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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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  1. Hey! So Yea days are going on, everything is okay. Learning for university takes the biggest part of my day and that feels good, because I know I do my work for my goal to be a doctor one day. Training goes well too, I try to do it moderately so I dont get so exhausted by it like I got some years ago. I take it usually too serious and then I cant achieve my other goals. So I have to do it moderately. Didnt had the power to play my instrument the last days :/. I think I need to write here daily, so I have kind of a success feeling qhen I play everyday and can post it here :) see ya guys
  2. I am glad you are still on track Deku, ill try to follow this journal again more regulary :)
  3. Hello everybody, after some months of abstinence here I came back. First: I didnt relapse. I am still on track and I am still thankful for gamequitters and all of you guys who helped me to push through. I often remember those 'bad times' and also how I got out of it. Well, still trying to get out of it I suppose. I remember how gq helped me and since there are still things to improve I came back, also to keep sure I stay on track. So, what is my situation. As you may already know I am a student, I study medicine. My learn routine is good since I dont play so much anymore. I dont want to extend my learntime(4-6hours daily), but I want to use this time more efficiently. Main reason why I start this journal is to use the time, in which i am not learning for university for meaningful things. Currently I am grinding Youtube and stuff after university/learning. Its not so bad IMO but I want to use my time a bit better. My goals: Play again with my violin every day(or at least half of the week, not sure).(I did that 90 days straight in the time I had my last journal.) Every second day doing workout again.(Started this week) + enter a sportclub to socialize more Those are the two main targets. I will see whether I can add something later. But university takes a lot of time, its medicine. So I am happy if I simply get university done properly. So yea, Ill see whether I update dailY or weekly. I will give more details about university, sport, music etc in the future here. It will motivate me more I think.
  4. Hey everyone! i just wanted to give a quick updated: I think I am somewhere at day 105 or so. However I made it through 90 days And as a result of that I am proud to say I made it. Usually I say whenever i achieve something 'it wasnt a big deal' so I forbid myself to be happy. But I want to let this end step by step. So gz to myself for making it!! OF COURSE its not the end there is still so much I need to improve. But little Steps are important, little goals. I try to update this again more often, I will see however I am also happy that the people I follow are still on track too and give their best!! Thats all for today, see you tomorrow guys
  5. 76/90 without any LoL Content | Played Instrument: Yes! | Coding: Yes! | Learned for driving license: Yes! | Writing in my Journal: Yes, right now! day went ok I think. I just wanted to tell all the followers of my journal that I will not updated the journal for a few days!(full internet detox) so dont worry! I try to stay on track wish me good luck and i hope u do well too Thats all for today, see you tomorrow guys
  6. 75/90 without any LoL Content | Played Instrument: Yes! | Coding: Yes! | Learned for driving license: Yes! | Writing in my Journal: Yes, right now! good day overall I think. So what can I say about today? Had fun while coding and playing with my instrument. I feel ready for theoretical driving test, but there are still some questions which are tough, so its still a matter of luck. Was also outside today for a walk. Will read now some journals and call it a day for today Thats all for today, see you tomorrow guys
  7. 74/90 without any LoL Content | Played Instrument: Yes! | Coding: Yes! | Learned for driving license: Yes! | Writing in my Journal: Yes, right now! good day overall I think. Had a good exercise with my instrument, was fun. Also found a new codibg project to work on. However its a small one, so I think it will be Done in some days. But thats no problem yea nothing else to say for today Thats all for today, see you tomorrow guys
  8. Hello, sometimes I see journal entrys of people here, which contain, that they dont want to tell XY in detail because they want to stay anonymous. I also ask sometimes myself 'should I write that in a public forum?' so I wonder: How you guys think about that? Do you want to stay anonymous here? Do you take care what you write here and what not? greets
  9. 73/90 without any LoL Content | Played Instrument: Yes! | Coding: Yes! | Learned for driving license: Yes! | Writing in my Journal: Yes, right now! good day overall I think. Not much to say, did all my tasks, have some struggle in coding(finding a new project). Was half of the day outside, that was good. I hope I can do that more often in future Thats all for today, see you tomorrow guys
  10. 72/90 without any LoL Content | Played Instrument: Yes! | Coding: Yes! | Learned for driving license: Yes! | Writing in my Journal: Yes, right now! good day overall I think. 72 days so far. Tbh im mostly proud of the fact I practised now every single day with my instrumemt. The detox itself is of course also nice, but you all know detox is good, but its even better if You do other productive things while not gaming! What I want to improve: Keep up the work routine for university. Finishing now in some weeks the theoretical driving license test. Sport routine. And I really want to learn french. Not really urgent, more reading some french text, watching vids etc no pressure.. Those are just things where is room for improvment step by step.. I know I am far away to become what I want to be, but its ok. No pressure, no doubt myself if something doesnt goes perfect. Its important I improve, not how fast. A bit is enough and even if not keep on track so yea ill read some journals and call it a day for today Thats all for today, see you tomorrow guys
  11. 71/90 without any LoL Content | Played Instrument: Yes! | Coding: Yes! | Learned for driving license: Yes! | Writing in my Journal: Yes, right now! good day overall I think. Pretty standard day, it feels like I am coming more and more into the situation where I more like to be not lonely at my computer and more with the family. Thats good did all my tasks again yea not much more from today Thats all for today, see you tomorrow guys
  12. 70/90 without any LoL Content | Played Instrument: Yes! | Coding: Yes! | Learned for driving license: Yes! | Writing in my Journal: Yes! good day overall I think. Had again a long talk with my friend who quitted games too. It always relax me and keeps me on track, although our relationship was really not always good like now. However after those years, he is probably the one you are miss the most (when your family is there). Yea rest of the day did most of my tasks. Not much coding just checked somw things really quick, but its k helped also my bro with his application, i enjoy meaningful things like that Thats all for today, see you tomorrow guys
  13. 69/90 without any LoL Content | Played Instrument: Yes! | Coding: Yes! | Learned for driving license: Yes! | Writing in my Journal: Yes, right now! good day overall I think. Did my tasks like usual, and rest of the day pretty normal too. So yea keep going.. ill read some journals now and call it a day for today Thats all for today, see you tomorrow guys
  14. Hey man, I saw your Journal today too and also thought that your story is related to mine :). Glad to see you here! Thanks for the website tip and if you need any help in getting started qith programming, ask me! 68/90 without any LoL Content | Played Instrument: Yes! | Coding: Yes! | Learned for driving license: Yes! | Writing in my Journal: Yes, right now! good day overall I think. Nothing special today, thats good^^ Did my tasks pretty early and was free for the rest of the day. Read a bit more in my book(after 50-60pages I start to enjoy it). I usually only read at the evening, but I had nothibg to do and I dont want to sit at displays so much anymore. What I am still aiming for: Sport routine My tablet is still brokeb so I write in my phone, thats no fun tbh haha Thats all for today, see you tomorrow guys
  15. Yes, you are right. Usually I only read 5 Pages and i want to sleep then^^ 67/90 without any LoL Content | Played Instrument: Yes! | Coding: Yes! | Learned for driving license: Yes! | Writing in my Journal: Yes, right now! good day overall I think. Again Pretty Standard day. The Sun shined very much today although it was cold. I wish I could go out do Something, but 1. i have no Friends Who like to do Sport it sp, only ppl which Game and usually only Meet Other ppl when there are some Dance activities 2. i still didnt manage to do some Running Session on my own. Yea, but i try to not blame Myself i am Doing good, just Space for improvment. Thats normal and good. tasks went good too. Thats all for today, see you tomorrow guys
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