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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened



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I have recently started taking initiatives to stop gaming.but my brother is still  a gamer and when ever i am around him seeing him game or seeing him spend his time in phones  i am feeling an urge to do the same.Started playing mobile games(stopped it again though). Also by evening the whole atmosphere of the house changes.TV,Pc are on.I am feeling a 'drag' towards these.i am not anymore interested in spending time on tv ,online,chatting,fb,whatsapp etc.I have my exams coming up.what to do?


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I am feeling a 'drag' towards these.

It's natural. Seems like this won't be easy for you because of your surroundings but I'm sure you will do great! Stay away from phone games too, they can be gateway to worse, more time consuming things. Welcome to Gamequitters and good luck!  

Thank you :)

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