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    • Day 19 So far so good, no animation I can see but am really like Christian parody songs with lyrics since I can follow along with them. (I want to make parody songs in the future just not now because I theirs particular one I like to do).    The first I did is OT (occupational Therapy) then went to see my aunt in community home and my mom and me finished most of the puzzle and let her put in the last few pieces. So they have a completed puzzle.     Came home and made some red beans and rice which is really good and spicy as well as some yogurt.      Nothing much else happened, just watched YouTube videos so that about it.     Still reading the book of Proverbs as well my regular Bible plan.    Grateful: 1.God  2.Guardian Angels  3.Safety  4.Bible  5.Church  6.Family  7.Friends  8.Car  9.money  10.House 
    • Entry 26.7 ( Written on 27.7) Day 664: No Useless Videos Day 663: Sticking to Food schedule Day 265: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00) Day 20: Being in bed before 23:15 3 Things I did well no matter how small -7 hr deliveries as planned, even though it was extremely hard for me and still is since, every hour is roughly 25$, but I guess at this point preparing for the duathlon is more important to me + keeping my word to myself (Which I wrote I'll workout after the deliveries on the weekend. -A workout right after the 7 hrs of deliveries -Writing an email to the embassy to make sure they received m visa application even though I was scared they might "Deny" it because they already saw me at the embassy so often 😉 1 thing I could do better -I wanna write two days of deliveries together with working out ( Workout/ morning/ bike evening) and two days where I run in the morning and bike in the evening so that I may do 10 hrs of deliveries on the weekend) P.S. This means I'll probably have to sleep for an hour- hour and a half throughout the day in the morning since I'm gonna have 4 hour and 30 minutes of sleep for those 6 days in the night so 1.5 additional hours are a must.
    • Heute Mittag war ich ungeduldig und schlecht gelaunt. Ich fühle mich auch müde. Hoffentlich wird das besser. Ich versuche mehr zu schlafen. 
    • I'm using the template I used the last time. 1/7/24 - 26/7/24 "L" will stand for the (last) plan/notes for this term. "T" will stand for done this term. I added "Future goals/direction" to better reflect on the things I am trying to do and to add specificity. I will copy it and stick it somewhere where I can see it to remind myself whenever I feel aimless. I will also use different colors: blue for newly added goals/habits, green for completed/successful, orange for ongoing/some progress and red for ones I haven't worked on in that period.   Books/Reading articles/Learning: L: Had a few tasks from the CELTA pre-course assignment. I also went to the speakers' club. T: Really he whole month of CELTA. It was intensive. I hope to apply at least a part of it into my lessons. Possible direction/goals: (Borrow) and read one book until the next monthly report.   Family: L: I'm not going to repeat the text I wrote a week or so ago. I'll just say that my girlfriend rightfully called my family out at my promotion ceremony on Friday. They were too proud for their merits to their contribution towards my studies. I almost cried at the point when she mentioned it. I could count how many times I have cried in the last five years on one hand. I suceeded not because, but despite my teenage years and adolescence. I'm sad I'll likely never have close familial relationships, but it is what it is. I'm not angry, just jaded. T: I had a call with my family a few times and some messages, but I didn't see them during my time on the CELTA. NOT: I don't want to get alienated from my family. Possible direction/goals: Work on getting the new kitchen for my grandma. Continue work on maintaining the relationships with my family.   Business/English: L: My priority for the next few weeks is to prepare for the CELTA course that starts in July. I want to work on the questionnaire part 3 in May/June as well. I might want to create some list of milestones I've already achieved, in the type of "past projects" below to have a better overview over the work I've done over the years, but I'll leave that for the next report. I did the questionnaire part 3. I expect to have next to no lessons in July and probably a few less than usual in August. I'll probably cancel the rest of the agency courses from September, but I'll see in August. T: I am 99% safe to say that I am a CELTA qualified tutor at this point. I had just a few lessons this month, so I won't edit the numbers below.   - 15 (20) hours last week in June: Category A 68% (75); B 5% (4); C 0% (0); D 17% (13); E 10% (8). Brackets are % values from previous month/week. - I've done a bit of an analysis of my courses and categorized them based on what they provide me. I earmarked five types of courses: a) my own - well paid + generally more motivated students (as they pay the courses themselves) + more challenging b) premium - language school courses paid at a premium compared to my standard LS courses for various reasons (roughly matching the a) group) c) flexible - courses from LS that don't have a fixed schedule, meaning it's on me if I make time for them or not (though I mostly do, as can they plug the gaps or can start my day) d) challenging/fun/prospective - standard LS courses with an added quality e) neither - standard LS courses without any added quality - NOT: I don't want to have a job that I don't enjoy. I don't want to have a job that is not well paid. Possible direction/goals: With my job position and student demand secure, I'm more able and willing to reschedule or even cancel classes in case I want to do something, mainly in the evening and for holidays. I enjoy having this option thoroughly. Keep classes at a stable 20-25 hours a week. Keep asking for reviews or recommendations from students. Look into strategies to become truly self-employed by skipping the agencies in between. - check university offers after CELTA Create a learning plan for myself. - going to CELTA Go through "lecturer academy" materials. Networking and business events. Past projects: Questionnaire - June 2023 Fixed logos on my website for better visuals. Updated the pricing section of my website. Variable/tiered pricing (do in July/August). Got minor pay raises from language schools. - summer 2023 Did evaluations/testing of my students, if required. Attended one networking event and one marketing seminar. Introduced "phone call" classes. Update website/business profiles with "phone calls". Lecturer academy. - fall 2023 Sample business contract on my website. - update the web with new ideas before July Google sheets system for students. - update it Questionnaire part 2 - January 2024 Canceled agency courses - March Taxes - April/May 60/55 minutes online transition - April/May Questionnaire part 3 - June CELTA - July   Exercise/Movement: L: Cycled, hiked, ran and went to a workout playground the last few weeks. T: None of that this month. I went for a few walks, but no heavier exercise. I might want to set up a GP's periodical examination soon though. NOT: I don't want to become fat. Possible direction/goals: I enjoy the fact I do not have to be "actively" dealing with this area of my life, as it's technically a part of my job. I just have to be on lookout if that was to change. Keep in shape.   Blogging: L:  I actually got a spur of inspiration and wrote an article in two days. Wow 😄  I had an idea for an article and I wanted to write it, but then I did something more urgent and I haven't had the time since. Oh well. T: - Possible direction/goals: Find a suitable UI/web template. Set up emailing for subs. Post two articles a month. Polish links in articles. Interlink new articles with old ones. Finish articles in concepts.   ---   What to do if I am bored? Replacement activities for 1 hour: reading books, cleaning, washing the dishes, reading newsletters Replacement activities for 2 hours: going for a walk, work on my business, blogging   ---   Additional thoughts/activities: I wasn't very successful in managing my porn use this month. The environment was just too exhausting for me to manage it better. I'm now more open to working abroad now after taking the CELTA. I also met many new and interesting people and managed to meet a few older friends.   My priorities for the next six weeks: Prepare for the CELTA English teaching course that starts in six weeks. - done I want to work on the questionnaire part 3 in May/June as well. - done Reconstruct my grandma's kitchen. - working, on hiatus while I am gone   My hobbies are: personal finance, graphs/projections/statistics, gunnery, GIS/statistics, reading/videos about (modern) history, English, working on my business, blogging/writing, geography. This month, I did these cool activities: doing/finishing CELTA, meeting with friends from another city.   ---     Goals/resolutions/aspirations for 2024: Main must-have plans for 2024: Prepare for (Feb-June) and successfully make (July-August) the CELTA certificate course. Finish the university in January. In case something goes horribly wrong, then in May. I've got this. Move in with my girlfriend in April. Set up the new kitchen for my grandma. Optional nice-to-have plans for 2024: Re-start my financial blog in February. Learn how to type with all ten fingers on the keyboard. Habits: Stop watching porn (again). Start getting up when my alarm rings = Put my alarm across the room. Establish flossing at least once a week. Exercise regularly. Continue: planning, walking/exercising, writing/journaling, reading, working on good life/work balance. It's a short list, but if I manage all of it, I will be happy.
    • 2024-07-06 Tag 3 Bisher bin ich standhaft. Ich finde mich jedoch immer wieder spontan auf Youtube wieder und mache die Seite dann direkt wieder zu. Bei Porn ist das nicht ganz so schlimme habe auch seit dem nur einmal masturbiert (ohne visuelle Reize). Positiv war das ich mehr Interesse an Coursera Kursen habe (gehe grade durch einen ChatGPT Prompting Kurs durch) und das mein Gefühl auf Arbeit besser ist. Ich bin td. Hinterher. Auch da ich gestern einfach mal 2h mittags geschlafen habe da ich meinen Wecker am Fitbit nicht gehört habe. Ich schlafe wohl etwas zu wenig und mein Körper holt sich das wieder. Super produktiv bin ich jedoch immer noch nicht. Trotzdem denke ich, dass ich mit etwas Fokus meine Projekte vor meinem Urlaub in 2 Wochen abschließen kann und dann werde ich den Break nutzen, um mich ganz auf meine Familienverantwortung zu konzentrieren. Auch meine Frau merkt das ich mich um mehr kümmere. Trotz all dieser positiven Entwicklungen fühle ich mich gestresster und bin mir all der Dinge, die ich nicht tue obwohl ich sie mir vorgenommen habe, mehr bewusst. Es ist ein Kampf. Aber ich vermute das ist einfach die Änderung die Anstrengend ist. Also Fazit: Positive ABlenkungen anstatt Zeitverschwendung. Nicht effektiv bisher und mies gelaunt. Immerhin mehr impact sichtbar.
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