn't spend all that time on the internet but it still sucks having invested so much time today on it when I had to study
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