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NEW VIDEO: Why You MUST Quit Gaming in 2025

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Day #1


Gratitude journal

I'm thankful for the people that took the time to respond to my introduction. I'm fairly certain they saved me from insta-relapsing and I hope to impact someone in a similar fashion someday.

One amazing thing that happened/I did today

I got a fistbump from a kid at the skatepark today. I didn't a particularly difficult trick, I think he just recognized me from a few weeks ago before the semester started. It was nothing out of the ordinary, but just him saying "hello" in that way and seeming genuinely happy to see me, felt really good. Of course I know, that by him showing his bros that he "knows" the older guys makes him look cool. But that doesn't change that its a win-win ^^.

Going outside

I went skating and it felt so good to be outside in the sun.

Weekly Goal(s)

Go to sleep without watching anything on my phone all week.

Monthly Goal

Catch up on the lectures in the three most important classes.

3 Month Goal

Keep the 90-day Detox going!

What went well today:

I finally did something for Uni for the first time this semester.

What I could have done to make my day better:

Cook an actual meal instead of just jamming frozen food in the oven.

What I will do differently tomorrow:

Read someone else's post and reply.
And see the above ^^

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Day #2


Gratitude journal

I'm thankful for living in a wealthy country where I have the opportunity to study and can enjoy luxuries like skateparks. Thinking about, its actually insane how much it costs the city to build one of these parks and I get to just use it for free. I'm also thankful for having a healthy body and enough confidence to wear protective gear without feeling self-conscious. I'm not a pro skater and even if I were, no amount of coolness is worth doing tricks in pipes and not wearing protective gear. I have made that mistake before and I'm thankful that I was able to learn my lesson with only minor injuries and some ripped clothing.

One amazing thing that happened/I did today

I did a movie night with a friend. Of course, movies are also just "entertainment" but doing it together, laughing together, setting it up and everything felt very different from playing a duoq game (or even worse, soloqeue) all you league gamers know what I'm talking about. And in different, I mean infinitely better.

Going outside

I went skating again and I would love to make it a habit. Once I'm outside, I always enjoy it, the difficult part is getting there but I hope that once it becomes a habit, the necessary mental energy to get me out of the house becomes less.

Weekly Goal(s)

Go to sleep without watching anything on my phone all week. -did that yesterday

Monthly Goal

Catch up on the lectures in the three most important classes. -made barely any progress on that today

3 Month Goal

Keep the 90-day Detox going! -Again, the hardest time was the "down-time" that I would spend watching streams. Today I wasted a lot of time on YouTube, that I should've spent studying but at least I managed to refrain from any gaming related content so I didn't fail yet.

What went well today:

I cooked really yummy and healthy dinner.

What I could have done to make my day better:

Get my Uni-Stuff done earlier, then I could've enjoyed the rest of the day so much more.

What I will do differently tomorrow:

Do one lecture after Breakfast, no excuses. One 2h session with a 5 minute break. After that I can keep going if I want to, or I can call it a day. But that is the absolute bare minimum I should be doing in a day and there is definitely enough time to go outside afterwards and after breakfast I also don't need to worry about getting hungry, meaning I have no excuses. Also setting a specific goal should help me get started.

Posted (edited)
13 hours ago, Skaterboy said:

What I will do differently tomorrow:

Do one lecture after Breakfast, no excuses. One 2h session with a 5 minute break. After that I can keep going if I want to, or I can call it a day. But that is the absolute bare minimum I should be doing in a day and there is definitely enough time to go outside afterwards and after breakfast I also don't need to worry about getting hungry, meaning I have no excuses. Also setting a specific goal should help me get started.

If you have a calendar you use for yourself (Google, Outlook, or whatever), schedule a two hour block every morning that is devoted entirely to catching up on lectures. Having it appear in your calendar with a reminder can help reinforce the habit.

When you do watch a lecture, have paper and a pen at hand to take notes (and to doodle, if you need something to carry you through the boring bits.)

(Disclaimer: I teach at a university, and know precisely how alienating and dull lectures can be for students. I don't lecture much, preferring that students be actively engaged, one way or another, but that's very difficult in remote learning. So, yeah, notes and doodles can get you through.)

Edited by Zeno

Day #3

@ZenoI did allright today. A friend told me to try watching it in 1.5 speed. It actually helps a lot because the boring bits still have enough speed that my mind can't wander and when the lecture really starts, I slow it back down to 1.0 speed and sometimes repeat watching segments. In total, I spent about 1:35 on a 1:30 lecture video but I feel like I got so much more out of it. As previously explained, I watched most of it fast and the important parts slow and twice. This is my first time trying it so we'll see how it works in other subjects. This was an Engineering subject with some math, which were obviously the parts I had to watch slow ^^

Gratitude journal

I'm thankful for my girlfriend, she is the best thing that ever happened to me. Although she can't be with me right now, talking to her everyday keeps my spirits up and I can only hope to be the same positive influence on her.

Going outside

2.5 hours outside, I even forgot the time, I was enjoying it so much. I really don't understand why my brain would ever seem to want to develope habits that make me stay inside and miserable all day long.

Weekly Goal(s)

Go to sleep without watching anything on my phone all week. - 2day streak

Monthly Goal

Catch up on the lectures in the three most important classes. -found a new method of watching lectures and had great success with it, going to try it with other subjects

3 Month Goal

Keep the 90-day Detox going! 0 Minutes on YouTube today. This is probably controversial, but I believe that YouTube is designed so well that it might as well be considered and online game by now. I can't find the source right now, I think I read somewhere that the average user spents over one hour on youtube once the person logs on. The reason for going on to youtube might honestly be just to watch that one new video from a subscribed to channel or to see how to cut a certain vegetable. In order to spend one hour though, I think almost everyone watches more than they had planned when going on the website.

What went well today:

I cooked really yummy and healthy dinner again and even have leftovers for tomorrow, that I'm really looking forward to.

What I could have done to make my day better:

Get up earlier. I'm having trouble falling asleep because my routine would be me watchings streams. I have done it so often, that streams actually make me yawn. However, this is also kind of an excuse, I was awake at about 10am and then just kept daydreaming till about 11:30. 

What I will do differently tomorrow:

I managed the lecture after breakfast really well, I wan't to keep that going to form a habit. Maybe, I'll start writing that to my weekly and monthly goals. For now, I will just have to see how it goes. I did realize that my attention got worse over the last year of llistening to barely any lectures at all. I will probably need some time to adjust to the amount of taxing mental work required as a university student. Therefore, I will not stretch my willpower and not do that differently, but keep it the same for now. I will just focus on getting up ealier tomorrow. regardless of when I wake up, I want to be out of bed immediately. My body should take the sleep it needs but once I'm awake, I want to start the day.


Day #4


Gratitude journal

I'm thankful for everything I've learned about eating healthy and that I have the ability to employ those concepts. I do not always have the discipline yet, but I do have the means to eat healthy everyday. 

One amazing thing that happened/I did today

At around 9:30 pm I felt like I wanted to listen to a lecture. I listened to a 10min recap of the last 2 lectures by my prof. The thought that I'm supposed to enjoy what I'm studying, has occurred to me ^^ I just hope that this will become a trend because it would make my life so much easier if I didn't have to force myself through ever single lecture. 

Going outside

Same story as the last days. Going outside is like a guarantee for a good mood. 

Weekly Goal(s)

Go to sleep without watching anything on my phone. - 3day streak

Monthly Goal

Catch up on the lectures in the three most important classes.

3 Month Goal

Keep the 90-day Detox going! Today I almost got baited back in by a friend. He just shared a highlight of his game with me. I managed to simply reply that it was funny and leave it at that. Had he directly asked me to come online and play with him today... I think I would've joined him. I'll have to think about how I'm going to handle that problem.

What went well today:

Made good progress with Uni, cooked great food and had a great conversation with my girlfriend. 

What I could have done to make my day better:

I could've got up earlier and drank some water for breakfast. I literally gave Google a description of how I felt, got dehydration as an answer and after drinking 2 glasses of water I went from groggy, sleepy sloth to attentive and motivated monkey 😄

What I will do differently tomorrow:

Get a maximum of half an hour after waking up. 

6 hours ago, Skaterboy said:

Keep the 90-day Detox going! Today I almost got baited back in by a friend. He just shared a highlight of his game with me. I managed to simply reply that it was funny and leave it at that. Had he directly asked me to come online and play with him today... I think I would've joined him. I'll have to think about how I'm going to handle that problem.

Friends is a difficult situation. When you quit games there will be some friends who support you or think you're crazy. You can break bonds with those who stop talking to you because you quit but you don't want to because you have built up that bondage for so long. Ultimately it's your decision when it comes to friends. However, based off the context I am assuming this friend (despite a good bond), is trying to get you back into games. Your gamer friends who still send gaming-related things to you (if you told them you quit), I'd recommend ending communications with. If this friend is a good friend though, you should tell them you're on a detox and why, and maybe you could try finding non gaming related things to talk about. Usually though, people like this, hanging out with them when you quit, will not result in a favorable outcome. 



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Day #5


Gratitude journal

I'm thankful for my parents that support me, despite me having disappointed them enough in the past. 

One amazing thing that happened/I did today

Nothing special comes to mind. Hmm 

Going outside

I'm going to delete this section from my journal. I have well established that going outside is essential for my happiness.

Weekly Goal(s)

Go to sleep without watching anything on my phone. - 4day streak

Monthly Goal

Catch up on the lectures in the three most important classes. - I'm caught up in one of four important classes. I hope to be caught up in 2 by the end of the week. 

3 Month Goal

Keep the 90-day Detox going! @Jasonthanks for your reply. I think coming clean and telling him I'm on detox is the way to go. I don't see another way because he will be weirded out by me suddenly disappearing online and possibly think I blocked him or something ^^

What went well today:

Talked to my mom for the first time in way too long. Should've called her sooner I guess. 

What I could have done to make my day better:

Written this journal sooner. I've been in bed for over an hour now, procrastinating on writing this for no reason. I'm super tired and could've just had this done an hour ago and be sleeping right now. 

What I will do differently tomorrow:

Write my journal entry before going to bed. 

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