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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Everything posted by BooksandTrees

  1. I always tell people it's gonna take 3 weeks or so for your mind to stabilize after quitting an addiction. This is very real. I used to write such elaborate posts with titles and stuff, but it turns into a job. I think you gotta use Journaling as a means to support and heal yourself. The long posts are exhausting and I see so many people do them and quit. So kudos to you for doing it for the whole 90 days. Great job!! I'm glad you're sticking around and look forward to seeing future developments.
  2. You could also end up being this manager's favorite worker. Make sure to ask them their preferred communication style, what they expect out of someone in your role and how to succeed with them. Show that and they'll know you're ready. Just keep your cool and be you.
  3. I read an article about how big companies were trying to lay people off and they'd start with forcing people back to the office to see how many would quit before official layoffs. Twitter, Facebook, and Amazon just did it. It's a business strategy. I think my company will do the same and essential people don't be effected. So I'm thinking I'll be ok. We'll see.
  4. My boss just said we might go back to a hybrid working schedule. I don't want to commute in traffic again. Fuck. This sucks.
  5. I've been dealing with weight shame by snacking less and trying to stand more at my desk rather than sitting. I know that won't do much but it's been helping.
  6. I worked 60 hours this week because 4 submittal days changed to this Friday rather than a couple weeks. How is that possible lol. But I'm tired. Didn't write at all this week but I'll try this weekend. I didn't eat that well this week but I made sure to keep good hygiene.
  7. Thank you. Lots of research and being able to stop myself and ask why before I give into a craving. I find it very powerful. Sometimes just a hug really helps. I know everyone does not have this, so maybe there are other ways that are healthy.
  8. Keep searching for reasons you watch if this is an addiction issue. I used to get bored of the sex in porn videos and only watch for the intimacy. It was deep rooted desire for companionship in the only way I knew. Now I have true companionship.
  9. I wrote almost 2000 words this weekend and am almost done with another chapter of my book. I think I'll finish the rough draft by this coming summer. I'm very happy with my progress. There are days where I think I could have written or that I should be done by now but I've never made this much progress before and video games give a false sense of what progress actually means. Not everything can be measured the same way. I also felt like watching a lot of porn this weekend during times of stress. I solved this by asking for hugs from my wife and just realizing I needed emotional comfort. The cravings went away instantly. I exercised today and flossed more this week.
  10. I'm pretty ashamed about my weight and how I run out of breath going up the stairs. I'd like to try being more active and want to start slow with some yoga during the week.
  11. I quit gaming and started watching porn heavily. It made me realize I had a porn addiction as well as gaming and I had to go to therapy to come up with healthy stress outlets.
  12. When I first quit gaming I started looking back to things that made me happy. It's kind of weird, but I didn't even associate anything that made me happy with the 15 years of gaming. I instantly went back to legos. So it takes some trial and error.
  13. I've flossed my teeth 4 times in the past 2 weeks after writing about it in the shameless Saturday post. It's the most I've flossed in months. I'm really happy about it. I'm also feeling better about my mood overall and how I'm doing in life. I think I'm gonna keep up the posts on Saturdays. I also wrote another chapter of my book.
  14. What if you created a regimented restoration time to heal and recover? You're very strict with yourself. I think that is tough to maintain unless you can balance it. If this system works for you then maybe you create a rest period where you only do certain things for that set of time to recover.
  15. I've taken a lot of steps to restore myself this weekend after a very stressful few weeks. I've taken lots of naps, done tons of house work and cleaning, and wrote 3000 words for my book. I feel so happy with myself. I haven't been able to write for weeks. I needed this and feel good that I provided myself this feeling.
  16. Careful calling this a loss. I think it's a smart thing to do, to prioritize commitments and recognize how you're spending time.
  17. I told my wife that I get power trips from anger because it was the only thing that gave me strength and hope as a kid, and even though my temper is better now, I need to work on how I react when I'm backed into a corner. I explained how she can help and how I need to work through things.
  18. For last week's shameless Saturday I flossed my teeth because I'm ashamed of my dental health and neglect flossing. I felt cleaner and happier. I want to floss at least once a week now.
  19. People recovering from addiction often turn to addiction to hide from the power of feeling shame. Shame can take many forms. Rather than hiding from shame, I think it's important to face it head on when you're ready. You'll know when you're ready when you're tired of hiding. Rules: just post something you did to combat something you're ashamed or embarrassed about. Don't need to write a huge post.
  20. Absolutely quit watching gaming. It's a major trigger to relapse if you want to quit gaming.
  21. I had to miss my writing coach meeting this week because I needed extra therapy after a difficult week. But I'm not upset about this. I solved my issue at therapy and have a great sense of relief and happiness now. I'll continue to write and I only have to wait 1 extra week for writing. I'm thinking of starting a post in the community forum about doing something to help you overcome something you're ashamed about. I'm gonna call it shameless Saturdays or something.
  22. It's a bad environment for sure. I honestly wrote a huge rant about it and edited my post because it wasn't worth it.
  23. This is something I've been trying to highlight for a while now. We're very focused on achieving goals and I think it's really important to heal and rest. I'm not doing hobbies as much, but when I do them, I'm making incredible progress and feel like I enjoy it more.
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