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Nate's Daily Journal

Nate B

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3/24/16 - Day Twelve. Today went well, I enjoyed my classes and spent the afternoon packing up for this weekend. After dinner, a buddy of mine from home and I took off. It's a decent drive between school and the road, and I just got home a little bit ago, so after some good conversations with my friend and my parents, I'm ready for bed.

As for my reading goal, I've set out some books that I wanted to read over Spring break, but didn't get to. Each day, I'll try to tackle one of them while also trying to remember to enjoy my time home, but not with video games. ;) 

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3/25/16 - Day Thirteen. Today was nice, with listening to some podcasts and cleaning up my room a bit, which included boxing up my Xbox 360. I still have to clean up my desktop, but I just might avoid it altogether until summer comes around. 

Honestly, it was tough seeing all of my gaming stuff and staying away from it, but I know it's for the best.

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3/26/16 - Day Fourteen. Two weeks! So far, the detox has gone well and I'm more confident for it, and while I do miss some stuff about gaming, I've been really enjoying some of my new habits and interests. I know I'm going to have to be careful during summer so that I can avoid boredom, but that's still over a month away, so I have plenty of time to prepare.

Thanks for all the support so far and for helping to motivate me!  

P.S. I used to listen to This American Life a lot, and so I've recently jumped back into that, and I used to listen to the Rooster Teeth podcast, but I think I'll stay away from that due to gaming content. I'm still shopping around for some new ones to listen to on Sticher, any personal recommendations?

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A few suggestions here.

Tim Ferriss is a good overall well-rounded podcast. Art of Charm is good for the social side. Sam Harris' Waking Up if you're more into politics/current events/philosophy. Hardcore History if you're interested in history. Smart Passive Income if you're into business/entrepreneurship.

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3/27/16 - Day Fifteen. Today went well, it was a good Easter Sunday with the family, and I'm about ready to jump into the final stretch of school. 

As for my goals, I've read one book this weekend, and plan on reading another tomorrow, and still need to work on my reading stuff. I have also been learning a lot of introductory stuff on piano, and so I might invest into a keyboard to have at home this summer, but I'll make a decision on that as I get closer. The last month or so seems like it's going to be pretty busy with final projects and the like, and so I'm not setting any goals that are too lofty between now and then, I just need to remember to stick to the stuff that I've started so far.

P.S. Thanks for the podcast recommendations, Cam! I'll check into those! 

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3/29/16 - Day Seventeen. Missed my first post yesterday, as I forgot to post anything after I got back in and settled at school, but yesterday was fairly uneventful anyway. Today went well, with a really productive day in terms of schoolwork, and looking more into how the summer and the next year of school after that is going to look.

As for my writing goal, I haven't been able to write as much as I would have like because my studies have taken up so much time, and so I'm going to postpone the writing stuff until I can re-evaluate it this summer. I should be starting my first day back into the workouts tomorrow, so I'm looking forward to that. 

Still staying strong with my commitment to stay away from games, so things have been going well on that front.

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3/30/16 - Day Eighteen. Today was a good day, with schoolwork being productive and scheduling some meetings for how my campus life is going to look next year.

I also missed my workout today because I wanted to get some late work done, and it was a tough decision, but I felt like the work was more pressing. I can hopefully still work out through April, but I do think that the four or five weeks left will be promising for still having time to get back into it for a little bit. 

P.S. Thanks Cam, it's nice to know you guys are supporting me through all of this. It's still tough to remember to not be too much of a perfectionist right off the bat, but I am enjoying the stuff I'm working towards, and that's what matters. :)

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KAIZEN > Perfectionism... that's what has worked well for me.

Kaizen = constant improvement

Take action, put things out there and improve quickly. Go check out the first YouTube video I put out, and then the second, and by number 9 or 10 they were much better, compared to now where they are even better than that. If I focused on "perfect" I would currently have 0 videos compared to the 60 I do have and almost 100,000 views. 

Kaizen baby. :D

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3/31/16 - Day Nineteen. Today went really well, with several good steps toward sorting out what next year is going to look like, and accepting a position this summer as a camp counselor! 

I also made up for my missed workout from yesterday by doing a session of rock climbing with some friends, and I realized just how much I need to jump back into working out, because man, it was rough. Fun, but rough.

Overall, a really great day and one of the first pretty nice days of Spring so far (wore shorts for the first time since winter!)

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3/31/16 - Day Nineteen. Today went really well, with several good steps toward sorting out what next year is going to look like, and accepting a position this summer as a camp counselor! 

I also made up for my missed workout from yesterday by doing a session of rock climbing with some friends, and I realized just how much I need to jump back into working out, because man, it was rough. Fun, but rough.

Overall, a really great day and one of the first pretty nice days of Spring so far (wore shorts for the first time since winter!)

You're going to have so much fun this summer!

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4/2/16 - Day Twenty-One. Today was alright, and yesterday was pretty good. Classes were normal yesterday, and last night involved a campus talent show, which was a lot of fun to go to, followed by a movie night with some friends, which is why I missed yesterday's post.

Things are looking pretty good for the last stretch of the semester, with about a month left for classes. Right now I'm working through a lot of possibilities for next year, so there are plenty of meetings and decisions to make in the next week or so.

So far I've been a little nostalgic for gaming, but overall I think it's better for me to really move on from them, just so that I don't get wrapped up in them again once my detox is over. I'm working through the idea of selling all of my systems this summer, but I'll talk more on that later.

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So far I've been a little nostalgic for gaming, but overall I think it's better for me to really move on from them, just so that I don't get wrapped up in them again once my detox is over. I'm working through the idea of selling all of my systems this summer, but I'll talk more on that later.

Nostalgia is a normal part of the process - happens with a breakup or anything significant in your life. I have a video on nostalgia here if I haven't linked it before (hard to keep track), but nostalgia will pass. It's a good moment to recognize that gaming did mean something to you, it was a good time and it's still time to move on. Eventually you'll be nostalgic about this new part of your life too - that's how it goes.

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4/3/16 - Day Twenty-Two. Today was tiring, but good. I was gone for most of the day on a trip, and then I had a good amount of work to get through tonight.

The rest of the week looks like it's going to be fairly busy with final projects and the like, so I'm going to have to stay pretty focused this week. 

P.S. Thanks for the vid Cam! It is good to acknowledge my history with gaming, even with moving on from it.

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4/4/16 - Day Twenty-Three. Today went well, with most of my focus going towards classes and classwork. I also did my scheduling for next semester, which looks like it should be busy, but I like most of the stuff I'll be taking. There is also the potential that I will be moving to a different dorm next year for a change of pace but that's still in the works.

Overall, it was kind of a long day, but it was good.

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4/5/16 - Day Twenty-Four. Today was fairly productive, with classes going well, my first 5x5 workout done, and the evening being spent on homework and the like.

As for the 5x5 workouts, I have finally settled into a good schedule, and now I just need to stick to it. It also means that I'm trying to clean up my diet a bit, which should be interesting. I enjoyed getting back into my old routine, and I have felt pretty good today because of it. I'm looking forward to my next workout!

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4/5/16 - Day Twenty-Four. Today was fairly productive, with classes going well, my first 5x5 workout done, and the evening being spent on homework and the like.

As for the 5x5 workouts, I have finally settled into a good schedule, and now I just need to stick to it. It also means that I'm trying to clean up my diet a bit, which should be interesting. I enjoyed getting back into my old routine, and I have felt pretty good today because of it. I'm looking forward to my next workout!

Nice! I worked out today and it felt great. One thing I try to do is bring my awareness after a workout to how good it feels to workout. That way next time I'm heading to the gym (or procrastinating on it) I remember how good it feels and that's what motivates me to go!

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4/8/16 - Day Twenty-Seven. Posting on here slipped my mind a bit the past few nights, but I'm still here! Today went alright, with classes going well, and more investigation into how things are looking for next semester. From the look of things, the core curriculum is being reworked a bit at our school, and so scheduling stuff is being worked through. 

Overall, the past few days have been a little difficult regarding gaming stuff. Last night, the guy next door was playing gta, and it was kinda tough to just watch for a bit and not jump in. Tonight, I almost pulled myself into watching some gaming stuff tonight when watching some movie reviews. It's been tough, but I do want to stay strong to my commitments.

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Hi nice to hear that you still going strong. I had the same problems a few weeks ago where I watched youtube and jsut switched to gaming videos with the rationalisation that i do it as willpower training. In the end i had hardcore cravings. Blocking youtube helped me to refokus on my goals. do you have some projects goals right now? what do you do if you want to relax(smth. offline?)

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4/11/16 - Day Thirty. One month through! This weekend went pretty well, with a bit of traveling going on. As for today, I was fairly productive with my schoolwork, and classes weren't too demanding. 

I've also spent more of today looking into fitness stuff, especially as it might look this summer, as having a camp job means working out should get interesting. I'm hoping to get more of that sorted as I get closer, but for now I'm mainly going to be focused on academics. There are only three formal weeks of classes and then finals week. It feels strange to be so close to the end of the semester, but I'm about ready to be done for a bit. 

P.S. Hey W.I.P.! As for goals, right now I'm really focused on improving my fitness and my diet, as well as doing some personal reading, which often falls behind due to required reading for classes. To relax, I've mainly been turning to books (the personal reading I just mentioned), podcasts, and some comedy stuff on youtube (I cleaned out my gaming subs when I started the detox). The latter two are usually reserved for night, when my campus cafe is closed, otherwise I'm typically there when I want to relax. 

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