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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened

Hi, I'm Tom


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Hi guys,

My name is Tom and I hail from the Netherlands.

I'm pleased to meet you all. Today for the first time I open up about my gaming habit, and to know that you are here, that we are in this together, makes it a bit easier.

I'm 33 years old and a PC gamer since my early childhood. I learned reading and writing on a Commodore something, maybe a PET, when I was three. After that I took to learning English and IT in order to really understand computers. I was growing up to be an astronaut, so that's what I needed to do!

Also I'm visually impaired, and the PC is both an invaluable accessibility tool and a marvelous entertainment platform since viewing distance is not an issue (I can smell the pixels). I also work in IT because I know and love computers. It's so easy to play a game when I need a break since the PC is a natural extension of my senses and always right there next to me.

Besides being an ex-gamer (oh yeah baby, I'm not messing around!) I'm also a husband and a father of two. We are all busy integrating in this new country, learning the language and trying to make friends. We feel a bit lonely, not having any support network despite being here for four years already, but all in all life is good and we are quite happy.

I'm dropping gaming because I don't want to make time for it anymore. It nibbles at my personal and professional life, and sometimes it even bites whole chunks off. Playing games while pretending to be busy with something important? Come on! This is not who I want to be.

So what did I do? I deleted all my games and accounts, of course (oh wait, the backups... done). I replaced Windows with Linux. I printed 90 checkboxes on an A4 titled "90 day no gaming challenge" which I pinned to my whiteboard.

How will I spend the time I used to dedicate to gaming and keeping up with the industry? Easy.

News and casts will be replaced with extra contact with distant friends and family. I will also make more of an effort to meet locals. The first step is done: I just wrote to the local TEDx asking how I can help. This will cover my need for connection.

For a quick break there's the Dutch book I'm reading, which wouldn't be much of a chore if I just kept at it. Also I'll double my efforts in learning Dutch songs. This will keep me mentally stimulated.

I will resume meditating (why did I even stop?) and keep lifting heavy to take care of stress.

How about my need for escapism? There's this thing I once mastered called oneironautics. It will take a while to get back to the level of lucidity I once had but it's definitely worth the effort. Which reminds me: let's put a cross on that first checkbox and go to bed!

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Hey Tom! Thanks for joining us here! I love the Netherlands and hope to visit again sometime soon again!

It sounds like you and Joe (wookieshark) have much in common, being a father.

I'd love to see a picture of your 90 day calendar. Think that would make a good inspiring post for people to see!

Let me know if you have any questions. We've got your back. Looking forward to reading more of your journey. :)

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Thank you for your welcome Cam! And do give me a shout when you pass through the Netherlands again.

Joe, I see you are very active on this forum. I'll snoop around your posts and get to know you a bit. Sure it will be nice to interact.

I'll follow Cam's suggestion and post a picture of my calendar in the Main Room. Maybe somebody will find it useful.

I have no questions right now but sure they will come later, and I won't hesitate to ask :)

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Welkom Tom!

Nice to see a fellow dutchman on the forums. The first step is always the hardest, it gets better from there. It seems to me you have prepared well for quitting games for good! I always find it interesting learning from other people on quitting games and their methods. I'm still struggling to find new hobbies, so I'm taking notes of meditation and lucid dreaming :)

Can't wait to hear from your progress!

- Thomas

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Thanks for taking the time to comment on my journal. I love seeing somebody else my age here! Like you, I've had great habits in my life that I loved and still ended up falling away from. It's frustrating! When you get a chance, read "The Power of Habit" by Chalie Duhigg.

?Thanks for the advice! The book is now on my Kindle, will read when done with the one I'm reading now.

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...Playing games while pretending to be busy with something important? Come on! This is not who I want to be. ...

?I use to do this too, way too much! Thanks for the welcome on my page.

As a former CS student I've always been in love with Linux, and often think about switching to it full time as well. How has that worked for you?

What language are you learning!? I'm learning Brazilian Portuguese! :D This isn't the first language I've tried to learn, if you aren't aware of http://www.memrise.com or https://www.duolingo.com/ I could recommend both of them, but I'm not sure if they have your target language!

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As a former CS student I've always been in love with Linux, and often think about switching to it full time as well. How has that worked for you?

As usual once the initial setup is done everything runs smooth. I took some time to set up my scanner and I'll get to fix Spotify's launcher eventually. All local programs I need are in place. I skipped proprietary graphics drivers for obvious reasons ;)

What language are you learning!? I'm learning Brazilian Portuguese! :D This isn't the first language I've tried to learn, if you aren't aware of http://www.memrise.com or https://www.duolingo.com/ I could recommend both of them, but I'm not sure if they have your target language!

?I'm learning Dutch. I checked out both sites a while ago and they didn't offer what I was looking for. Now they do. Thanks for bringing them up!

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