Most of the voices in media about feminism are female voices. I would like to hear from more men about this. Do you think they way feminism is being presented is fair? If not, what needs to change?
Women are receiving progressively more attention and support. Women's earnings, education, etc are all increasing. In contrast, men in their 20's have high unemployment rates, and declining education levels. Additionally, men in their teens and 20's are also experiencing an unprecedented trend of erectile dysfunction as well as other sexual dysfunctions. Of course there is also video game addiction and pornography addiction.
Feminism is not to be blamed, but the current disparity between the two sexes does suggest that men may not be receiving enough support. Do you agree or disagree?
Feminism (at least my brand of it-- equality and mutual respect between the two sexes) is necessary progress and benefits both men and women. However, attacks on both men and women have been mounted in the name of feminism as well.
I am curious about your thoughts.