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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Everything posted by FDRx7

  1. Feeling embarrassed about not having much idea where my money goes (besides savings and a few large recurring expenses), I sat down and created a monthly budget and expenses spreadsheet. Everything is incredibly clear now, and I expect the format to evolve as I learn more. I'm now going to track this as a new habit.
  2. Day 88 - Saturday (yesterday) Yesterday I spent most of the day doing something very important - setting up the family budget and tracking expenses. I had tried to do this once before with the app YNAB, but I found it too difficult to set up and didn't see paying $14.99 per month or $99 per year to be worth it if I can do something similar in a spreadsheet. So, I sat down and put together a template, filling it in with November's information. It took hours, but now that it's done, I can use it right away for November and months thereafter. It feels good to have that complete with the clarity it brings to our finances. It'll help us to find where we can cut back and give us peace of mind each month. We also watched another movie together, Moonstruck, a fun romantic comedy. This new format is helping a lot, I feel more at ease though I still believe I need to continue adding habits to it, as tracking them keeps them front and center in my mind.
  3. Thanks, @Antoni! I feel really good about having YouTube under control like that. I don't plan on opening it up anytime soon and, honestly, I don't feel like I need to.
  4. Day 87 - Friday (yesterday) I spent some time with friends yesterday after finding out my sickness was not infectious to others - just a sinus infection I've had going for a while. I was able to get care for it and should hopefully be feeling even better within a few days. We had a good time together relaxing, chatting, and eventually watching a couple episodes of a show together. It was a good time. I probably had a little more beer than I'd normally like, but most of it was light beer. The drive home is an hour so I had coffee to keep me awake. Unfortunately, as I've been cutting back on caffeine lately, that coffee kept me awake once I was home. I couldn't fall asleep. I watched a show, trying to tire myself out, but couldn't. Eventually started to feel sleepy and was able to fall asleep in bed, but it took a while. I probably should have tried reading. I think that may have worked faster, though no guarantees seeing how awake I felt. If I'm honest with myself, I would consider that the end of my streak with No Excessive Streaming. Time to start a new one, but that's okay. I have had excellent success there. Just need to reign that back in again. Anyways, today my wife and I will spend time together which is always enjoyable. I'm slowly adding the habits back into my tracker. I miss keeping track of them and my progress; the way they are reshaping my life has been incredibly beneficial. I can feel some of them starting to slip without tracking, so I think this will continue to be important for me moving forward. The difference is, when I feel myself getting tired or overloaded, I need to provide some grace and skip a day here or there if it's what my mind/body needs. This new method seems better with less "performance anxiety" about how well I do the habit, which I think will help. I'll keep slowly adding back as I analyze what habits to continue with. The most important thing is to start small and not get carried away.
  5. Days 85-86 (Wednesday and Thursday) The last two days, I gave myself permission to watch TV in the evening - just some Twilight Zone episodes. I think I really needed a day or so of passive entertainment because I also haven't been feeling well. Going to the doctor today to get it sorted. However, I think I've had my fill of TV for a while. It was enough for me to do a bit of a reset. Now I think I can get back to reading, cleaning/listening to my records, and all the other hobbies I have. I did manage to get new tires put on my car yesterday. I didn't realized how bad my old ones were - the steering now feels completely effortless, more than before. Very sharp and accurate. I made good use of the time in the waiting area by bringing my work laptop. I was there for about 2.5 hours and I worked for most of that time. I added my exercise habit which I've been tracking mentally and have been doing for many years, but want to try to be as consistent with 4x a week as possible.
  6. Day 84 - Tuesday (yesterday) New journal format today. I'm just going to let it evolve on its own but I'll start with: Writing anything that's on my mind. Posting a screenshot of my habit tracker. The habit tracker will include some of the old habits to kick, and I may fill in the old data over time just to give the map a little more life (and to continue tracking them - I started with No YouTube). The first habit is very simple: just be in bed. If it's late, so be it. But in any case, go to bed in bed. That's step 1. Then, when that is more consistent, I can start working on timing. I think this takes the pressure off and gives me a quick win for a troublesome habit. I'm going to add journaling soon, but not yet. I want to start slow. The pomodoros is to remind me to work in pomodoros during the day. However, the number doesn't matter. It's only to ensure I am staying focused at work. Last night, I cooked a nice dinner, exercised (Lower Body A), and read for a little before heading up to bed. Today, it's starting to snow. It's beautiful to look at. Maybe we'll have snow again for the holiday season.
  7. Yes, I think you're right. I turned it over in my mind last night, seeing as my mood was pretty low. It was an all around frustration, feeling tired and angry. On the surface was a feeling of not making progress, but I know that wasn't entirely true. I think it was more holding myself to a standard that is not always achievable. I pushed very hard over the past 3 months to really change things in my life. I had failed over and over in the past. This time I wanted it to be different, and it was. I've made incredible progress. Now it's time to pull back for a bit, focus on the most important pieces, and build slowly from there. I appreciate your comment. Burnout is no good. I've been there before and I should heed the signs.
  8. Day 83 - Monday (yesterday) Summary: Something is happening to me. I feel like everything is starting to slip, but only for the good habits. Looking at my "Habits to Kick" section, all has been going well. My feeling inside is that I have ultimately conquered those. And yet, it seems along with a good habit, I've created a bad one - anytime I read at night, I fall asleep on the couch and don't get up. I even know I should get up but just... can't? Won't? I'm not sure. Maybe I'm burned out. I did spend a few hours outside finishing the lights. It was very cold, so I really needed time to warm up when I came in. Still, something feels off, as though I've just taken the on-ramp to monotony. While I love reading, it seems like the only thing I do now in the evening. Everything feels like work. Am I overwhelmed? Possibly. I'm trying to do/maintain so many things but have the impression that I can't do any of them "right." I want to change my diet by prepping food and eating enough so that I gain enough weight, but I only am able to prep food half the time. I want to exercise 4 times a week but lately have only been managing 2-3. (It's split Upper/Lower 2x each, and I want to maintain balance). I want to journal and record my life, my memories, but I fail to get up in the evening to do it. I want to go to sleep in my bed and get enough rest (7 hours might be good), but I can't move off the couch and never seem to want to give up on the evening. I want to be awake early to read and re-engage my spiritual life, but I'm only awake about 30 minutes before I need to log on for work. I want to live in a clean home and maintain it, but my habit of cleaning something once a day seems to be slipping. I want to live a life full of interesting hobbies, where I have the energy to care for the things around me, but now it seems I just want to sit on the couch and fall asleep (even though I've been reading, which I'm grateful for). I think it's time I do a reassessment. While I want to be able to see out the chart to the end of the 90 days, I think it may have outlived its purpose. It has shown me trends, when certain habits influence others, etc. However, I've also noticed that it has given me this idea that there is a "more right" way of doing things than simply doing the thing. This has then directed my thoughts instead from my successes to where there are still gaps. Thus, every day I fill in my journal, unless it's 4.5 stars or above, I begin to feel like I have failed. The goal is habit transformation, not perfection. Tomorrow, I'm going to start tracking on Everyday, which was recommended to me by @Antoni. I'm going to ease up on the success criteria and begin with just a few. I may still track the habits to kick, since those seem to be taking care of themselves, but I'll start with just a few. Going to bed seems to be the cornerstone, having cascading effects on everything else. I will focus only on getting up to bed. If I finish all of my nightly routine, great. If not, it's okay. The goal right now is going to be: be in bed between x and y time. I will slowly build from there. I'll still track trying to clean stuff in the house, but I'm not going to hold it against myself if I can't do it every day. Not right now. Sleep is the most important piece I need to fix. I may have been uncharitable towards myself earlier in this post. I've had great success in kicking a habit that has plagued me for years, filling it with meaningful time, activities, and people. While I'm a bit saddened I'm ending the chart here, the most important lesson to learn is to change things when they are clearly no longer working. I know that I can have success with this. I just need to be more gracious towards myself and begin slowly. PROGRESS UPDATES: Note: Bold purple text indicates a new change to a plan. Habits to Kick: YouTube - Day 98: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Did not watch. Plan: No changes needed but continue to fill the void, and with activities from hobbies list. Excessive Streaming: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Did not watch. Plan: Continue current behavior. Find new ways to spend time when you need passive entertainment. Add a tag to your task list to filter for those. No Podcast Listening - Day 49: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Did not listen. Plan: For the rest of the 90 days, I will not listen to any podcasts. I may even try to make this its own one-off 90-day journey, even after the main one is complete. If I need background, I can put on light jazz or Brain.FM while working. Be aware of the physical and emotional sensation and name it when you feel stressed. Excessive Gaming: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Did not game. Plan: Continue current behavior. Set a time limit if you do play by yourself (1-2 hours). If with friends, keep it only to a Friday or Saturday and do your best to log off at a reasonable hour. Excessive Drinking - Day 107: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Had one standard drink. Plan: Determine ahead of time how much you will drink before events. When there are weeks without events, try to keep drinks to 2-3 a week or less (zero is of course totally fine). Habits to Start: I will add to this as I determine new habits and their action plans. Journal (physical journal): Adherence: ☆☆☆☆☆ Description: Did not journal. Plan: I will continue to journal before getting ready for bed. Set your timer to remind you. Game Quitters Journal: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Filling it out now. Plan: Continue filling out journal each day. Doesn't seem to matter if it's the same day or the next, as long as each day is entered. Healthy Ways to Fill the Void: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Read in the evening. Finished decorating outside the house. Applied to another job. Exercise: Upper Body A Plan: Continue routine and choose activities. Reading is good, but also being comfortable doing nothing while listening to music (or just sitting) is fine too. Plan activities for when you have low energy. Pomodoros: Adherence: ★★★★☆ Description: Completed 6 pomodoros. Plan: I will start by setting a goal of 8. I adjusted the scoring to encompass a range of completion. A perfect score is 8 pomodoros or more. The stars correspond as follows (star: pomodoros complete): 1: 1; 2: 2; 2.5: 3; 3: 4; 3.5: 5; 4: 6; 4.5: 7; 5: 8+. Each pomodoro will be 25 minutes. Some days are more meeting-heavy than others, so I will count meetings as well where the intent is to focus only on the meeting and taking notes. No multi-tasking. Consistent Bedtime: Adherence: ☆☆☆☆☆ Description: Did not go to bed. Plan: Focus on the time you wake up. If your workout takes an hour, try to be up at 5:50am so that you have a few minutes to get ready. May need to start at 6:30 depending on how your body feels. Begin slow and walk back the time. Use Alarmy to get you up both in the evening and in the morning using the picture setting. Cleaning Up: Adherence: ★★☆☆☆ Description: Did some tidying up but nothing crazy. Plan: 0 stars is nothing was done; 1-4 stars is I cleaned one thing OR tidied up, depending on effort. 5 stars is I cleaned one thing AND tidied up. The "thing" cleaned can be big or small, doesn't matter. List of Hobbies I can choose from: Listening to and/or caring for records Reading Writing (notes from reading, etc.) Working on my cars Socializing Foreign language study Cooking Walking the dog Mocktails Writing on my blog (need to restart) Investing in relationships Exercise
  9. I have this same thing happen to me. Often, you need something to kickstart the momentum. I find that one of the most helpful things (which I got from David Allen's GTD) is to ask myself, what is the smallest next physical action I can take to move this forward? If it's a giant paper or program to be written, there is usually some small step to take like, "Open my notebook to where I left off and review compiled notes." Or something like that. Just the small physical act can be enough to build momentum for the larger project. Even if you end up doing just the one action, you are now one step closer. It's hard to overcome the perfectionism but we hold ourselves to such a high standard; many people are impressed with less. I'm sure what you come up with will be more than enough for those on the receiving end.
  10. Agreed. I hopped on for about 10 minutes and was witness to a long reactionary debate about religion vs atheism. Not really the place for that. I felt like I was on Reddit or something. I only use the forum now. It's important that people are encouraging to one another on this journey. Things like that don't help. There also seems to be those who are there specifically to make others' lives more difficult, almost like putting a bottle of wine in front of an alcoholic and saying, "It's not cheating if you just smell it."
  11. Day 82 - Sunday (yesterday) Summary: Continued decorating outside. Not too many updates. I do think that when Day 90 comes, my new goal is going to be tracking the habits surrounding sleep. I feel I've done a good job at kicking a lot of these bad habits, but I need to make a concerted effort on a few of these new ones, mostly sleep related. PROGRESS UPDATES: Note: Bold purple text indicates a new change to a plan. Habits to Kick: YouTube - Day 97: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Did not watch. Plan: No changes needed but continue to fill the void, and with activities from hobbies list. Excessive Streaming: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Did not watch. Plan: Continue current behavior. Find new ways to spend time when you need passive entertainment. Add a tag to your task list to filter for those. No Podcast Listening - Day 48: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Did not listen. Plan: For the rest of the 90 days, I will not listen to any podcasts. I may even try to make this its own one-off 90-day journey, even after the main one is complete. If I need background, I can put on light jazz or Brain.FM while working. Be aware of the physical and emotional sensation and name it when you feel stressed. Excessive Gaming: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Did not game. Plan: Continue current behavior. Set a time limit if you do play by yourself (1-2 hours). If with friends, keep it only to a Friday or Saturday and do your best to log off at a reasonable hour. Excessive Drinking - Day 106: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Did not drink. Plan: Determine ahead of time how much you will drink before events. When there are weeks without events, try to keep drinks to 2-3 a week or less (zero is of course totally fine). Habits to Start: I will add to this as I determine new habits and their action plans. Journal (physical journal): Adherence: ☆☆☆☆☆ Description: Did not journal. Plan: I will continue to journal before getting ready for bed. Set your timer to remind you. Game Quitters Journal: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Filling it out now. Plan: Continue filling out journal each day. Doesn't seem to matter if it's the same day or the next, as long as each day is entered. Healthy Ways to Fill the Void: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Read in the evening. Continued decorating outside. Plan: Continue routine and choose activities. Reading is good, but also being comfortable doing nothing while listening to music (or just sitting) is fine too. Plan activities for when you have low energy. Pomodoros: Adherence: No data Description: Not applicable. Plan: I will start by setting a goal of 8. I adjusted the scoring to encompass a range of completion. A perfect score is 8 pomodoros or more. The stars correspond as follows (star: pomodoros complete): 1: 1; 2: 2; 2.5: 3; 3: 4; 3.5: 5; 4: 6; 4.5: 7; 5: 8+. Each pomodoro will be 25 minutes. Some days are more meeting-heavy than others, so I will count meetings as well where the intent is to focus only on the meeting and taking notes. No multi-tasking. Consistent Bedtime: Adherence: ★☆☆☆☆ Description: Did eventually make it up to bed but no night time routine. Plan: Focus on the time you wake up. If your workout takes an hour, try to be up at 5:50am so that you have a few minutes to get ready. May need to start at 6:30 depending on how your body feels. Begin slow and walk back the time. Use Alarmy to get you up both in the evening and in the morning using the picture setting. Cleaning Up: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Swept the living room floor and tidied up as I continued to decorate. Plan: 0 stars is nothing was done; 1-4 stars is I cleaned one thing OR tidied up, depending on effort. 5 stars is I cleaned one thing AND tidied up. The "thing" cleaned can be big or small, doesn't matter. List of Hobbies I can choose from: Listening to and/or caring for records Reading Writing (notes from reading, etc.) Working on my cars Socializing Foreign language study Cooking Walking the dog Mocktails Writing on my blog (need to restart) Investing in relationships Exercise
  12. Man this really hit home...
  13. @PochatokThis is true on the free version, but if you purchase the Pro version, you can block program folders, file types, Windows 10 apps, and even window titles (so for example, if you open a window and it says "Steam" and that word/app is on your list to block, Cold Turkey will block it). I think it's $40 for Pro, but aside from the $67 I spent to purchase my treasured pup, it is probably the cheapest purchase I've made that had that greatest impact on my life. The license is transferable to any device you have, so it's a one-time purchase. It's only downside is they do not have a mobile app due to what they've said is complex mobile software restrictions. That's why I use a mix of Freedom and Apple's built-in Screen Time for the phone. Having no access to YouTube and no way of relapsing, I was forced to find ways to spend that time. I'm not sure yet if I want to lift the block, but I know the habits I've established in its absence are now quite strong - I had no other choice. Another option if you are concerned about apps and don't want to purchase Pro is to delete the app and then block the URL from which you would download the app. There are some tricks here and there, but the most important thing is to still deal with the reason why you need to block things (filling that void of activity). The best option for the locked blocks is to have someone you know and trust create a password for your block. There is no way around it unless you sheepishly return to them and say, "I'd like you to unlock my block because I wish to go back to my old habits." And no one is going to say that, are they? If you don't have someone like that right now, then you can set your own locked block based on time (ex. 90 days, you will be unable to access those sites/apps until the time has elapsed). However, in this case, you had better make sure you have dealt with your reasons for blocking because once the block is up, it's on you to make sure you either start a new one or have changed your behavior enough that you don't need it.
  14. This is a great point. I need to be reminded of this periodically. Willpower need not be in large supply if discipline is high!
  15. Day 81 - Saturday (yesterday) Summary: Yesterday, my wife and I spent the whole day decorating for Christmas. We bought some decorations and lighting equipment that we were missing, then went out and got our tree. Upon bringing it home, we set it up and then began swapping out the Fall decor for Christmas. It took us all evening but when we sat down to look at our work, it was worth it. I haven't really been thinking much about YouTube anymore. I don't feel a desire for it. Every now and then I'll get some nostalgia for the feelings I had when I would sit in the basement and watch things for hours, but it seems to be more for the feeling than for the content. Now, I think I've started to recreate these feelings with reading, listening to music, etc. - which, I think that's what habit changes are all about. I can get similar feelings of coziness in the basement by reading or watching a movie with my wife. Not sure what it is about 90 days, but it certainly seems to be an optimal duration of time for making significant changes. PROGRESS UPDATES: Note: Bold purple text indicates a new change to a plan. Habits to Kick: YouTube - Day 96: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Did not watch. Plan: No changes needed but continue to fill the void, and with activities from hobbies list. Excessive Streaming: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Did not watch. Plan: Continue current behavior. Find new ways to spend time when you need passive entertainment. Add a tag to your task list to filter for those. No Podcast Listening - Day 47: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Did not listen. Plan: For the rest of the 90 days, I will not listen to any podcasts. I may even try to make this its own one-off 90-day journey, even after the main one is complete. If I need background, I can put on light jazz or Brain.FM while working. Be aware of the physical and emotional sensation and name it when you feel stressed. Excessive Gaming: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Did not game. Plan: Continue current behavior. Set a time limit if you do play by yourself (1-2 hours). If with friends, keep it only to a Friday or Saturday and do your best to log off at a reasonable hour. Excessive Drinking - Day 105: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Had half a drink but didn't finish it. Plan: Determine ahead of time how much you will drink before events. When there are weeks without events, try to keep drinks to 2-3 a week or less (zero is of course totally fine). Habits to Start: I will add to this as I determine new habits and their action plans. Journal (physical journal): Adherence: ☆☆☆☆☆ Description: Did not journal. Plan: I will continue to journal before getting ready for bed. Set your timer to remind you. Game Quitters Journal: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Filling it out now. Plan: Continue filling out journal each day. Doesn't seem to matter if it's the same day or the next, as long as each day is entered. Healthy Ways to Fill the Void: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Read in the evening. Decorated inside the house for Christmas. Plan: Continue routine and choose activities. Reading is good, but also being comfortable doing nothing while listening to music (or just sitting) is fine too. Plan activities for when you have low energy. Pomodoros: Adherence: No data Description: Not applicable. Plan: I will start by setting a goal of 8. I adjusted the scoring to encompass a range of completion. A perfect score is 8 pomodoros or more. The stars correspond as follows (star: pomodoros complete): 1: 1; 2: 2; 2.5: 3; 3: 4; 3.5: 5; 4: 6; 4.5: 7; 5: 8+. Each pomodoro will be 25 minutes. Some days are more meeting-heavy than others, so I will count meetings as well where the intent is to focus only on the meeting and taking notes. No multi-tasking. Consistent Bedtime: Adherence: ☆☆☆☆☆ Description: Did not go up to bed or do any of my nightly routine. Plan: Focus on the time you wake up. If your workout takes an hour, try to be up at 5:50am so that you have a few minutes to get ready. May need to start at 6:30 depending on how your body feels. Begin slow and walk back the time. Use Alarmy to get you up both in the evening and in the morning using the picture setting. Cleaning Up: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Naturally tided up and cleaned as we decorated the house. Plan: 0 stars is nothing was done; 1-4 stars is I cleaned one thing OR tidied up, depending on effort. 5 stars is I cleaned one thing AND tidied up. The "thing" cleaned can be big or small, doesn't matter. List of Hobbies I can choose from: Listening to and/or caring for records Reading Writing (notes from reading, etc.) Working on my cars Socializing Foreign language study Cooking Walking the dog Mocktails Writing on my blog (need to restart) Investing in relationships Exercise
  16. Day 80 - Friday (yesterday) Summary: Not a great day for habits like sleep, but a relaxing day nonetheless. I read by the fire for a very, very long time yesterday (I think at least 6 hours?!). I was very engrossed in my book. I have many that I want to read, so I'm taking much of my free time do that. Today, my wife and I will start decorating for Christmas. PROGRESS UPDATES: Note: Bold purple text indicates a new change to a plan. Habits to Kick: YouTube - Day 95: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Did not watch. Plan: No changes needed but continue to fill the void, and with activities from hobbies list. Excessive Streaming: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Did not watch. Plan: Continue current behavior. Find new ways to spend time when you need passive entertainment. Add a tag to your task list to filter for those. No Podcast Listening - Day 46: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Did not listen. Plan: For the rest of the 90 days, I will not listen to any podcasts. I may even try to make this its own one-off 90-day journey, even after the main one is complete. If I need background, I can put on light jazz or Brain.FM while working. Be aware of the physical and emotional sensation and name it when you feel stressed. Excessive Gaming: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Did not game. Plan: Continue current behavior. Set a time limit if you do play by yourself (1-2 hours). If with friends, keep it only to a Friday or Saturday and do your best to log off at a reasonable hour. Excessive Drinking - Day 104: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Did not drink any alcohol. Plan: Determine ahead of time how much you will drink before events. When there are weeks without events, try to keep drinks to 2-3 a week or less (zero is of course totally fine). Habits to Start: I will add to this as I determine new habits and their action plans. Journal (physical journal): Adherence: ☆☆☆☆☆ Description: Did not journal. Plan: I will continue to journal before getting ready for bed. Set your timer to remind you. Game Quitters Journal: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Filling it out now. Plan: Continue filling out journal each day. Doesn't seem to matter if it's the same day or the next, as long as each day is entered. Healthy Ways to Fill the Void: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Read for a very, very long time in the evening. Plan: Continue routine and choose activities. Reading is good, but also being comfortable doing nothing while listening to music (or just sitting) is fine too. Plan activities for when you have low energy. Pomodoros: Adherence: No data Description: Not applicable. Plan: I will start by setting a goal of 8. I adjusted the scoring to encompass a range of completion. A perfect score is 8 pomodoros or more. The stars correspond as follows (star: pomodoros complete): 1: 1; 2: 2; 2.5: 3; 3: 4; 3.5: 5; 4: 6; 4.5: 7; 5: 8+. Each pomodoro will be 25 minutes. Some days are more meeting-heavy than others, so I will count meetings as well where the intent is to focus only on the meeting and taking notes. No multi-tasking. Consistent Bedtime: Adherence: ☆☆☆☆☆ Description: Did not go up to bed or do any of my nightly routine. Plan: Focus on the time you wake up. If your workout takes an hour, try to be up at 5:50am so that you have a few minutes to get ready. May need to start at 6:30 depending on how your body feels. Begin slow and walk back the time. Use Alarmy to get you up both in the evening and in the morning using the picture setting. Cleaning Up: Adherence: ★★★☆☆ Description: Tidied up a tiny bit and watered the plants. Plan: 0 stars is nothing was done; 1-4 stars is I cleaned one thing OR tidied up, depending on effort. 5 stars is I cleaned one thing AND tidied up. The "thing" cleaned can be big or small, doesn't matter. List of Hobbies I can choose from: Listening to and/or caring for records Reading Writing (notes from reading, etc.) Working on my cars Socializing Foreign language study Cooking Walking the dog Mocktails Writing on my blog (need to restart) Investing in relationships Exercise
  17. Day 79 - Thursday Summary: Thanksgiving Day. Spent the morning helping my wife and prepping for the day. The afternoon and evening was spent with family. I did not bring my laptop with me on the trip again, so I'm doing a little bit of catch up. I am really enjoying the control I have over my drinking. I had two light beers and then switched to NA options afterward. I woke up the next day feeling great. PROGRESS UPDATES: Note: Bold purple text indicates a new change to a plan. Habits to Kick: YouTube - Day 94: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Did not watch. Plan: No changes needed but continue to fill the void, and with activities from hobbies list. Excessive Streaming: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Did not watch. Plan: Continue current behavior. Find new ways to spend time when you need passive entertainment. Add a tag to your task list to filter for those. No Podcast Listening - Day 45: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Did not listen. Plan: For the rest of the 90 days, I will not listen to any podcasts. I may even try to make this its own one-off 90-day journey, even after the main one is complete. If I need background, I can put on light jazz or Brain.FM while working. Be aware of the physical and emotional sensation and name it when you feel stressed. Excessive Gaming: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Did not game. Plan: Continue current behavior. Set a time limit if you do play by yourself (1-2 hours). If with friends, keep it only to a Friday or Saturday and do your best to log off at a reasonable hour. Excessive Drinking - Day 103: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Had two light beers and then swtiched to NA options. I'm really liking the control I have now over what and how much I drink. Plan: Determine ahead of time how much you will drink before events. When there are weeks without events, try to keep drinks to 2-3 a week or less (zero is of course totally fine). Habits to Start: I will add to this as I determine new habits and their action plans. Journal (physical journal): Adherence: ★★★★☆ Description: Completed a long journal entry the next day. Plan: I will continue to journal before getting ready for bed. Set your timer to remind you. Game Quitters Journal: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Filling it out now. Plan: Continue filling out journal each day. Doesn't seem to matter if it's the same day or the next, as long as each day is entered. Healthy Ways to Fill the Void: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Spent the day with family for Thanksgiving. Plan: Continue routine and choose activities. Reading is good, but also being comfortable doing nothing while listening to music (or just sitting) is fine too. Plan activities for when you have low energy. Pomodoros: Adherence: No data Description: Not applicable. Plan: I will start by setting a goal of 8. I adjusted the scoring to encompass a range of completion. A perfect score is 8 pomodoros or more. The stars correspond as follows (star: pomodoros complete): 1: 1; 2: 2; 2.5: 3; 3: 4; 3.5: 5; 4: 6; 4.5: 7; 5: 8+. Each pomodoro will be 25 minutes. Some days are more meeting-heavy than others, so I will count meetings as well where the intent is to focus only on the meeting and taking notes. No multi-tasking. Consistent Bedtime: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Got ready for bed, completed my nightly routine, and went to bed after arriving back at my parents' place. Plan: Focus on the time you wake up. If your workout takes an hour, try to be up at 5:50am so that you have a few minutes to get ready. May need to start at 6:30 depending on how your body feels. Begin slow and walk back the time. Use Alarmy to get you up both in the evening and in the morning using the picture setting. Cleaning Up: Adherence: No data Description: Not applicable. Plan: 0 stars is nothing was done; 1-4 stars is I cleaned one thing OR tidied up, depending on effort. 5 stars is I cleaned one thing AND tidied up. The "thing" cleaned can be big or small, doesn't matter. List of Hobbies I can choose from: Listening to and/or caring for records Reading Writing (notes from reading, etc.) Working on my cars Socializing Foreign language study Cooking Walking the dog Mocktails Writing on my blog (need to restart) Investing in relationships Exercise
  18. I am one of those who needs a blocker, and it has done wonders for me. It's not for everybody, but it's a solution that I think could save many people time and trouble. The aversion is usually that it's either too strict or that it's too difficult to set up in a way that can't be avoided (not true, just gotta take the leap). I work remotely and am using the computer between 8-10 hours a day. The two biggest factors in your well-being are ergonomics and movement. For the first, you should research things like: Chair position (back, height, movement of seat horizontally, etc.) Height of monitors and distance from your face (can be done with monitor arms that clamp to the table/desk - I have one that lifts my laptop screen as well since I use it as another monitor) Wrist position for keyboard and mouse Rule of 20 (every 20 minutes, look at something at least 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds) - I find using the pomodoro method helps with both this rule and movement, as you need to get up during your 5 min break Glare-reducing monitors, as Amphibian said. I have refurbished Asus monitors that I picked up for cheap on eBay. Haven't failed me yet For the second: Make sure you get up every now and then, moving around and taking a break with both your body and eyes Again, pomodoro is helpful as it forces you to be conscious of taking breaks Exercise in some way For me this is weightlifting, but others like cardio work, etc. Something to keep your body strong and remind it of things other than sitting down Stretch It's important to stretch and feel where you might have tension because it could indicate a problem in your setup Just some things to consider. I've been working remotely for almost 5 years now. You can find ways to be ergonomic with any chair, but if you get a job and plan to stay remote, I would eventually invest in a good chair. It's worth it. I agree with @Amphibian220, desk work can take a toll on the body if you aren't careful. Though, I will say I was in welding before and jobs like that have their own ways of destroying your body like nothing else (accidental UV exposure, aluminum oxide dust that makes it past your mask, burns - I've got a nice scar from hot metal trapped on my neck - etc.). Desk work damage is sneaky because it seems benign; the damage is slower and harder to notice. Once you have everything set up though, it's usually easy enough to maintain it since you shouldn't need to move things very often.
  19. Day 78 - Wednesday (yesterday) Summary: Not much to update today. I worked somewhat late yesterday because I have the next two days off. My wife and I watched a movie together. She wanted to watch a romantic English period-piece, which I gave her a hard time about as a joke, telling her I would fall asleep. However, I liked it (which I knew I would, I just like to tease her a little - she enjoys it). Today is Thanksgiving, so we'll be gathering with family. I'm looking forward to it. PROGRESS UPDATES: Note: Bold purple text indicates a new change to a plan. Habits to Kick: YouTube - Day 93: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Did not watch. Plan: No changes needed but continue to fill the void, and with activities from hobbies list. Excessive Streaming: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Did not watch. Plan: Continue current behavior. Find new ways to spend time when you need passive entertainment. Add a tag to your task list to filter for those. No Podcast Listening - Day 44: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Did not listen. Plan: For the rest of the 90 days, I will not listen to any podcasts. I may even try to make this its own one-off 90-day journey, even after the main one is complete. If I need background, I can put on light jazz or Brain.FM while working. Be aware of the physical and emotional sensation and name it when you feel stressed. Excessive Gaming: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Did not game. Plan: Continue current behavior. Set a time limit if you do play by yourself (1-2 hours). If with friends, keep it only to a Friday or Saturday and do your best to log off at a reasonable hour. Excessive Drinking - Day 102: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Did not drink. Plan: Determine ahead of time how much you will drink before events. When there are weeks without events, try to keep drinks to 2-3 a week or less (zero is of course totally fine). Habits to Start: I will add to this as I determine new habits and their action plans. Journal (physical journal): Adherence: ☆☆☆☆☆ Description: Did not journal. Plan: I will continue to journal before getting ready for bed. Set your timer to remind you. Game Quitters Journal: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Filling it out now. Plan: Continue filling out journal each day. Doesn't seem to matter if it's the same day or the next, as long as each day is entered. Healthy Ways to Fill the Void: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Read in the evening Watched a movie with my wife Plan: Continue routine and choose activities. Reading is good, but also being comfortable doing nothing while listening to music (or just sitting) is fine too. Plan activities for when you have low energy. Pomodoros: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Completed 10 pomodoros. Plan: I will start by setting a goal of 8. I adjusted the scoring to encompass a range of completion. A perfect score is 8 pomodoros or more. The stars correspond as follows (star: pomodoros complete): 1: 1; 2: 2; 2.5: 3; 3: 4; 3.5: 5; 4: 6; 4.5: 7; 5: 8+. Each pomodoro will be 25 minutes. Some days are more meeting-heavy than others, so I will count meetings as well where the intent is to focus only on the meeting and taking notes. No multi-tasking. Consistent Bedtime: Adherence: ★★☆☆☆ Description: Decent sleep but fell asleep on the couch. Plan: Focus on the time you wake up. If your workout takes an hour, try to be up at 5:50am so that you have a few minutes to get ready. May need to start at 6:30 depending on how your body feels. Begin slow and walk back the time. Use Alarmy to get you up both in the evening and in the morning using the picture setting. Cleaning Up: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Tidied up and did a fair amount of vacuuming. Plan: 0 stars is nothing was done; 1-4 stars is I cleaned one thing OR tidied up, depending on effort. 5 stars is I cleaned one thing AND tidied up. The "thing" cleaned can be big or small, doesn't matter. List of Hobbies I can choose from: Listening to and/or caring for records Reading Writing (notes from reading, etc.) Working on my cars Socializing Foreign language study Cooking Walking the dog Mocktails Writing on my blog (need to restart) Investing in relationships Exercise
  20. I agree with @Ikar, mediums like Discord make it very easy to blast something off without thinking. However, there are people who have joined this community without gaming/internet problems and I still am baffled as to why. It's very hard when people don't take it seriously. I ran into something similar with my YouTube and podcast issue. "Everyone watches YouTube... don't we all listen to podcasts? You would listen more if you had a long commute like me... but there are so many things to learn from YouTube/podcasts!" Not that those two mediums are inherently bad, but it's the same thing of listening to someone who either has the same problem as you and doesn't know it, or someone who doesn't really think about these things too much because it isn't a problem for them. It can be incredibly frustrating trying to get someone to understand. When you do find someone who says, "You know, I don't have that issue but I definitely see how it is a problem and I support you," it changes everything. Or even better, someone who struggles with the same issue. You don't feel crazy anymore, like you're the only one struggling with this. That's why it's great to be part of this community!
  21. Day 77 - Tuesday (yesterday) Summary: Yesterday was a pretty good day at work. I'm reevaluating my task management system to see if I want to move from digital to paper. My wife is mostly on paper and she loves it. She's quite organized. I'm considering a hybrid approach too. I'm afraid to make the switch but there is honestly no risk really involved. I can always go back to what I was doing before if it doesn't work out. We shall see... I need to read this new book "How to Build a Second Brain" first to see if there is a better way I could be managing my notes. I'm nearing the end of my 90 days. Not including today, there are 12 days left. I really cannot believe how fast the time went. 90 days felt like such a large, looming goal at the beginning. I'm not sure how many people read this, but once the 90 days are up, you'll notice my journal entries become more condensed. I'll be doing away with the chart, including moving average, etc. and moving to a habit tracker of some kind. The charts have been mostly to see how long it takes to settle into a new habit, get rid of old ones, and the correlation between one habit and another when one of them is/isn't done. I think this format has definitely served its purpose for my 90 day journey. I'll post it in the journal templates at the end with the format that worked best. PROGRESS UPDATES: Note: Bold purple text indicates a new change to a plan. Habits to Kick: YouTube - Day 92: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Did not watch. Plan: No changes needed but continue to fill the void, and with activities from hobbies list. Excessive Streaming: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Did not watch. Plan: Continue current behavior. Find new ways to spend time when you need passive entertainment. Add a tag to your task list to filter for those. No Podcast Listening - Day 43: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Did not listen. Plan: For the rest of the 90 days, I will not listen to any podcasts. I may even try to make this its own one-off 90-day journey, even after the main one is complete. If I need background, I can put on light jazz or Brain.FM while working. Be aware of the physical and emotional sensation and name it when you feel stressed. Excessive Gaming: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Did not game. Plan: Continue current behavior. Set a time limit if you do play by yourself (1-2 hours). If with friends, keep it only to a Friday or Saturday and do your best to log off at a reasonable hour. Excessive Drinking - Day 101: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Did not drink. Plan: Determine ahead of time how much you will drink before events. When there are weeks without events, try to keep drinks to 2-3 a week or less (zero is of course totally fine). Habits to Start: I will add to this as I determine new habits and their action plans. Journal (physical journal): Adherence: ☆☆☆☆☆ Description: Did not journal. Plan: I will continue to journal before getting ready for bed. Set your timer to remind you. Game Quitters Journal: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Filling it out now. Plan: Continue filling out journal each day. Doesn't seem to matter if it's the same day or the next, as long as each day is entered. Healthy Ways to Fill the Void: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Read in the evening Exercise: Lower Body B Plan: Continue routine and choose activities. Reading is good, but also being comfortable doing nothing while listening to music (or just sitting) is fine too. Plan activities for when you have low energy. Pomodoros: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Completed 10 pomodoros. Plan: I will start by setting a goal of 8. I adjusted the scoring to encompass a range of completion. A perfect score is 8 pomodoros or more. The stars correspond as follows (star: pomodoros complete): 1: 1; 2: 2; 2.5: 3; 3: 4; 3.5: 5; 4: 6; 4.5: 7; 5: 8+. Each pomodoro will be 25 minutes. Some days are more meeting-heavy than others, so I will count meetings as well where the intent is to focus only on the meeting and taking notes. No multi-tasking. Consistent Bedtime: Adherence: ★★★★☆ Description: Fell asleep on the couch but I got ready early for bed so most of my nightly routine was complete. Did go up to my bed and did not stay on the couch. Plan: Focus on the time you wake up. If your workout takes an hour, try to be up at 5:50am so that you have a few minutes to get ready. May need to start at 6:30 depending on how your body feels. Begin slow and walk back the time. Use Alarmy to get you up both in the evening and in the morning using the picture setting. Cleaning Up: Adherence: ★★☆☆☆ Description: Tidied up only. Plan: 0 stars is nothing was done; 1-4 stars is I cleaned one thing OR tidied up, depending on effort. 5 stars is I cleaned one thing AND tidied up. The "thing" cleaned can be big or small, doesn't matter. List of Hobbies I can choose from: Listening to and/or caring for records Reading Writing (notes from reading, etc.) Working on my cars Socializing Foreign language study Cooking Walking the dog Mocktails Writing on my blog (need to restart) Investing in relationships Exercise
  22. I'll give it a try! I've used Habitica before but I think it became too complicated for me. I use Todoist for work.
  23. Day 76 - Monday (yesterday) Summary: I'm playing a little bit of catchup because of my vacation. Hopefully tomorrow I'll have a better summary of things, if more detail is needed. However, I need to note that Sunday was 90 days without YouTube! I did it! I like where things are in life, so I think I'll just continue with my current behavior. I won't do a retrospective yet until my journal entry itself says "Day 90". PROGRESS UPDATES: Note: Bold purple text indicates a new change to a plan. Habits to Kick: YouTube - Day 91: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Did not watch. Plan: No changes needed but continue to fill the void, and with activities from hobbies list. Excessive Streaming: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Did not watch. Plan: Continue current behavior. Find new ways to spend time when you need passive entertainment. Add a tag to your task list to filter for those. No Podcast Listening - Day 42: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Did not listen. Plan: For the rest of the 90 days, I will not listen to any podcasts. I may even try to make this its own one-off 90-day journey, even after the main one is complete. If I need background, I can put on light jazz or Brain.FM while working. Be aware of the physical and emotional sensation and name it when you feel stressed. Excessive Gaming: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Did not game. Plan: Continue current behavior. Set a time limit if you do play by yourself (1-2 hours). If with friends, keep it only to a Friday or Saturday and do your best to log off at a reasonable hour. Excessive Drinking - Day 100: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Did not drink. Plan: Determine ahead of time how much you will drink before events. When there are weeks without events, try to keep drinks to 2-3 a week or less (zero is of course totally fine). Habits to Start: I will add to this as I determine new habits and their action plans. Journal (physical journal): Adherence: ☆☆☆☆☆ Description: Did not journal. Plan: I will continue to journal before getting ready for bed. Set your timer to remind you. Game Quitters Journal: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Filling it out now. Plan: Continue filling out journal each day. Doesn't seem to matter if it's the same day or the next, as long as each day is entered. Healthy Ways to Fill the Void: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Read in the evening Exercise: Upper Body B Plan: Continue routine and choose activities. Reading is good, but also being comfortable doing nothing while listening to music (or just sitting) is fine too. Plan activities for when you have low energy. Pomodoros: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Completed 8 pomodoros. Plan: I will start by setting a goal of 8. I adjusted the scoring to encompass a range of completion. A perfect score is 8 pomodoros or more. The stars correspond as follows (star: pomodoros complete): 1: 1; 2: 2; 2.5: 3; 3: 4; 3.5: 5; 4: 6; 4.5: 7; 5: 8+. Each pomodoro will be 25 minutes. Some days are more meeting-heavy than others, so I will count meetings as well where the intent is to focus only on the meeting and taking notes. No multi-tasking. Consistent Bedtime: Adherence: ★☆☆☆☆ Description: Fell asleep on the couch and did not do my nightly routine. Plan: Focus on the time you wake up. If your workout takes an hour, try to be up at 5:50am so that you have a few minutes to get ready. May need to start at 6:30 depending on how your body feels. Begin slow and walk back the time. Use Alarmy to get you up both in the evening and in the morning using the picture setting. Cleaning Up: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Tidied up and did some dusting. Plan: 0 stars is nothing was done; 1-4 stars is I cleaned one thing OR tidied up, depending on effort. 5 stars is I cleaned one thing AND tidied up. The "thing" cleaned can be big or small, doesn't matter. List of Hobbies I can choose from: Listening to and/or caring for records Reading Writing (notes from reading, etc.) Working on my cars Socializing Foreign language study Cooking Walking the dog Mocktails Writing on my blog (need to restart) Investing in relationships Exercise
  24. Day 75 - Sunday Summary: Second day of vacation. Did not bring laptop. PROGRESS UPDATES: Note: Bold purple text indicates a new change to a plan. Habits to Kick: YouTube - Day 90: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Did not watch. Plan: No changes needed but continue to fill the void, and with activities from hobbies list. Excessive Streaming: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Did not watch. Plan: Continue current behavior. Find new ways to spend time when you need passive entertainment. Add a tag to your task list to filter for those. No Podcast Listening - Day 41: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Did not listen. Plan: For the rest of the 90 days, I will not listen to any podcasts. I may even try to make this its own one-off 90-day journey, even after the main one is complete. If I need background, I can put on light jazz or Brain.FM while working. Be aware of the physical and emotional sensation and name it when you feel stressed. Excessive Gaming: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Did not game. Plan: Continue current behavior. Set a time limit if you do play by yourself (1-2 hours). If with friends, keep it only to a Friday or Saturday and do your best to log off at a reasonable hour. Excessive Drinking - Day 99: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Had one drink - a complementary mimosa in the morning. Plan: Determine ahead of time how much you will drink before events. When there are weeks without events, try to keep drinks to 2-3 a week or less (zero is of course totally fine). Habits to Start: I will add to this as I determine new habits and their action plans. Journal (physical journal): Adherence: ☆☆☆☆☆ Description: Did not journal upon returning home. Plan: I will continue to journal before getting ready for bed. Set your timer to remind you. Game Quitters Journal: Adherence: ★★★☆☆ Description: Filling out late. Plan: Continue filling out journal each day. Doesn't seem to matter if it's the same day or the next, as long as each day is entered. Healthy Ways to Fill the Void: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Spent the rest of the day with my wife and, toward the end, my parents. Watched a movie with my wife when we returned home. Plan: Continue routine and choose activities. Reading is good, but also being comfortable doing nothing while listening to music (or just sitting) is fine too. Plan activities for when you have low energy. Pomodoros: Adherence: No data. Description: Not applicable. Plan: I will start by setting a goal of 8. I adjusted the scoring to encompass a range of completion. A perfect score is 8 pomodoros or more. The stars correspond as follows (star: pomodoros complete): 1: 1; 2: 2; 2.5: 3; 3: 4; 3.5: 5; 4: 6; 4.5: 7; 5: 8+. Each pomodoro will be 25 minutes. Some days are more meeting-heavy than others, so I will count meetings as well where the intent is to focus only on the meeting and taking notes. No multi-tasking. Consistent Bedtime: Adherence: ★★★☆☆ Description: Went up to bed but did not do my routine. Plan: Focus on the time you wake up. If your workout takes an hour, try to be up at 5:50am so that you have a few minutes to get ready. May need to start at 6:30 depending on how your body feels. Begin slow and walk back the time. Use Alarmy to get you up both in the evening and in the morning using the picture setting. Cleaning Up: Adherence: No data Description: Not applicable. Plan: 0 stars is nothing was done; 1-4 stars is I cleaned one thing OR tidied up, depending on effort. 5 stars is I cleaned one thing AND tidied up. The "thing" cleaned can be big or small, doesn't matter. List of Hobbies I can choose from: Listening to and/or caring for records Reading Writing (notes from reading, etc.) Working on my cars Socializing Foreign language study Cooking Walking the dog Mocktails Writing on my blog (need to restart) Investing in relationships Exercise
  25. Day 74 - Saturday Summary: First day of vacation. Did not bring laptop. PROGRESS UPDATES: Note: Bold purple text indicates a new change to a plan. Habits to Kick: YouTube - Day 89: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Did not watch. Plan: No changes needed but continue to fill the void, and with activities from hobbies list. Excessive Streaming: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Did not watch. Plan: Continue current behavior. Find new ways to spend time when you need passive entertainment. Add a tag to your task list to filter for those. No Podcast Listening - Day 40: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Did not listen. Plan: For the rest of the 90 days, I will not listen to any podcasts. I may even try to make this its own one-off 90-day journey, even after the main one is complete. If I need background, I can put on light jazz or Brain.FM while working. Be aware of the physical and emotional sensation and name it when you feel stressed. Excessive Gaming: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Did not game. Plan: Continue current behavior. Set a time limit if you do play by yourself (1-2 hours). If with friends, keep it only to a Friday or Saturday and do your best to log off at a reasonable hour. Excessive Drinking - Day 98: Adherence: ★★★★✫ Description: Had three drinks - a complementary one at the desk and then two at dinner. Then switched to water. Giving myself permission to have a little more over this weekend because it was a special celebration for my wife and I. Plan: Determine ahead of time how much you will drink before events. When there are weeks without events, try to keep drinks to 2-3 a week or less (zero is of course totally fine). Habits to Start: I will add to this as I determine new habits and their action plans. Journal (physical journal): Adherence: No data Description: Chose not to journal over the vacation. Plan: I will continue to journal before getting ready for bed. Set your timer to remind you. Game Quitters Journal: Adherence: No data Description: Not applicable as I left my computer at home. Plan: Continue filling out journal each day. Doesn't seem to matter if it's the same day or the next, as long as each day is entered. Healthy Ways to Fill the Void: Adherence: ★★★★★ Description: Spent the whole day with my wife exploring and relaxing on our little trip! Plan: Continue routine and choose activities. Reading is good, but also being comfortable doing nothing while listening to music (or just sitting) is fine too. Plan activities for when you have low energy. Pomodoros: Adherence: No data Description: Not applicable. Plan: I will start by setting a goal of 8. I adjusted the scoring to encompass a range of completion. A perfect score is 8 pomodoros or more. The stars correspond as follows (star: pomodoros complete): 1: 1; 2: 2; 2.5: 3; 3: 4; 3.5: 5; 4: 6; 4.5: 7; 5: 8+. Each pomodoro will be 25 minutes. Some days are more meeting-heavy than others, so I will count meetings as well where the intent is to focus only on the meeting and taking notes. No multi-tasking. Consistent Bedtime: Adherence: No data. Description: Vacation so things are a bit different. Plan: Focus on the time you wake up. If your workout takes an hour, try to be up at 5:50am so that you have a few minutes to get ready. May need to start at 6:30 depending on how your body feels. Begin slow and walk back the time. Use Alarmy to get you up both in the evening and in the morning using the picture setting. Cleaning Up: Adherence: No data Description: Not applicable. Plan: 0 stars is nothing was done; 1-4 stars is I cleaned one thing OR tidied up, depending on effort. 5 stars is I cleaned one thing AND tidied up. The "thing" cleaned can be big or small, doesn't matter. List of Hobbies I can choose from: Listening to and/or caring for records Reading Writing (notes from reading, etc.) Working on my cars Socializing Foreign language study Cooking Walking the dog Mocktails Writing on my blog (need to restart) Investing in relationships Exercise
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