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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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I don't think I echo the same sort of story that a lot of people do on here, I feel like I've been fairly successful despite my being heavily involved in gaming since middle school. I quit gaming cold turkey almost 90 days ago now, yay! But my desire to quit gaming wasn't brought on by hitting rock bottom, actually the opposite, I felt like I had a lot of potential that was being wasted on games and I could progress more towards my goals by quitting games and choosing a leisure activity that was a lot less addicting/time consuming. I'm currently a paramedic and am in the process of being hired as a firefighter/paramedic by a large city but I also have aspirations of owning my own business, djing, and learning how to program. I'm very grateful that I was able to find this community as I thought gaming wasn't something that was very harmful, but I've been made aware of all the negative effects that gaming has had on me and I'm looking forward to continuing my journey with you guys game free. :D

Edited by Bigtyme07
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Amazing mindset friend. No drama, no victimism, just a genuine desire to improve yourself is the only thing you need; either if you come from rock bottom or you decided you could do better.

Congrats on your almost 90! We have a Celebrate section where you can write about your journey so far and how did you experience it. Even if you're a relative newcomer, every story counts. For anything else, you have the Main Section and the Journals.

Welcome to the forum!

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As someone just getting started on the trek, I think it's awesome you're almost to 90 days already.  That's an accomplishment.  Do you enjoy being a paramedic?  I have no firsthand experience, but it strikes me as the kind of thing that would be super rewarding at times and super stressful too.  At any rate, welcome to the forums!

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