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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Posts posted by Xgamer

  1. day6?

    Today while going to a supermarket I was thinking about how bad it must be not to game forever, like a strain that u can always feel. When I entered the supermarket I noticed a homeless immigrant who tried to warm himself up in the corner of the store. 

  2. Ah shit, here we go again

    Ridiculous. I used to play shooters until I decided to kick the habit. It was 45 days ago. So what exactly happened?

    I`ve already mentioned above that I moved thus I have no access to my old pc. My gf seldom plays games but when it happens she suffices with Sims. So today was one of those days. I was chilling, playing with Duolinguo when I decided to see what the apple of my eye was doing there. 

    We had a great fun, for almost an hour we were creating a new character in which I have taken tangible part. 

    I have broken my promise not to partake in any type of video games. I relapsed. Wierdly enough I think I would be less disappointed if I played my type of games. At least I would have quenched my thirst. 

    So yeah from day 45 to day 0

    I am still committed though

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  3. @Julon lad, its  ok watch coupleof these videos

    Our lord and savior lmao

    And look if I had an access to my old pc with all the games I would have relapsed looong ago

    so the idea is to make relapsing a tiresome process. To play my beloved game I would have to 1. install steam 2. go through "forgot password" process 3. install my game and then play it. Maybe it can give u a hint what to do.

  4. I know what it is. Lying in a bed late night, scrolling down something useless, watching a video, then, out of blue a sudden urge strikes me like a lightning, I feverishly browse hot fat latino mommino and boom. I have a wank.

    But why are people determined about nofap? I heard it`s healthy in moderation and so on (I just do it regardless) but can participants of this challenge enlighten me of the downside of giving it a good ol rub?


  5. On the hindsight, I knew gaming was deteriorating the situation, challenging my relationships and so on but I deliberately sat down every time to pull all-nighter. It has become a common practice for me to reach out for ur(the guy who`s reading this) story and let the steam off whenever I `d had cold feet. Damn, I miss steam.  So yeah. Every video on how a certain person developed something after he quit. Or found a gf, saved the world, etc. But does it matter? Cam is using rationalisation to  prove us that gaming is hazardous.  But didn`t I know this? Damn, I was totaly aware so what. It isn`t about consciense mulling pros and cons of gaming over, for sure. It`s like subconscious thingy, little  inner baby, does this toddler care for whatever reasonable arguments we make? And after a month, after getting a job, moving and etc. I still want to play. I want to play badly, like 24 hours straight. Just switch that game on and kill everyone there and be as toxic as pripyat in 1968 yeah i want to  quit my job dump my gf and game this little goofy under-cooked game until i die 

    Wow that was a heart-downing one right? Stream of consciousness it`s called. Phew, feel much better. For now. I kinda feel guilty for sploshing this joint over, buuut paper can`t blush, can it? Hardly any1 reading my COMEBACKSTORY, so I decided just to leave it here. This is like my own twitter account(which i never had) that no1 will never find. 

    I actually like coming here, really. Good number of nice people over here, same issue, endearing. right

  6. 11 hours ago, Tomas said:

    Day 14

    Yesterday I went out to a few bars. Got pretty drunk. Today has been a day of watching movies. Sitting around doing not much. Escaping my life a little bit.

    It feels like there is a mantra looping in my head that is saying: how do I make the best of my life? How do I get happy? Those thoughts are with me most of the time, for a looong time already. I constantly think like that and it rarely leaves me alone. Even when I'm busy its those thoughts are like a buzz on the background. I'll play with those thoughts and reinvent them in every possible way. I am  always making strategies on how to live my life, how to work, travel,  socialize work out, make music and how to have pleasure, fulfillment and excitement. I rarely feel like I am doing a good job on any of those subjects.

    I do not want this journal to become on big complaint about my life. Although it might be good to write down the reality I am experiencing, I do want to believe in progress, I do want to change. So I will come back here from time to time, and promise myself to be patient. That I will commit on doing good. Become a more healthy person. I will read other peoples journeys and be inspired. Most of us are here not only to quit gaming,  but also to better ourselves and live a happier live. 

    Today might not be a day to be proud of. But it is nice to rest a bit. And well... lets just try to be positive. Tomorrow there is another day.

    Great job, really. What isntrument do you play?

  7. Oh snap man, haven`t heard from you for a while! Whatever the case may be do not go harsh on urself. And yeah, that joint about "it was like deleting a chapter from my life". Take a different look at this. You are beginning a new chapter in ur life! Sounds pompous but it actually helps dealing with game nostalgia. And yeah, one last bit, reading a lot of people`s journals I`ve realised that at first they were trying to get rid of gaming but then they realised that the goal was to start a new life. Chin up m8

    • Like 2
  8. On 1/30/2020 at 2:33 PM, Talby said:


    Your situation sounds almost exactly like mine, particularly as I did an MSc in Geographical Information Systems.  Whilst studying after a period of absence I started convincing myself that playing civilisation, Simcity or anything that was essentially a fantasy of what my degree could be was going to be helpful.  It got worse and worse, put enormous strain on my relationship, work and education.  I got through it but at a huge cost to my mental and physical health.  Studying and working is difficult anyway, introducing addictive gaming sessions in just makes it like trying to survive the apocalypse.  As somebody has mentioned earlier, as soon as you bring it back in it can take over and the cravings just get worse and worse.  Once that starts, it’s a slippery slope and in my opinion it starts to take much more mental strain and physical effort trying to contain the cravings and moderate than if you’re just feeling a bit empty from missing the sessions.

    This scenario for me was 2-3 years ago, and I’m STILL suffering from the ramifications.  I’ve only now admitted the addiction and took the decision to abstain, deleting all games and promising to my loved ones that I won’t go back.  I have a distinction in my MSc but if I’m being brutally honest, I’m in a job I really don’t enjoy and could have done a lot better for myself if I’d have stayed focused to the important things.  Success is never guaranteed from any education, but you can put yourself in the best position to gain employment or move forward with what you know is right. 

    Without judging myself too harshly, because judgement and self-hatred really isn’t the goal here, the question I ask myself is “Did I do everything I could and that was within my control to succeed at that endeavour?” Obviously the ‘within my control’ bit is important because there’s a ton of stuff that can halt you in your tracks or upend your life.  For me, I was going through some stuff that was a little out of my control…and I’ve used that as an excuse for not achieving what I thought I could during that period.  But I CANNOT honestly answer that question with a yes, knowing what I do about how much time I spent gaming when I had my studies…and the decisions that led to me embarking on my studies…and the decision to study in the way I did etc etc.  Gaming comes into a lot of my decision making over the last few years and I regret not getting it under control sooner.

    As TwoSidedLife said, people in control don't have an issue with it, their lifestyles and probably don't stress too much about whether they're out of control or not.  If you're thinking about it and it's having a negative impact on your studies and lifestyle, it's most likely a problem.

    My advice is don’t regret it.  Take control of it now and don’t make excuses to yourself.  It can be very liberating, which comes with it's own anxieties and fear...but they're far more interesting to get to know than the isolation of gaming addiction 😊

    Let me know if you want to chat more about it.

    Darn, preaching the truth here

    • Like 1
  9. On 2/4/2020 at 8:08 AM, Tomas said:

    Hi Xgamer, it is good to see that you overcame the craving of gaming on a stormy day. Not playing for over a month is a really nice progress. Keep it up! Are you still using you chart? With kind regards, Tomas.

    Unfortunately not, I lost it when moving. It would totaly be handy on rainy days

    Still getting the pro-gaming vibe though, I can`t imagine that I will finally kick the habit of playing. 

  10. yeah what a golden time that was eh? Playing video games as a teen, careless stuff. It might not be gaming craving but nostalgia. Perhaps. Ive watched some videos I used to like dearly

    the noob who`s f2p (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YyW8avcTQHU)

    Once upon a time in 2fort (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NocI-TT832E)

    watched some Cam`s videos why do people quit playing and so on. I feel better now. An hour ago it felt like i was on verge, really


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  11. It`s almost a month since I have quit gaming and out of the blue my cravings struck again! Good thing I have no accessto my old steam accout nor to my old pc but I even started to dream about playing some of these games that drew me around the bend. Tomorrow my work shift starts I hope it can drawmy attention to more serious stuff in my life. But I gotta admit that I am relentless in doing anything AGAIN. 

  12. still kicking yet I missed daily check in here. Because I have never switched on my pc during all those 3 days!

    A lot of things happened and it is already past midnight in Russia.

    Compassion, empathy
    To be all ears, scale of the situation

    scaling the conflict can help to stay level headed for example

    Me and my sister bicker a lot (x1)
    My sister is having a quarrel with me because I took something without asking (x2)
    My sister who has been next to me all my life even the house was broken is upset that i have done something

    Internalized? Scaling might be the key of healthy relationships. Overviewing the scene and analysing what is going on. It is hard

    I quit gaming week or so and tbh I think I want to go on

    That is it I guess
    Lil bit disappointed nobody called me out during my 3 day gone missing
    On the other hand this diary is not for the effect but purpose


  13. I have made couple of new years resolutions

    1. Develop empathy for my closest ones
    2. Don`t take life too seriosuly

    And I have also found out about non-euclid geometry and lucid dreaming. That sounds like fun I would like to dig deeper
    I have also burried the hatchet with my parents nevertheless I am still moving from my parents` in a week. This is the decision I have ruminated a lot. There are probably a lot of typos but I ll correct them tommorow, maybe

    I wanna get my head around all those 101 idioms in english



    Really tired but I wantto get a hang of keeping a journal - that helps me to stay on track

    Good things

    • Helped my family to smarten up the house. It all looks festive and stuff now. Went shopping together!
    • Didn`t play!Nono man I ain`t giving up that easy

    Bad things

    • Spent a lotta time on utube. But frankly the videos I`ve watched weren`t memes compilations or some silly game montage as I used to watch. I have viewed some of Cam`s videos and some educational one, thoughts provoking like this one (I suggest you to watch it. It is about coping with difficulties). So why is it a drawback then? Well, I have to bite the bullet and find myselfa job if I have made up my mind moving from my parents in a week I have to be conscious about it, innit?
    • Been moody. Not gonna lie,really wanna play. I feel under the weather big time.


    I have seen different guys talking about gaming in moderation like this guy(Richard Kuo), for instance. It`s a controversial topic, but in an other video Cam noticed that it is important to complete the detox and then think of gaming in moderation. He`s got the point. Gotta prove myself that I can live without games, that I am not an addict. Perhaps I ruminate over it although I am not ready to ditch games out of my live. Bloody hell, I spent my childhood playing games... I can`t imagine my life without games, frankly, for now, ok ? ?

    Bloody moody disposition of mine is killing all the fun. Gotta find a hobby, a job ? Yeah..

    Not a movie fiend but damn that girl ( Zooey Claire Deschanel ) is hot.

    Kaaching! my xp bar is advancing


    That`s it for now



    Good things

    • I have finally tidied up room. That took me 3 bloody hours. Who knew my room could accomodate so much dust, Jesus. More than that, I accidentally found the missing part from my MOTTO Racing gear ?

      why, why now? I could have had so much fun playing my beloved ProStreet with it ? ALAS LOL

      That hit me hard. A sudden wave of playing urge almost overwhelmed me but ya boi stays strong.
      EDIT. Watching video of other people quitting gaming (HOBEDAGA`s story) helped me. especially this guy. He`s a legend
    • Spent time with my father. That was endearing really. We talked, played chess. Too bad I`ve wasted so much time digging my head in sand. But look redemption is what matters here right? It was funny to stumble upon my urge to leave as soon as we talked. I understand why. My father was often asking about my grades, plans for future, thoughts, anything, hell, he really was trying. And me being a depressed junkie, hating that sense of guilt, so dense I could touch it, I would crudely end the convo and rush to my messy room playing computer games with lights switched off.

      I hope I can stop hating myself one day, really, or will it matter down the line, If I wll be always full of rancours, then maybe fuck it lets play until I die


    Bad things

    I feel like shit already. Well it is an indication of me being an addict, right? And I don`t want that. I want to be free.

    Does the fact I am quitting mean that I shall not play again anymore? Should it be as fawl and wrong as doing drugs or commiting crimes for me now? What about this time I have spent playing games? Should I blame myself for it?
    What if I turn to pro gamer? Like, isn`t it wonderful to be hooked on something and bring bacon home at the same time. But, from the other perspective, say I have managed to become pro, will I be agile? Active? Socially charismatic? Perhaps it`s my brain trying to find a way to play some more


    Well, here it is, folks! OH! one more thing..

    Here it is my visual XP bar for not playing the game ? How do you like it




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  16. On 6/5/2019 at 1:12 AM, Malto said:

    Jour #3 (04/06/2019)

    Et bien le cahier dessin m'a couché sur le flanc... je suis fatigué. Et comme je me rends compte, en étant fatigué l'envie est plus forte, ou alors je résiste moins bien. Je n'ai pas joué aujourd'hui bien que j'aie regardé une vidéo de Magic Arena. Je me suis demandé si Magic était si mauvais et je me suis aussitôt fait la réflexion que c'est ce qu'une addiction dirait. Je suis content de mes cours, le grille pain que je prototype en TP de DI82 avance bien et malgré quelques égratignures de râpe (fatigue engendrant des mouvements moins précis ??) les joues en résine sont terminées. Je n'ai plus qu'à les coller.

    J'ai obtenu 7,25 au DS de méca. C'est un ds binaire où si l'on a faux on a 0, et il n'y a pas de points de méthode. Je suis déçu mais je veux voir une correction car il m'a semblé qu'une info manquait, preuve que j'ai raté un truc important dans le cours. En considérant un coefficient de 1 pour les 3 DS, il faut que j'aie 16 pour obtenir 11 de moyenne. Ça devrait être facile pour un ancien prépa qui se donne réellement les moyens (par pitié faites que cette phrase vieillisse bien).

    Le style baroque est une vacherie à dessiner mais bizarrement j'ai apprécié dessiner le stylo "plume" extravagant. Le minimaliste est horrible car il est rempli de lignes droites dures à dessiner à la main. Un dessin minimaliste devient très vite moche si les lignes ne sont pas parfaites et pures.

    J'apprécie beaucoup Me Rouxel, le prof de prototypage. Sous des airs stricts, il est très gentil et pédagogue. Il nous fait avancer et apprendre en même temps. Que demander de plus ?


    L'ennui sera mon pire ennemi.


    Aujourd'hui j'ai :

    1. Rendu mon cahier de dessin
    2. Découvert les styles baroque, minimaliste, géométrique
    3. Fait une sieste pour rattraper mon sommeil
    4. Joué de la râpe pour créer les joues de mon grille pain
    5. Lu GoT
    6. Reçu ma note de merde en CP81
    7. Calculé la note nécessaire au final pour avoir 11 de moyenne
    8. Lutté contre l'ennui (GoT va m'aider bordel)

    Hauts et Bas :

    • H : cahier rendu
    • B : premières tentations
    • B : mauvaise occupation pendant le temps d'ennui
    • H : réussi à m'arracher de l'ennui qui me torturait l'esprit pour lire GoT
    • H : fait une remarque amusante et bien placée en cours de design ! Yay ! ("il faut insister hein ...")

    Que puis-je faire mieux demain ?

    • Encore lutter contre l'ennui
    • Faire la liste d'activités pour toujours savoir quoi faire
    • Postuler aux stages nom d'un chien
    • Répondre à Me Lanot
    • Commencer à écrire ?
    • Commencer à bosser la CP81
    • Lui montrer à ce demi-prof qui m'a élevé
    • Continuer à boire, moins gêné par l'envie d'aller aux toilettes aujourd'hui
    • Faire la vaisselle mdr

    Bonjour! J`etudie le francais mais je le sais mal ? Tousles memes je vais tacher de lire et comprendre ce que tu ecris. Tu es cool! Keep up good work! Bon travail! Je veux te suivre dans ton voyage. Et pourries-tu on raconter ton histoire? Pourquoi as-tu decide' de quitter gaming (jouer?)? De quelles difficultes as tu renconte'? S`il te plait ?

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