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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Everything posted by Icandothis

  1. Thank you for your post. Yes, I have been told that due to the “me too” and “ times up” movement, things are changing for women. I live in the Pacific Northwest and many of the companies out here are supposedly very progressive. The last time I worked was 3 years ago for a healthcare company in Texas. It was extremely toxic. Ironically, everyone in my office was a woman and they were not supportive at all. Without going into too much detail, I am disabled 2 days of every month due to my moon cycle. FMLA will provide protection, but only if the company is of a certain size. And I have to be an actually employee for a certain number of months. This was all triggered because I was offered a contract position for a very good wage. I told the recruiter about my disability... and the offer was rescinded. My friend told me I should have just called out sick those days...but the contract said I could be terminated if I did not work the agreed upon hours. I am frustrated due to lack of awareness, understanding and inclusivity. Thank you for listening.
  2. Something I am struggling with. How to live as a woman in a corporate world. A world where you are not allowed to be sick, you push harder, put on your game face. My body and intuition are screaming at me to honor my monthly cycle. I am the moon. And if I don’t, I will get physically sick. This same pattern has occurred over and over again in my life. I honor and deeply respect the path I travel.
  3. Thank you. Your comment means a lot to me.
  4. Love this. Welcome and so glad you are here!
  5. No no. I just passed 5 months game free!
  6. Day 13 - cold shower Experiencing my very quiet and introspective time of month. Something that is calling to me - how to have grace and courage during times of trial. Have a beautiful day my friends!
  7. Lol. I do girl push ups. Is that even correct to say? I have never had the upper body strength to do multiple push up. I do chaturanga during my Series B, but these are always interspersed with up/down dogs, lunges, etc... never back to back. The push ups is part of the app... but they aren’t my favorite. Have a beautiful day
  8. On my childhood trauma. “You were so quiet, stayed out of the way, didn’t need anything. You were so good.” I learned that in order to survive it’s important “not to be a child”. Lots of tears today.
  9. Day 11 - cold shower, breathing, push ups
  10. Day 10 - cold shower, breathing techniques, push ups. And DAY 150 - game free!
  11. Day 9 - cold shower, breathing techniques, push ups.
  12. Day 8 - cold shower, breathing technique, push ups.
  13. Day 7 - cold shower, breathing techniques, push ups.
  14. I think I am going to do weekly screenshots. Day 6 - Cold shower, breathing techniques, push ups.
  15. Well then sending virtual hugs today. 💙💙💙💙
  16. I relate so much to the first paragraph. I had to drop all the labels of wife, home owner, successful, all my identity. To search deeply about who I truly was. I am so sorry for all the pain you have endured. But you have grown, become resilient and seen what you are capable of. So proud of you.
  17. Day 2 - Accountability. Commitment.
  18. Hi! Skipping back a couple of posts.... what I have seen is that people choose relationships that mirror their caregivers relationship. Attachment theory. This cycle only breaks once someone is self aware of their thoughts/emotions/patterns/cycles... which sadly many are not. Also in relationships where educated women date the “loser” men.... it’s actually the men that hold the power in the relationship. These types of men usually withhold affection/attention ... and the woman is begging for any type of emotional intimacy. At least from what I’ve seen and just to add another perspective. You are doing great! As you said we all have good days and then tough days. We just have to keep going and supporting each other. Have a beautiful day my friend.
  19. Hi, I think you are doing fine. I feel like as women, we get judged for having sex with multiple partners. And perhaps we put that guilt onto ourselves? Please be safe and cautious of course. And please try to find a bit of a community where you live. Maybe the local gym, studio, park, community center? Congrats on your move. This is a huge change and will take you a while to get settled in. Be gentle with yourself. Have a beautiful day my friend.
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