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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Everything posted by Terra

  1. i tried this before. After 1 year and a half of not playing I was feeling and doing great! so i decided to try some games because i belived i have the will to stop when necessary.. Did it went this way!? Ofc. Not!! everyday stayed longer and longer and without knowing it I became addicted, again! I always said to myself: if others can play and have a normal life, why can't I do the same? And here i fooled myself. The answer is: not all people are created equall: some are more sensible than others, sensible people will always tend to get addicted in places such as gaming. If you are sensible don't play games, not even a bit, not even watching streams! Replace the games with something else, like sport for your body, books for your mind and traveling for your spirit.
  2. Sculpure aint easy! Its very nice!
  3. Hello, I will upload here some of my old works, and hopefully NEW ONES!
  4. School is a place where you can find hobbies, hobbies such as biology, geology, music, religion, plastic arts, computer science and so on! You don't need to like everything that a school has to offer, just the disciplines you resonate with. Than devote your time to read and practice in those areas. School depends. Depends on the mentality of the teachers and how they evaluate students, depends on the educational program, depends on time and space. " I have never let my schooling interfere with my education " - Mark Twain
  5. First sketch. Husky pup in 2B pencil
  6. I think games use our touch sense also: mouse and keyboard, touchscreens and so on. We feel the keys and depending on the game, each key triggers an emotion. So games take 3 of our 5 senses: sight, hearing and touch. This might be the reason we feel gaming pleasurable and real ( for the moment ). I think the perfect game will be the one that uses all 5 human senses, so that the soul gets trapped completly in that game and loses touch with reality. As for my first day i did all i can do: i cleaned my room and some of the house ( was a mess! ) and i tried to stay outside ( avoiding people; i have depression after intense gaming ) to breath fresh air and oxygenate my skin. Im also considering doing some " home " sports in the nearby future. I want to mention that i felt the need to reinstall some games, but i remembered of this community and this helped me stop. You know, i think intensive gaming gets to depression and can also trigger some other bad habbits like drinking, smoking and pornography. ( Sadly they work hand in hand, like coffee and cigars.. )
  7. I find myself in this, in all that forum member @friendlytoad wrote.
  8. Can i still join? Im a graphic designer and i also like to draw in pen The games made me forget the fact that i know how to draw..
  9. First of all, I want to thank you for visiting this page Like everyone here, I will keep track and highlight my honest progress every 3 days or so. Day 1 - i have depression and i feel tired - i uninstalled all of the games after deleting the content from inside ( saves and progress ) - registered a forum account here; searched for places where people gather and talk about game quitting - saved few chillout radio stations to play in the background This is all for day 1 I quited games before but.. like a wheel, a vicious cycle I started again and again. Hope that this time i will end this bad habbit for good; my age and my pride can't accept this no longer! I'm conscious that i played games to avoid reality, a temporar shelter. The human being has 5 senses, most of the games use 2: seeing and hearing. If we get addicted easily means that the individual is sensible in those areas. I will try to replace games with MUSIC ( for the hearing ) and ACTIVITY ( for the seeing ). Music changes me, another world. I like trance, ambient, chillout, 80, 90 and classical. I will update this log.
  10. Hello, Everyday, night and day, same hours, same minutes. Before going to sleep saying " This is it! ", but as soon as morning comes i lose the will and come back to this destructive cycle. Played alot of games, various genres, online multiplayer only; from dota ( classic ), starcraft 1, wow, world of tanks, hearthstone, call of duty, age of empires, android games, and the list sadly goes on. I want to quit and i belive this place can help. We as human beings are in in need of affection, communication and love. I will try to stick to this forum, so that my mind will stop wanderring. Thank you
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