NEW VIDEO: Why You MUST Quit Gaming in 2025
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Everything posted by Piotr
Hey, how about changing your goal into, I'll IMPLEMENT the self-development book every month in 2017? You nailed it! It's good to have you as accountability If I can ask you for something, remind me this^ from time to time.
It's certainly worth it! It won't hurt you at least...
Maybe it's time to get it done? Love the pun
Journal entry #73 Days game free: 117 Days procrastination free: 7 I have bought a new book, "Getting Things Done" by David Allen, hope it helps with my productivity. At first, I wanted to buy(and read of course) a self development book every month in 2017, but at second thought, I should focus more on applying knowledge from books I already have; cause buying a book changes nothing, and using it's knowledge might be life-changing. I'm going to change a summary in my journal from "yesterday" to "today", because it's easier for me to sum up whole day before bed. Daily activities check for today: glass of water in the morning/evening - done affirmation - done non-dominant hand training - done reading - done 30 minutes of programming - done What I've done today to improve my financial status: I've bought a book, so today I invest in myself. First chapter already gave me interesting thought: that I should focus more on using knowledge than buying it.
By story I meant the one you're writing, this 500 words or any other of your writing. Anyway, this vision of change of your life in 5 years, is very inspiring. This is so beautiful: This is so true:
Journal entry #72 Days game free: 116 Days procrastination free: 6 In previous semester I had no problem with studying, unfortunately now I have a little problem to focus on learning. It's not even procrastination, because I complete every other task except studying. I don't know why. And even if I force myself to do it like yesterday, I study with very low engagement. Once I've advised someone to write a reason why he is studying in order to motivate himself. So I'm going to use my own idea. Why do I study? To keep my mind in shape.To acquire knowledge.I want to be educated and possess a degree.To have qualifications for a better job.To secure my future by expanding my horizons.Daily activities check for yesterday: glass of water in the morning/evening - done affirmation - done non-dominant hand training - done reading - failed 30 minutes of programming - done What I've done yesterday to improve my financial status: I've read articles on remote work and it's pros and cons. It's very interesting aspect, but I think it's to soon for me to think about that. I must shape an ability to provide a value first.
Moving and healthy eating is one of the best way to improve your health. Do you have any clue on what you gonna change in your diet?
Will you share your story with us? If you try to fight procrastination, check your rest schedule first. Maybe you're to overwhelmed?
If cold turkey is inappropriate method to quit and you want to lower time spent on certain activity, I advise you to write in calendar how much time you can spend every week with lowering tendency. When trying lowering we often find excuses to keep time the same or even longer. Watch out for that. Oh, and good job on that first game -free winter holiday!
This handwritten journal seems very interesting. I'm looking forward to it, too.
Journal entry #72 Days game free: 117 Lastly I've neglected website programming. I've abandoned it in fact. Thus I'm putting programming counter on daily activities check. I think that 30 minutes a day is a reasonable time to learn among job and studying. I'm hoping to not only work on it, but also gather a fruit of this work. I've had today a really nice conversation with owner of a flat I'm renting. It also gave me a very valuable thought, that I should never refuse if someone asks me for a cup of tea. Daily activities check for yesterday: glass of water in the morning/evening - done affirmation - done non-dominant hand training - done reading - failed 30 minutes of programming - failed What I've done yesterday to improve my financial status: For signing another contract in my job, my employee rewarded me with installation allowance. Which I fully transferred into my backup fund. Lastly, I've found that often talking with someone, a remote work subject comes out. Maybe universe wants to tell me something? This needs further investigation. Note: I've raised my backup fund from 26,4% to 60,4%.
Journal entry #71 Days game free: 115 Days procrastination free: 3 Yesterday meeting was very interesting experience. At first our conversation was a little trivial, but after everyone said a little more about how he is doing right now, it went pretty good. Especially when the booze kicked in After two hours in a pub, we went for a walk over the nearby lake. It was a good time of relaxation; and it was even better to hear that my friends are doing fine despite of ups and downs. They asked for another meeting, but it's hard for us to meet due to different hours at which we work and/or study. We will stay in touch.Daily activities check for yesterday: glass of water in the morning/evening - done affirmation - failed non-dominant hand training - failed reading self-development book - failed What I've done yesterday to improve my financial status: I've looked through some of my old stuff. Found a few things which are useless for me. I'm going to put them on online sale this week. One half of the acquired money, will go the emergency fund, the other half I will use as investment money(I have two ideas, just need to reevaluate them, whether they are as profitable for me as I think). Among these sale things is my old magic the gathering deck, although I don't play anymore I thought to sell it, but I have good memories with these cards. Thus I'm hesitating whether to sell it or not. What do you think?
Don't be sorry, I was thinking exactly about something like that. Thank you for very valuable post @Random I've already made the first dot. About second one, you've read my mind. I searched for a book but most of them, were about foreign market or outdated, thus I still search. I'm planning to go to local bookstore this week, hopefully I will find something. I don't have funds to invest in stocks(yet), but nevertheless I think it's never to early to start.
Journal entry #70 Days game free: 114 Days procrastination free: 2 I had a beautiful dream today that I was flying. How awesome would it be to just rise above those cities, forests and lakes; I hope that scientists will one day found a way to make it possible. Nothing much happening this week. Spending time with my family and girlfriend. Today I'm appointed with my friends which I haven't seen around eight years. I'm a little nervous about how this meeting will go.Daily activities check for yesterday: glass of water in the morning/evening - done affirmation - failed non-dominant hand training - failed reading self-development book - done What I've done yesterday to improve my financial status: Searched for blogs of people who improved their financial situation. Sadly, most of them is about fixing your mindset, they give a thousand examples on how to change your thinking but almost nothing about taking action. Also, people were often describing their "quantum leap" as a way to get richer. What a crap! Of course winning a lottery, hitting a niche or investing in stocks right in time is really financially rising. But let's face the truth, it's only one to million case, and it's not something everyone can work out. Having a rich parents which gives you a good start-kick is also something I don't look for. I'm searching for an example of a person who works their own way to financial freedom and it's not some lucky guy who hit the jackpot but planned everything and just worked for it. Maybe you know someone who fits this description?
Journal entry #69 Days game free: 113 Days procrastination free: 1 Procrastination fail. Binge watched tv series whole afternoon and evening, instead of doing something productive. I have to change this, so starting fresh, today! Daily activities check for day before yesterday: glass of water in the morning/evening - done affirmation - done non-dominant hand training - done reading self-development book - I've re-read few paragraphs of "Think and Grow Rich" Daily activities check for yesterday: glass of water in the morning/evening -half done; only morning one affirmation - done non-dominant hand training - failed reading self-development book - failed What I've done yesterday to improve my financial status: I've re-read few paragraphs of "Think and Grow Rich". Correct mindset is a must. I have to define what value I can give others in exchange for money. That's how it works.
Very interesting video! Although such supplies will be priceless at certain times, one thing picked my attention, which was mentioned at the end of the video. That this is only a basis to not die from hunger, but don't forget that eating isn't only about hunger. You need different food to supply your body with all the vitamins, minerals and macro elements. Thus, it's not really nutritious.
I would give you that one starting advice: Don't leave it for later, educate yourself about finances right now! Although money are essential, remember that you can't buy time, thus it is more valuable asset.
Looks pretty! Thank you for sharing your work!
Journal entry #68 Days game free: 110 Days procrastination free: 6 To feel fulfilled, I don't need games, but healthy addiction - something which will easily soak me in, but will bring real-life results and not cause any negative impact on my life. Although I don't have any details on what it may be, I know what should I look for. It's a knowledge I've been missing in past year. Knowing direction will bring me to destination. Yesterday, I had a great talk with my accountability @hycniejsy. One thing I've realized, is that instead of just going for completion of my goals, I've looked for easiest solutions(which surely won't work) something like quantum leaps described in slight edge. They are not the source of success. That's why I'm shaking up; a little more doing and a little less overthinking. Daily activities check for yesterday: glass of water in the morning/evening - done affirmation - failed non-dominant hand training - done reading self-development book - failed What I've done yesterday to improve my financial status: I've calculated my spending's for this month and set aside some money from my paycheck into my backup fund. I want my backup fund to be equal to three months paycheck. A safety in case of loosing a job, which makes me much less anxious about financial insecurity. Note: Raised my backup fund from 19,4% to 26,4%.
Doing well is the thing we all look for and wish to ourselves. It's always so heart-warming for me to see another GameQuitter happy with their life. Even if bad things happen, remember that they are part of our life, so don't hesitate to share them and fix them with us!
Can't wait to see that app! I'm also interested on effects of this handwritten journal, can't wait for the results. I hope you will share a bit, about how that works for you.
Thank you! I knew that I needed to get some long term goals for me to get some idea of where I'm heading, for a better sense of purpose. I'm pretty sure it'll change with time and it is currently very specific and based on that entrepreneurial stuff, but having that current goal should help me a lot. Yep, the deal I'm making is that I'll lose money if I don't complete them. This is forcing me to make both realistic goals, and acting on those goals in spite of discomfort. Stay tuned to see how it goes! Thanks again for dropping by Something that forces you to complete your goals is a must! But can you think of anything else than money? It's a pleasure to drop by, thank you for sharing your journal with us!
Setting goals for new year isn't necessary if you have already set goals. Don't follow the fashion of making new year statements, but just go for better life. It's great to hear from you, keep tight @Reno F!
Journal entry #67 Days game free: 109 Days procrastination free: 5 Daily activities check for day before yesterday: glass of water in the morning/evening - done affirmation - only quick re-thought, that's why I considerate it half-done non-dominant hand training - done reading self-development book - nope, I need to get a new one Daily activities check for yesterday: glass of water in the morning/evening - 50% done - only morning one affirmation - done non-dominant hand training - failed reading self-development book - nope, I need to get a new one What I've done yesterday to improve my financial status: New years eve and it's after effects - hangover, distracted me from completing this task. Although I had a conversation with newly meet friends, a cute marriage who have their own business. They explained me how tax system works, when you're entrepreneur.
Thank you for support accountability, remember that you can always rely on me, too. My list: writing with non-dominant handphysical activity ie. training or walkprogrammingwatching movie or some tv seriesdo something calming, like sitting with a cup of tea and "silencing" thoughts