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NEW VIDEO: Why You MUST Quit Gaming in 2025

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I started wondering, what does it really mean to quit games? What can you say that you have successfully quitted games? After you have not played for a year? or is there any particular moment when you can say: "Yes, I have quitted gaming"? How long does it take to do this? I guess you can say that you have quitted games when you no longer experience any cravings and do not miss gaming even one bit, to put it differently, when you no longer have to struggle with the desire to game, am I right?


I think it's the moment when you are so busy with other activities/hobbies you completely forget about gaming. Understanding how addictive games work also helps the fact to stay away from them. When someone has removed everything related from gaming, such as games, gaming events, gaming friends and replaced it for other things, then that person has succesfully quitted gaming. If he hasn't, then a relapse lies around the corner.


I think it's the moment when you are so busy with other activities/hobbies you completely forget about gaming. Understanding how addictive games work also helps the fact to stay away from them. When someone has removed everything related from gaming, such as games, gaming events, gaming friends and replaced it for other things, then that person has succesfully quitted gaming. If he hasn't, then a relapse lies around the corner.

Always enjoy your posts Thomas! Hope you're having a wonderful day. :)


For me it is all about getting a healty lifestyle and grow the f*uck up to be honest. I see no reason that I shouldn´t reproduce (getting a family and children), but gaming is not the most attractive lifestyle in womens eyes. Further more I see no more reason to be a slave under cooperate and financial firms, buying games like a slave, always with the "pressure" to have played the latest product, to be accepted by other "slaves" (gamers) to fill some kind of 2000-century f*ucked up role. Sick and tired of it all.




I can deifnetely relate to the answers above.

Everyone sees quitting games in a slightly different way. For me it's about getting the fullfillment I want from my life.Games only provided me with temporary pleasure and comfort.

It was an addiction because I was mostly dependant on them to have that "feel good sensation" or kill my stress.But in hindsight I realise that games  was  a waste of my limited time.Life is too short and you gotta live it your way, games are like taking a "break" from life in a sense, you are not really participating or letting life touch you.You dont go for what you want in life , or for your dreams.At least that's how the  gaming experience was for me...

At this point in my life, I'd much rather feel like shit for a day or two  cause of stress,failures in some areas and whatnot, cause I know it will pass and I will survive and positive emotions will follow the negative

Rather than go back to gaming or any kind of addiction and waste my precious time.Life is too short for that shit.

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