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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. Agree with Cam's suggestion, introduce working out and improve your diet. A 16-hour fast is an excelent way to clear your mind fog, but do some research about it first.
  2. Day #4 Usually at this time I would be gaming. Earlier today I also remembered some other game I used to play a lot but can't recall which one. Remembered a post someone did about being addicted to several videogames. I was doing a small job in the morning. Went out of the house to give my g/f her dental retainer. When I came back I felt shift on my energy and focus. The little job was over and started to crave videogames and streams. The craving is persisting during idle time or free time. Thumbs up to Stafocusd for not allowing me to visit the videogame I used to play! I tried to visit the website. Before I started my detox I spent my time gaming and drinking beer. Some porn in between.
  3. Day #3 All good so far. Watched some videogames on youtube so I´m gonna have to find a way to filter videogame streaming.
  4. Refugiarnos en los videojuegos es una ilusión, una manera de evitar enfrentarnos a nuestros problemas directamente. Espero que vuelvas, aquí encontraras un grupo de personas que te puede apoyar en la misma lucha.
  5. Day #2 Here we go! I will update this post at the evening, hopefully with positive results. All good except for the porn. Gonna start a NoFap challenge journal on another forum. Today I went to play some chess over the board. It was ok. Had a beer and a smoke, might go for another.
  6. @Vlad I need to lose some weight, about 5kg, and I need to get my journals in order so I can write a book.I also have some web domains on hold. @Mettermrck Yep, there are about 4 public libraries in my town, the best one is usually empty. I actually want to create a public speaking group there and they seemed interested.
  7. Day #1 Setting up the web filters. I feel like my mind is desperately craving for hyper stimulating activities. My plan is to keep my eating habits steady, get a workout and get out of the house, probably the public library. The diet was decent, skipped the workout an failed to go to the library, however I went to a bar to finish reading a book. Still free of gaming so it was a good day. Ok! It´s finally time to sleep! The nuclear option came handy. How about a nuclear option for 2160 hours?
  8. Things are still bad, but I have hope after a good night sleep.
  9. Day #0 Total disaster, felt anxious all day. I binged on a half season of a show and gamed about 1 hour. Woke up later than usual, breakfast was terrible, skipped workout and during the evening I had a beer and a smoke. I remember Something similar happened during my first detox, as in failing to start the first days. I feel a bit afraid and anxious.
  10. Thanks everyone for the warm welcome. K-9 is a free internet filter and parental control software. It has several options lacking on Stayfocusd. When I stop gaming I procastinate a lot on my laptop. That´s why I need the internet filters. Once I set them both, they are very effective tools.
  11. Avoid them. They may seem easier to control due to the smaller stimulus but they can lead to a relapse. If you are fan of boardgames I recommend you play them "OTB", over the board, in person and face to face.
  12. Day #0 My name is Daniel and I have a problem. Tomorrow morning I will start my first day of detox. I have tried the Detox before, only lasted about 60 days. Things to do: Get rid of gaming accounts Set up K-9 and StayFocusd Get a workout routine Get a morning routine, for waking up.and and night routine for sleeping Consider the option of taking meds
  13. Day 66 At last I started going back to the gym. Little by little.
  14. Day 65 Skipped my journal entry from yesterday. Today I spent some time looking to buy a new phone and a gaming account. However at the end I dismissed the idea. As I mentioned earlier the fact that deleted my own gaming accounts and that I'm looking to buy new ones makes it seem dumb. My heart hasn't been on the forum these past 4 days. Perhaps it's shame or guilt. Or just that feeling down phase after relapsing. But I'm feeling a bit more positive. "Doing things" seems to be the antidote for feeling depressed. When you are feeling down just aim to accomplish one task or chore that needs to get done. Keep adding tasks until you get out of the hole.
  15. Day 64 Thanks everyone who commented during my relapse. I feel like I'm back at day 1. After relapsing I find my gaming problem even more scarier.
  16. Day 63 As I said in my last post I relapsed. Now it's time to get back on track, now I'm just wondering if I should go for 90 days or 150 instead. All I can say is that there were danger signs and I decided to ignore them. While I didn't played Vainglory per se I did bing on streams and played online chess. My diet went to hell and stopped hitting the gym. It's time to start again.
  17. Day 63 Relapsed. More information tomorrow.
  18. Day 62 A member sent me an emotive message with an awesome video, thanks. I need to put my web filters back on. Besides watching the streams I played online chess. There's this weird compulsive feeling about just gaming, eating crap and sleeping.
  19. Day 61 Today I spent some more time looking for a new device for gaming. Then it hit me. I sold my accounts! And while I could simply buy a new account the fact that I deleted my old accounts discouraged me from getting another device. Urgh. Feeling horrible.
  20. Welcome, apply the tools and get ready for this journey. Stay strong!
  21. Day 61 That was rough. I'm feeling better and will do my best to get back on track. To stop daydreaming about video games heroes and become my own personal hero. I think I felt stressed. Probably just need a better outlet for it. In a way I seem to enjoy analyzing other people playing. It took me over one year to get over a 3-month relationship once. Hope you're doing better! And it's been 60 days! You did it for 60 days! You can do 61! This is what keeps me going the amount of time invested. It seems like I had been losing sight of the real goal.
  22. Day 60 Has been bad weekend. I even missed to post my daily journal entry of the saturday. Today I binged on streams. Started with those prank videos and chess videos. Then thought well perhaps some videogames streams wont hurt. Finally I was about play videogames online. Two reasons stopped me. One was that I didn't want to relapse and break my badge system. Second I thought I'd be rusty so why bother. This is odd. Another way I manifest my addiction (when the cravings are strong) is with poor eating habits.
  23. Day 59 I ordered some replacement parts for my fathers laptop and I ended up searching for a newer iphone where I could play videogames. I only bought the laptop parts but it amazes me how I still think about the game. It's like I had been on and off the pink cloud. I noticed a relation with the craving. The more the cravings I have, the less motivated and focused I feel. The less cravings, the more motivated and focused.
  24. That's a great approach @Fagus and @Reno! Will be applying it.
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