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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened

Don't want video games to dictate my life anymore


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My name is Jon, I'm 21 years old and I have pretty much played video games my whole life.  I'm here because for a few years now I've let playing video games be my top priority to the detriment of everything else that I want to do with my time, and I've wanted to stop for a while but having this community of people setting out with the same goal as me has really pushed me over the edge and convinced me to put this plan in action.

I have always felt like I didn't have enough time to work out, and practice playing the piano like I want to, but really it was just video games eating up all my time, among other things like just watching other people play video games on youtube and such. I haven't even read a book in over 3 years.


Well today is my first day setting out on this journey, I'm ready to put this behind me and finally be able to get around to the things I've been putting off.

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