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NEW VIDEO: Why You MUST Quit Gaming in 2025

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Posted (edited)

Update: Thread closed. Offer ended. Thanks everyone!

Hey everyone,

To help fundraise for my mission to Tanzania I am going to be offering 1 on 1 coaching from me for a discounted price.

This will be for a limited time only - until September 5th (or sooner depending on when I reach my fundraising goal.)

First, I just want to mention that this is coaching, not therapy. I am not, nor do I claim to be, a professional therapist, counsellor, or psychiatrist. If you would like to see someone like that, PM me and I will refer you to someone else.

I do however have over eight years of coaching experience (this is what I did before Game Quitters) where I've worked with over 500 clients around the world on things like personal development, social skills, lifestyle design, confidence, self-esteem, travel, overcoming fears, mindset, leadership, business, emotional mastery, and so forth.

This is perfect for you if you're someone who is looking to dive deeper into where you are and where you want to go. I'm best at helping you find clarity in your vision and develop strategies and action steps to make it happen.

If you've ever wanted to receive private coaching from me, this is a great opportunity to take advantage of. All proceeds from this go to my mission in Tanzania, which includes building a clean water well and buying a new camera for Game Quitters.

Here's how it works:

  1. Click here to make a $50 (or more) donation to my Tanzania mission. If you'd like to make a donation via Paypal, click here.
  2. Email me ([email protected]) with your receipt.
  3. I will reply within 24 hours with access to my calendar to book your time. Each session will last between 30-60 minutes.
  4. Once your time is booked, I will send you an email asking for anything specific you would like to talk about. 
  5. If you're outside the U.S./Canada, on our scheduled time we will hop on Skype for the call. U.S./Canada will be over the phone, unless Skype is desired.

Again, this is only going to be offered until September 5th at the latest, or until I reach my fundraising goal. Looking forward to working with anyone who takes action on this offer. Thanks for all of your support!

Edited by Cam Adair

Got a few questions today I wanted to add here:

How many sessions can you book at this price?

Book as many as you would like. We will do one session/week to maximize your learning. For context, my normal coaching program is a three month program for $3,000. Yes, it's expensive. But to help fundraise for my Tanzania trip, I thought it would be fun to offer this $50 rate to make it more accessible to some in the community.  Take as much of an advantage of that as you'd like!

What is involved in each session?

Prior to each session we will discuss what the main goal is that you're looking for help on right now. Depending on the # of sessions you've purchased, we can focus on that in more detail. During the session we will focus on three main pillars:

1. Leadership: Who you need to become to accomplish the goal or vision you have. Your goals and vision have less to do with "tactics" and more to do with who you show up as every single day.

2. Mindset: This is your operating system. How you perceive the world is going to directly correlate to the actions you take and opportunities you seize. Your mindset will influence every decision you make and what you believe is possible. Aligning your mindset with your values and vision for the future is essential to achieve any goals you have.

3. Strategy: This is the practical side of exactly what you need to do, what action(s) you need to take to accomplish the goal and vision you've set. With each session we will develop a clear action plan to execute on.

And of course I'm happy to answer any questions that you may have at any time throughout each session and so forth. The more assertive you can be for your own learning the more value you will get out of the session. 

Excited about the possibility of working with anyone who takes me up on this offer to support the Tanzania mission!


Wish you luck! ;)

I'm not gonna support you financially, cause I don't see a point that only 60% of money goes for the well, and the rest 40% for your new camera and your trip to Tanzania. That's not selfless, no matter what justification it is.

Anyways, I'm still on GQ to support anyone with my time and advice. :)


I'm not gonna support you financially, cause I don't see a point that only 60% of money goes for the well, and the rest 40% for your new camera and your trip to Tanzania. That's not selfless, no matter what justification it is.

That's fine. The people who are going to support this mission are going to be those who want to support one, or a combination, of the following:

  1. A clean water well that will bring safe water to a village of 500 people for the next 20 years.
  2. Me personally as I embark on this trip to improve my leadership skills.
  3. Game Quitters to help us get a better camera for the YouTube channel so we can reach more people with higher quality videos.

If someone doesn't want to support me or support GQ, they are welcome to support the mission in the first $3K which goes directly to the well, as I stated clearly in the description.

I appreciate you for supporting GQ with time and advice, that's important, and I would also encourage anyone reading this to remember that it also takes money to support GQ, and most of the time, that comes from my own.


Nice initiative!

But what happen if you'll fund enough money to build a well, but not enough to go to Tanzania and buy new camera? Will the mission be accomplished?

Greetings, Mad Pharmacist

Hitchhiking to Africa.

Joking asides, I wondered this myself. Hopefully he can use the $3,000 for the EPIC foundation and make a new round of funding for the remaining $2,000.




Joking asides, I wondered this myself. Hopefully he can use the $3,000 for the EPIC foundation and make a new round of funding for the remaining $2,000.

The first $3K goes to EPIC foundation yep! But we will succeed. 


I'm not gonna support you financially, cause I don't see a point that only 60% of money goes for the well, and the rest 40% for your new camera and your trip to Tanzania. That's not selfless, no matter what justification it is.

I take the opposite view.  I think that clean, drinkable water is  something that should be available to everyone.  But there are already other charities that do this sort of work and I see it as somewhat disconnected to Gamequitters.

A new camera, on the other hand, is directly linked to the operation and effectiveness of Gamequitters.  Getting better video footage is going to help Cam's Youtube channel become more popular, which in turn will get more people watching.  For the amount of work Cam does on this forum, on Reddit, on the Discord chat, on Youtube, he deserves to be making much more money than he currently is.  Which is why, even though I don't support the well, I chose to donate $50.  (There's also the offer of the coaching session, I'm not totally altruistic)

As for the leadership side of things, this is a very clear case that you can't make everyone happy.  Regardless of what you do, there's always going to be people who disagree.  All you can do is make a decision on what you believe is the best way forward and go with it.


I'm not gonna support you financially, cause I don't see a point that only 60% of money goes for the well, and the rest 40% for your new camera and your trip to Tanzania. That's not selfless, no matter what justification it is.

I take the opposite view.  I think that clean, drinkable water is  something that should be available to everyone.  But there are already other charities that do this sort of work and I see it as somewhat disconnected to Gamequitters.

A new camera, on the other hand, is directly linked to the operation and effectiveness of Gamequitters.  Getting better video footage is going to help Cam's Youtube channel become more popular, which in turn will get more people watching.  For the amount of work Cam does on this forum, on Reddit, on the Discord chat, on Youtube, he deserves to be making much more money than he currently is.  Which is why, even though I don't support the well, I chose to donate $50.  (There's also the offer of the coaching session, I'm not totally altruistic)

As for the leadership side of things, this is a very clear case that you can't make everyone happy.  Regardless of what you do, there's always going to be people who disagree.  All you can do is make a decision on what you believe is the best way forward and go with it.

Ok back in action. Yes I agree that other charities are doing this sort of work and I never intended for GQ to start taking that on. It was more of a way that I'm supporting a friend (Alexi Panos)' charity. I do want to use GQ to make an impact beyond just the work we do, and have that be integrated into the business model, but I'm not sure exactly what that would be yet. I've had ideas of funding to help people in the community get counseling or something like that, but I'm not 100% on any of it yet.

I also wanted to use the opportunity to learn a bit more about fundraising and all of that, because in the future I definitely foresee us using crowdfunding to help take GQ to the next level - for an app, documentary and stuff like that. Better to make some of the mistakes I made with this campaign now, when nothing major is on the line, instead of next year when I'm trying to raise $50,000 for GQ or something like that. An example of such a mistake is going with GoFundMe which doesn't accept Paypal. The majority of the GQ community needs to use Paypal.

All in all, a great learning experience, as I knew it would be, and that will all help contribute to GQ being better moving forward, including because we now have a sweet new camera that will attract a lot more people to the channel. The production quality we had was good enough, but we had reached the peak of it imo.

Anyways, really grateful for all support, monetary or otherwise. This has taught me a lot and given me a ton of inspiration and ideas for how to improve GQ in the future. Looking forward to the coaching session (sent you an email.)

Posted (edited)

Better to make some of the mistakes I made with this campaign now, when nothing major is on the line, instead of next year when I'm trying to raise $50,000 for GQ or something like that.

This one can be useful for extending the community! :)

So, if you'll do next fundraise only for GQ, I'll support your action financially ;)

Edited by hycniejsy
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