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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. @Hitaru Thank you! “My centre is giving way, my right is in retreat, situation excellent. I attack.”― Ferdinand Foch
  2. Day #21 Today in the morning I accessed the game accounts for the last time in order to setup any possible sale. The craving was there just like yesterday but it was easily controlled. I felt like an outsider. For a moment I thought about spreading the gamequitters message at the gaming plataforms but I thought to myself the following quote: "you can only help those who are willing to help themselves" so if anyone is looking for help and are ready to receive it, they will find their way here. Next month I am starting a public speaking workshop, I feel really great about it. I was 20 when I saw an actually great public speaker. At 22 I read a bit about Dale Carnegie's work and just now, 7 years later I will be fully immersed in this discipline. Thanks to the power of gamequitters. *Edit: I am also finally getting my diet in order. Apparently I was underrating way too much, (I felt hungry all the time and was having headaches. I am now trying to feed about 1800kcal for fatloss.
  3. I will just sell them for cheap, if it takes too long I will just delete them. In my past detox I simply deleted them at Day #1 which felt a lot more easy due to that initial strength in the detox. Adapted from another forum: Just remember that every time you relapse, it's a choice. No matter how much control you think the addiction has over you, it still comes down to a choice. You literally don't have to play videogames ever again. If that's what you truly want, then you have the ability inside you to change your life. Just be aware though, the reasons you haven't quit yet DO exist. Maybe you use videogames because you're lonely, anxious, stressed... Hell, maybe it just feels good to you! Just remember that you are using videogames as an escape from reality. So as long as you're living in a reality that you want to escape from, you'll always just come back to videogames.Quitting is 100% possible. You know this. Perhaps you feel like a piece of shit right now. Perhaps you've failed so many times you think that quitting is impossible. It's not. People quit for good all the time. You can be next. Find your inspiration, get educated, take massive action. Go and change your life. You have the power.
  4. Day #20 Today I logged on my gaming accounts to take pictures and change passwords. I felt some kind of rush by just doing this. Later in the afternoon when I was tired, there was this voice "just a quick one, for the old times" "let see what have they updated/changed". The voice didn't last long. Watching the pictures of the game made me have mixed feelings. This serves as a warning and advice. It's better to get rid of gaming accounts before the detox than during the detox. There was this weird feeling while writing my accounts info. Emotionally I felt I accomplished things "look at those characters and skins I unlocked in the past, oh my favorite is there, he/she was a loyal companion". But logically I thought to myself what a waste of time, and the saddest thing is that a lot of people is still wasting time in these apps/games. If you can play videogames in moderation and live a balanced life that's great. But some people like me can't do that. That's why I am here. That's why I will continue this Detox.
  5. Indeed, you should probably try strategy board games. Sometimes it´s hard to find people to play with so as a loner option try Hanoi Tower or wooden/metal puzzles. Also no need to limit yourself to consume boardgames, follow Cam´s advice on creating content.
  6. Can you tell us more about the shared home? Do you like it? what are the pros and con? how big is the place? I´m really curious!
  7. Day #19 Today has been okay. I reviewed the photo album of my old gaming phone. A lof of gaming pics, I may just delete the accounts instead. I feel more focused, but there's still a long list of things I need to do/change.
  8. Day #18 Added facebook to Stafocusd filter. Woot, woot. I'm thinking to get access to my videogames accounts and try to sell them, I could get about 5 or 10 bucks for them. That or deleting them.
  9. Adapted from another forum:It is that simple. Stop gaming, transmute the energy to something else to change your life. Your current life sucks. That is what takes time for people to understand. You don't like your life that is why you escape. So use the Gamequitters energy to change what you don't like.
  10. Day #17 This is something I want to get rid of. The fear of trying something new or risky. Life is too short to not do what we really want, or the best we can be, or worst to live looking back in regret. I really need to sleep so I will keep this short. The more I stay away from videogames the more I want to improve my life. I feel like a fog of my mind is vanishing.
  11. Day #16 I feel I procrastinate but I am slowly improving it. I am now keeping my laptop in my case when I am not using it, so now is now always on the desk ready for mindless browsing. I feel youtube is the new TV as in the new stupid box. I understand there's a lot to be gain from youtube (like TED talks) but for now, for me is more dangerous than beneficial. I thought a bit of videogames when I was sitting at the garden furniture. In that place I used to binge playing until 2 am everytime I could. I thnk to myself what a waste. While many people sleep at 2am chasing their dreams or building something amazing, here I was pretending to be a character of a videogame in a MOBA. I am not any different from an alcoholic or hard-drug addict. Pictures of my old journal with brand new pages. It's like it's asking me to write something magical on it. A life worth living.
  12. Not smaller, but better. You're doing good, bro. It's probably your deep worries about the divorce that keep you up. We're with you, man. Hang in there. Yes, it's normal to feel a bit down about it. If you need to talk about it we got your back. Talking the feelings away is usually helpful, or you can journal about it privately.
  13. The article is about news but the concepts of addiction seem very interesting. Will read the whole thing later on.
  14. I had similar feelings relating to Chess. Almost always I end up thinking that I am wasting my time and I should only pick up this hobby when I am a lot older.
  15. I would you say you need to pick up a hobby, where improvement is able to be measured easily. With sports you can kill two birds with one stone. Try weightlifting with a partner. The idea of having a partner is to encourage each other but on a subconscious level you are competing on strength. If you don't have a gym buddy then you compete with yourself, try to break your weightlifting records. Try jogging. Same thing with weightlifting, you can go with a partner or by yourself. Martial art class, MMA, muay thai, kickboxing, etc. Chess. (You can compete in tournaments) Finally I would recommend compete with yourself by improving your life. Ask yourself, am I really done with all my chores? Is there anything I should have done but I have pushed back by being lazy? what area of my life I am not happy with? health? love? work? education? Compete with yourself dominating your mind, doing things and accomplishing your vision. Think about the shortness of life. Must people in the world never achieve their dream and goals. Compete with that, compete with the world!
  16. Reading a physical book in bed is great way to fall asleep. Do you have night ritual or night routine before going to bed? Truly recommend it.
  17. Good job! What's with apple vinegar btw? Where I live the weather is hot and humid, so my personal preference for shoes are sandals. If I am careless with my feet, after a few weeks some of my toenails get mold. So far the best method for cleaning my feet is with apple vinegar, I truly recommend it, don't dilute it and soak your feet for 30 min.
  18. Day #15 I have been spending a ridiculous ammount of time on Spotify curating my playlists and listening to more songs to get on my playlists. This will be dealt with. This could be a hobby as playlist curator or even as a DJ. However as any healthy hobby a limited ammount of time must be imposed. In the morning after my workout while walking back home I was trying to remember some game I used to play when I was a kid. I couldn't remember. In the evening I remembered one of my favorite players of the MOBA I used to play. I was thinking how much I enjoy spotify and that I should change my username to "iLoveSpotify" (similar to that player name). And remembered a few mins, the time I used to play, while it seemed like I had a lot of fun at the time I must remember all the wasted time I allowed the game to take over. Also remembered that I used to want to write a guide after "quitting" as a way to say good bye. I never did. The sites are blocked So I won't write anything. Do I feel fine? Yes indeed, I have no need for videogames, but I still remember them. I am really loving my night ritual. I soak my feet in apple vinegar, put some of my favorite music on spotify and start journaling away. After about 30 min. and/or after I am done journaling, I brush my teeth and get to bed. I write whatever pending needs to get done tomorrow. If I am still not too sleepy (which I usually am, I read a few pages of Seneca or Marco Aurelius. G'night. -edit Wanted to mention that the player I used to admire started with a great career in the moba but later messed up a lot and eventually quitted the game (apparently).
  19. Day #14 Missed journaling this day. At the moment I am journaling here, at NoFap and writting in a notebook. This reminds me I replaced the sheets of my old leather diary, I will post pics of it. Also on day 13 I went to the beach and got some pics, will post them soon. It reminded me a bit of those videos Cam's makes of exploring cool places. There's something I have wanted to do and that's camping, probably with a friend. I have also heard about going camping with nothing but a knife but that's a bit extreme.
  20. It seems I missed posting on day #14, anyways, from now on I will be journaling during the evening, about 2 hours before going to sleep.
  21. Hey Bob, I also have been thinking to switch journaling to the evening. Are you journaling from your phone? Have you considered journaling from a PC/Laptop? Isn't it interesting how much do we value our time while we aren't playing videogames? Looking and reparing every time leak we encounter. You are almost there Bob, keep going.
  22. Very similar to what happens to me.
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