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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened

royal panda

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Posts posted by royal panda

  1. 1 hour ago, HelpMeStop4Ever said:

    I played video games for over 6 hours today, and I'm certain as to why that was: because I had intense urges to play when I woke up. I had urges yesterday around noon, but it didn't result in me playing video games. I've been realizing this year that these urges feel like they'll never go away unless I play video games. The urges are what keep leading me to video games because the urges just don't stop. How do I stop giving in to playing video games? How do I stop playing video games FOREVER? How do I make these urges stop?

    Maybe you could write down what makes you happy/ you enjoy doing that's not games. Once you have that list you should start work on them so they become a habit. Another thing you can do is brainstorm and see what triggers these urges, how they make you feel and what you can do to combat them. Something that worked for me was telling myself things like, "Think of all the things you can accomplish if you don't play," and "You'll feel a lot better in the end if you don't play today." These statements really helped me with not giving into the urges. I would also try developing some new hobbies and time blocking them into your schedule. If you don't have time to play then why play? That could also maybe help. 

    Here is a list of hobbies that helped me find some hobbies: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_hobbies

    Also what are your priorities? What's important to you right now? What are your goals? What do you want to accomplish in life? These are all good things to write down so you can remember them. These are all the suggestions I have, hopefully some of these help you. Good luck on conquering the urges and games!


  2. 11 hours ago, TheNewMe2.0 said:

    @Bird By Bird Well your comment makes me not want to watch tv ever again. I will probably be able to cut down my tv time drastically once I get a job doing outpatient therapy instead of in home therapy. Then I'll just talk to people instead of watch tv with them. Don't want to Get a Netflix face now.

    @BooksandTrees No the notes are very specific in how they're to be done. We have a eform to do and its got to be done through a certain website. But once I'm working outpatient I'll track my hours on a spreadsheet. And I'm sure do notes in a new form/site. 

    @Icandothis Thank you. I am doing well at keeping going with my job and everything. I'll keep smiling at things. I even managed to wake up an hour early somehow today. Maybe because I Was playing with my med dosage a couple days earlier.

    Positive: Li got back to me about my new job. 

    Yes. My new job looks like it's going to happen just about for sure. Li said I'll have two options: working with her in private practice or working for a company she works at in corporate practice. I'm leaning toward private practice if the workload is there. Otherwise business practice it is. Either way I'm going to probably make 25% more money, finally get supervised hours towards licensure and get to work as an outpatient therapist. Plus it's just a more legitimate job that's like the job I'll actually be doing once I'm licensed. 

    It's cold now that it's fall. But not so cold we have to run the heater just yet. I'm nice and warm and comfortable in my little couch spot here. After reading BIrd's comment I don't want to watch too much tv now. I'm sure I can spend a little more time going hiking, cooking and running errands. If not for my job I wouldn't watch that much tv. Although on my day off I watch like at least 2 hours of Netflix. Speaking of which. I'm testing Voltron and power rangers to see if I can safely watch them. I may have found two new shows to add to my collection. My clients are pretty chill about letting me watch from my list with them. They aren't fussy and demanding I Watch something else. Except one of them who doesn't really get it yet. Hopefully he will soon. I've got one client who may disappear from my roster. Which is okay as I'm probably leaving the job soon anyways. Ironically I'm finally up to about 30 hours a week now that I'm about leave (1 year 4 months in). 

    I found one good hiking spot so far near my house. Hopefully I find more. I tried a new one yesterday and it was way too crowded for me to approve. 

    I smiled at my water bottle

    I accomplished getting through the night with a stomachache.

    I am grateful for my mom who always cleans up after us everyday. Doing dishes, cleaning surfaces, cooking and restocking things. She's amazingly helpful and I'm really grateful for her. Oh and Li who saw fit to hire me to a new job that is better in so many ways and to supervise me when I had no LPC to supervise me for my licensure hours.

    God bless


    Glad you're doing well, also congratulations on your new job!

    • Like 1
  3. Day 20 of overcoming video game addiction - afternoon:


    What I got done today: 

    Studied for math 

    Worked on College essay 



    Did I accomplish my goal?

    Somewhat, I picked back up exercising and soon I am going to read before bed, I also picked Journaling in my physical journal so yeah.



    Gaming Detox: No games today 😄

    Soda detox: No soda 

    Junk food detox: I had 2 brownies but I had more healthy choices for food today


    Overall thought: 

    Today was alright, I did my homework and had a good day at online school, but I only got 2 of the 4 things I wanted to do today so it was half and half. I am kind of upset though. I want to explore the world, I want to go places, I want to travel and visit places I have never been, try new foods, try new things and meet new people. But with the virus still going on and again, needing more practice before my driving test, there's not much I can do. I can start off with learning new languages once I go to those places but other than that I am stuck. Also where I live, there's not much around that isn't just a walk or bike away. There's like one hiking trail, and I've been on it many times so yeah. I just don't know how I can do exciting or amazing things while COVID is still going.

    • Like 2
  4. @Bird By Bird looks like it works well thanks for the suggestion

    Alright so I am changing up my journal style a bit.

    Day 20 of overcoming video game addiction - morning:

    What I want to get done today: 

    Clean room,

    work on drawing,

    Study for math quiz

    work on college essay 


    Goal for today:

    Pick back up and keep old habits


    Today is game detox day 5

    Junk food detox day 1

    and phone detox day 1


  5. Hey so here's a bit of an update. 

    In my journal I said I love my life, and I do life is a gift for me. However right now I am in a slump. Today wasn't productive at all, I spent the whole time on my phone, instead of doing school things in a work area I did it in my bed, and I didn't drink healthily today, all I had was soda, and my dinner I didn't really eat the fish that was on my Salmon burger. I mostly had the fries. While I do love my life, I feel like depressive symptoms are coming back and I don't wanna feel that way again. I can't believe that I am using these other bad things for you in replacement of games and I don't know what to do. I don't want the feeling of being dependent or controlled by my phone or junk food or soda. I know I should probably go on a detox, but all these things have been a big part of my life as well as my phone has some important school apps I need for school on it. These things today feel like I am in an addiction again. But addiction to the items I listed. I just don't know what to do

  6. For me, I think if you are learning something valuable from it, it should be fine. I am not sure really how the website executed the playing/learning thing, but I am pretty sure that if the playing doesn't cause the urge of playing other games with no valuable learning from it then I think you're good. Still be cautious. If you think it's too much of a game, then I know there's other places you can learn python or other coding languages.

    • Like 1
  7. Day 19 of overcoming video game addiction 

    Detox day 4 

    although this is a evening journal, it's a weekend, so I have time. 

    I ended my self-improvement journey yesterday as I am at my best self. I am happy and I love life and I appreciate myself more. So there's no need to improve further. However, I am not stopping my learning and experiences. 

    Despite that I didn't like today. I didn't play any games but I did watch a lot of youtube. I was trying to think of what youtubers I could consistently watch besides the ones i kept when I unsubscribed from a lot of youtubers. But I realized just a few minutes ago that I don't.  If there is no purpose for me watching youtube, then why have the app on my phone? Of course I would use it for education if school requires it and for hobby things. I can just use the site for that though. So yeah I hope I have a better day tomorrow.

    Hope y'all are doing well. 

  8. It's good that your leaving your old friends behind. That can be hard, especially if they're really toxic. I remember a friend I had in middle school, she was on and off. Back then I struggled to contain my anger issues. That friend also had anger issues and some other problems. In 6th grade we were just on and off. But in 7th grade she did something that completely ruined the "friendship", to be more factual, she did multiple things. To both my other friend (still my friend) and I. I was able to leave it though as she left the district. But yeah she wasn't good. 

    So good on you, it's important to keep yourself aware of who might be a good friend or not

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  9. Day 18 of overcoming video game addiction: 

    Detox day 3

    It's been 3 days since I restarted my detox. For some reason I am facing hints of loneliness I don't know why this is. I am seeing my friends today, and I actually have a pretty good group of friends. Just I don't know I feel lost. Not lost in a sad way but just stuck, I am thinking maybe it's cause I have stopped limiting myself but I don't know. I do know I want to explore, yet without a driver's license or a job, that's kind of hard. I also wanna be experimental in my education. As I want to learn about technology, engineering things, something in the business area, psychology, art, english, and I want to work hard at Latin, the language I take at school. This is all great but I still don't know what I am feeling.

    No games yesterday, I loved yesterday. I have been enjoying school, yesterday continued that, I finished my homework, just a few more things I can get this weekend. I packed for my hike today, and I got to drawing! Just based after what I learned from the 1 and a half videos I watched, I know I have the talent to draw. This combats my past always saying "I am bad at drawing." Also yesterday, on spotify I made a playlist for songs I love listening to, thats after work though. Besides all this, I am still struggling to put my phone down 1 or 2 hours before bed. Any tips on that?

    I don't know for today, with what I am feeling, but I will push through. Have a good one

  10. 7 hours ago, giblets said:

    Bit of a sluggish start to the day today. Last night was fantastic though, dusted off the pomodoro timer and smashed out quite a lot of study. I managed to go from 77 words to 600 words towards my assignment, which is great progress. I need to get to 2000 words by Monday. I am so far behind on my reading for my study (like 7 weeks or so) because of escapism really... trying to start something is the hardest task I feel like I have. Once I have started something, however, it is easy from there. It blows my mind that we can create so many barriers for ourselves (whether that is distractions, escapism or excuses) that will prevent us from starting stuff, but all that does is make the situation worse!

    Hey Giblets,

    starting stuff is a difficult thing for me too. For me it's due to not only distraction but not wanting to do something for a longer time to get the dopamine, as my brain still wants the easy dopamine that you get from gaming. The pomodoro technique is always a good idea to combat this. Other great things that work for me is putting the things that distract me in another room, ( computer, phone, or anything else i wanna do in that moment besides what i have to do). For escapism, thinking about the reward I will get after I finish what's important also works for me. Whether that reward is having done the boring work, or your favorite snack food, or one of your favorite hobbies. Maybe those could work for you as well. 

    Good luck on the assignment!

    • Like 1
  11. Day 16 of overcoming video game addiction:

    Yesterday was a better day. Finished all my homework, did some outside stuff and I felt overall happier not forcing myself to do things, but instead consciously doing them in the present. That happiness is still felt today, despite my allergies acting up. I unfortunately didn't get to drawing due to homework but that was fine with me, we have today.

    I have noticed myself being more grateful for the little things instead of taking them for granted. For example, the planet, life, the ability to be breathing right now, my family etc. It's nice and it's something I've wanted to do for a while.

    Something I also noticed in terms of my speaking skills is I talk too fast and the result is me tripping over my words. I do this because I wanna get it over with but I shouldn't also speaking slower gives the listener emotion. So I've been trying to slow it down and not use filler words.

    No games yesterday, besides work I actually attempted to not use my phone or music all day, I was successful!

    Anyway, I hope y'all have a good day today!

  12. Day 15 of overcoming video game addiction:

    Good morning, 

    I will start writing what I did yesterday for my morning journals.

    Yesterday in terms of games, I relapsed and gamed. It was a mobile game yet I still played. I feel ashamed for myself for it. If I didn't play today would've been day 13. But I don't know if that means I have to restart the detox? I'm pretty sure it does but I am not sure as again, I use the word addiction in these entries as a blanket term per se. My "addiction to games wasn't really an addiction. 

    On a more positive note however, I did complete all of my homework by the due date. Also I found some more hobbies I want to practice. Some of these include: Cardistry, Magic, drawing, palmistry etc. I am excited to try all of these out. Another thing I noticed is that I feel like I am being strict with my brain, thus making it fixed. One of my long term goals is an open mindset. However, in terms of my self improvement I am making it seem like there's only one right way to do things, when there isn't. I also think I am trying to strive for perfection, when that's impossible, though I am working on loving myself for who I am flaws and all. But with it I think my mind is being fixed on that idea and agreeing with it so yeah.

    The first hobby I am going to practice is drawing.

    See you later

  13. Congratulations on your first full day free from gaming! I think for some people starting off it's really easy and tempting to go back to the games or think about it when you're trying not to. I think exercising and meditating are good things to do to distract your mind from the thoughts of games. Reading is also good for that I think. Whatever you do, if you get thoughts for playing games try and fight them, as they can easily make you play again. Keep up what you're doing though.

    • Like 1
  14. Day 14 of overcoming video game addiction:

    Nothing much to say besides a few changes to my life. 

    For one, instead of using an alarm clock, I just am going to let myself wake up naturally. I feel like when I use an alarm my body feels forced and then doesn't want to wake up. Also related to that, I found out that excuses are what's holding me back right now. Yet, i don't know how to eliminate them. So I am struggling in that area. 

    No games per usual, See y'all tomorrow if my wifi isn't bad

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  15. Day 13  of overcoming video game addiction:


    Sorry I didn't journal yesterday, wifi was slow, wifi is still slow. Anyway, no games yesterday.

    For life instead of forcing myself to do things I am going to just go with the day, live with the present and see what happens. And do things I know, make me happy, that isnt games. Still wanna make new hobbies though.

    Have a good day!

    • Like 1
  16. Day 11 of overcoming video game addiction: 


    Life is going good. I have a newfound motivation, and that's the girl. While I obviously am not with her yet, I think if I use her as my motivation for the time being then I think I might enjoy long term goals more, as i am still wanting the short easy dopamine from games. I know that using someone else as a motivation is a bad thing, and being crush/boyfriend/girlfriend centered is bad, I think for now until I reach at least one of my goals, it will be fine. I just need to keep checking in with myself during it.

    No games, however yesterday, I did listen to music from games.

    Going to a college visit on campus today, hope everyone has a good weekend.

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  17. 20 hours ago, Erik2.0 said:

    like gargamel said, it's easy when you're focusing on others to forget what you need to do. Make sure you're passing your classes and taking care of your health etc. You're in a place with a lot of opportunity go to a good college and do well in your major. Good luck.

    Yeah health is important, also thanks!

    Day 10 of overcoming video game addiction: 

    Woke up at 4 and wasn't feeling like doing anything yet I persisted on and after listening to a podcast episode and reading, I feel as my life opened up. Anyway, no games yet, hope to keep it that way. 

    For school yesterday I enjoyed all my classes and my teachers are all nice. I also actually enjoy the classmates I have. Compared to last year, there are less troublemakers. So that's good. 

    One of my goals is to accept all people no matter their background or personality. Like I accept LGBTQ+'s Blacks, Asians, any race but not all personalities and I wanna be able to do that even if the person is seen as annoying

    Anyway, School time now.

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  18. @gargamel Yeah I understand your point. It is bad to only focus in on yourself. However, I do need to accept myself and not be so interested in what people who aren't my friends are talking about. Although, I need to make sure I don't overdue it because being self-centered is bad. Also thanks!

    Day 9 of overcoming game addiction: 

    As I said before I am only doing morning journals because school. Nothing really to say, havent played games yet and getting ready for my senior year of high school, i am a bit nervous about the college process with covid

    Hoping for a good day at school. With school I will still try and work on goals

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  19. Day 8 of overcoming video game addiction afternoon:

    Good day today, while I do have a bit of a headache, it went well. I did some schoolwork and starting preparing for school tomorrow. Speaking of school tomorrow, for the rest of the school year (however long that is) I will only write journals in the morning, that's because in the afternoon, i will have a lot of crap going on so yeah. 

    For games, didn't play at all, however, without thinking I typed mario kart in the search bar, but didnt search it and erased it immediately. I also had the thoughts of Animal Crossing but didnt play. 

    I seriously need to focus on accomplishing my goals and not about what do I find interesting, that I can access for gratitude right now? I should focus on the dedication that is required for accomplishing goals. Not only can the journey be fun but the achievement of said goal is much more satisfying and fulfilling than what you can receive right away

    One thing I feel bad for though is getting up in my parents business. I won't explain the details, but it's very stressful for them, and while I didn't eavesdrop, that's what they took that as (I think) so I feel bad for doing that, I should've focused more on what's important for me. 

    That's another issue I have, while I am worried what people will think of me, I am so interested in what others are doing when I really shouldn't. I think this is due to my lack of self-appreciation, and the thought that I am missing out on things, (I don't have many friends at school and people at school talk so much gossip about people that I never heard about, yet I shouldn't worry about it since it is gossip and isn't important anyways). I am currently working on self-appreciation so maybe if I keep working I won't be so interested.

    But other than that it was a good day. Tomorrow is school 

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  20. I am glad there's a chance of going for double major, i am also glad that your toe is feeling better. I hope your efforts lead you great places. For me when I go to college I am thinking of double majoring, or maybe a major and a minor, I am not sure yet, I do know that I would like to major in english/creative writing, and major/minor in psychology. 

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