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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened

Reno F

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Everything posted by Reno F

  1. You have a very neat journal, and I like how you set your goals with afirmations. I also agree with Cam. If I'm to say anything, emotions makes us feel alive. Feel them to their fullest, but don't let them have control over you.
  2. I told my friends I quit gaming once, but now I just tell I'm too busy with other things that I don't have any spare time to game. And I make sure this is a true statement all the time. I mean, where will I find time to build my business, exercise, read books, play the guitar, socialize, etc., if I'm gaming?
  3. Have you thought about becoming an illustrator? You can work as freelancer on the internet! By the way, this name, Vainglory, it is trying to tell something to your uncouncious mind. Like, literally, vain glory.
  4. Thanks for the answer, JSmith! I started free writing today morning, it took me 30 minutes to write about 520 words longhand, and I wrote it almost non-stop. The speed is actually good, I could see the benefits of having the things written slower, but then there are the advantages that you mentioned already. I think I might move to digital after one week or two. Speaking of goals, did you know Karate will be an olympic sport in 4 years? PS: Sick pictures!
  5. Hi JSmith! Can I ask you a question? I was reading about the morning pages, or the 750 words exercise you do every morning. Have you ever done it longhand? I want to add this to my mornings, but I wonder if writing long hand makes that much of difference. I'm trying it tomorrow, anyway!
  6. I liked it. I'm re evaluate my answers on the quiz to find out what I'm missing Hey, I have a couch here if you feel like surfing. Also, this offer is extended to every member of this community! Day 54 Nothing really special today. Just kept up with my dailies. Oh yea, and I broke a guitar string yesterday. Too much bending practice. Gotta do some maintenance on the strings everytime I'm done playing. Tomorrow is jogging day. Still gotta plan on how to find new students and sell my classes. Damn, I'm slacking.
  7. I won't dare to give you advice on that, but my experience says two things: 1 - Timelines put the right pressure on you so you can deliver results. 2 - I haven't seen a project start right and stay unchanged until its end. If anything, you could be the new Jules Verne of space fiction.
  8. Day 53, I think I just did a career quiz and I was VERY disappointed with the results. It told me that I'd be a good engineer or some other technical profession. God damn it, just the career I'm giving up. That's not what you want to listen when you are quitting something. If I were to choose, I'd choose to be a PI. Today, I tried to start a conversation with the cashier of a convenience store, on my plan to start a conversation with a stranger everytime I got out. Just the basic stuff "How are you doing?", etc. I usually did that back in Brazil and Australia, where I lived for 7 months, but in Japan I got used to saying nothing, because everyone else says nothing (I know, it is kind of depressing, but that's how things are in JPN). So when I called the cashier by her name her look was a mix of surprise and joy. We didn't have a proper conversation, but its ok. I'm starting small. I'll finish this entry now, as I wrote a longer one in Portuguese. That's Kyoto for you.
  9. I have the same problem, one way I have to go around this is to take a break at every 30 mins on whatever I'm doing. But still, sometimes it ends up eating about 2 hours of my day.
  10. I don't see a problem with TV or Netflix, as long as you know why you are doing these things. Reading is my activity to relax, but sometimes I meditate for about 10 minutes or listen to podcasts/music. You gotta try things out and see what works for you at the moment. As a side note, I have studied English, French and now I'm studying Japanese and studying languages is demanding enough for me to consider it to be relaxing.
  11. I read somewhere that you only fail when you give up. Keep on trying and looking for what works and you will succeed eventually. If you need help on overcoming fears, Feel the fear and do it anyway by Susan Jeffers helped me immensely.
  12. It seems we log on at the same time. Beautiful Mind - awesome movie! Russel Crowe at his best!
  13. Omg, the pic is giant on my laptop screen! I posted it from my mobile, I kind of feel embarassed by it... Anyway, I did it! I went to bed at 1am, woke up at 6:30am left home at 7, ran for about 30 minutes (actually I walked most of the way, because I can't run more than 200 meters without an 10 minute pause. yet). Now that I have honored my word, I set a target to do it 3 times a week. Today was the first. After lunch I went on rather long bicycle ride near the mountains. It was a great exercise and I had a good time exploring a part of the city that I had never been to. But I was exhausted after it, so I took an 1-hour nap that lasted 2, and I don't feel bad about it. I think I'll skip my workout tonight. Had enough exercise today. After reading my entry of yesterday, it came to my mind that I could find more students to increase my income by doing something I enjoy, which is teaching. I work for a school now, and they find me students, now if I could find students on my own... something to work on from tomorrow.
  14. No, I don't mind at all. The simple answer for that question is because I feel I've had enough of it. There also the fact that I'm outdated that helped me step away. You know technology, if you blink, you might miss something. The long answer, I have to tell you why I choose engineering first. In Brazil, you couldn't live a comfortable life unless you had either university degree on something the market wanted or you were a civil servant. At least that what I was taught by my parents, both civil servants. Back in the 90's, there were only three profitable professions: Doctors, Lawyers and Engineers/Architects. Anything other than that meant financial struggle. On my second year of highschool, I thought about becoming a psychologist, perhaps because I had many people coming to me and asking for advice. But then I was convinced by my aunt that I should pick one of those 3 afore mentioned. I always had top grades in mathematics, and I liked computers so I choose engineering. Engineering was super cool, but I never had true passion for it. I once thought about changing my major to physics, because that's what I loved, but then again, I was afraid of ending up not making enough money to raise a family. So I kept on, graduated eventually and started working as a product engineer in the electricity metering business. My work was somewhat challenging, not in terms of engineering, because after my graduation, everything seemed to be easy. The challenge was to work in an organization environment and to cope with not so good rules. Yet I was kind of successful on what I did, but I got a bit tired of working with computers and machines. Then I decided to live with near my girlfriend here in Japan and now we are married and I'm her dependant. Oh, it hurts saying that (the dependant part). Anyway, the pinnacle of an engineering career for me would be me having a say in the AI industry and contribute to its development. And when I picture myself in that position, I don't see me happy. Successful, yes, but not happy. So, I don't see a point in continuing on this path, and I'm sick of working for money. I don't regret anything, well, maybe some things, and I thought it was time to close this chapter and start another one. Anyway, sorry for cluttering your beautifully written journal. I hope I could answer your question. I see you are very passionate about space engineering, I hope I didn't make you have second thoughts!
  15. Hey Ashley, I have been playing guitar since I was fourteen but I have never been able to put out a solo. I stopped playing at 24. Now here I am, 34, looking at my new guitar, trying to take the rust out of my fingers. Your mother is a wise woman.
  16. Congratulations on your first week! I like how you are self aware and how you take responsibility from what happens in your life.
  17. 51 days I'm writing a bit earlier today because I need a rest after Japanese studies and guitar practice. I spent the day outside, with a class in the morning (I don't know if I mentioned it before, but I teach conversational English to Japanese) and a Toastmasters meeting in the afternoon. As I was cycling back home, there was this desire to turn on the computer and play some games while my wife was out. It is funny how the mind works. This is what I used to do before the detox - throw my "free time" away gaming. I wanted to come here and write how I was able to get up at 6:30 in the morning and went jogging for 30 minutes. But no, I didn't. I had one terrible night that I couldn't sleep well at all and on the next day I went to bed at around 1am, finishing my workout because I had spent too long on youtube in the afternoon. Some of you might be okay with 5 to 6 hours sleep, but I'm really used to having at least 8 hours of sleep. At the same time, I've had nights that I had slept only 3 or 4 hours. What I mean is that I believe the time issue was just an excuse that I made up for myself to stay some extra hours in bed. So tonight, I'm going to bed at midnight and wake up before 7 next morning and do the freaking run. wth, I've seen people waking up at 4 to do their stuff, it is a matter of honor. To get out of my comfort zone I decided to start a conversation with a stranger whenever I go out. This is gonna be challenging, because 1 - I'm not really outgoing; 2 - Japanese are generally reserved people; 3 - I'm not fluent in Japanese. But the goal is to test my boundaries and expand my comfort zone an nothing better for that than a good fair challenge, right? I'll leave here as I still have to exercise, read, write and work on a project. I'll make sure that I'll have a good follow up from what I wrote today.
  18. Glad you took the action. Welcome to the forum.
  19. Welcome, Zack! Like they say, it doesn't matter how long you've been walking in the wrong road, you've got to turn back. We do this together, mate.
  20. Oh, this brings me back so many memories!
  21. I know the feeling. By deleting your stuff, you make sure that you have no other option but succeed. I have uninstalled everything, but I still have my accounts, with everything I purchased. The thing is that I came to a point were I don't want to go back. Favorite book: The Picture of Dorian Gray / Fight Club. Favorite Movie: American Beauty / Fight Club. Favorite Color: B&W. Welcome, mate! gl,hf
  22. Hi Eugene, when I was your age I couldn't even wash the dishes properly because I always had someone to do it for me. After you get one or two dishes cooked right, you will start enjoying cooking more! Regarding your question, I think Cam calls it escapism, you can check his Youtube channel, there is a video talking about it.
  23. I only noticed now that I haven't checked to subscribe for the newsletter. Anyway, Cam is the man! Let's spread the word!
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