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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Posts posted by Tzen1

  1. Hey it's good to see you persevering through the tough times. I am still catching up again on journals I had to disappear to prepare my classrooms for school. Teaching is rough this year.  

    I apologise for not knowing what test your about to take but it sounds like you have a bout of testing anxiety. I have it and I see it a lot in my students as well at the high school level. Just prepare as good as you can and find practice test as well if they are available. They really help in the long run even if it's the same test you can always draw back and connect one question to another. If you need any other testing techniques or ideas let me know I can try to drum some up for you!

    Stay strong man! You got this!

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  2. 12 hours ago, OptimisticMalcontent said:

    1.Reading is a lot more appealing, and intense. The information is also easier to hold on to.

    Welcome to the forums @OptimisticMalcontent! This quote is one thing I wish I did when I first started. It was one of the most benefiting things I did for myself. So many stories I have missed out on and finishing a big book feels great. 

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  3. Welcome @Toro! Stopping games is a huge step and your brain will thank you for it. Most people like to quit cold turkey (I did) but you have to go at your own pace. If you feel like weening down is the best course then do that, the end goal is what's important. 

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  4. 1 hour ago, BooksandTrees said:

    Things like this are why I kind of miss playing video games just because you can escape the stress and just live a life of luxury. But I also know that I had some bad digestive health issues and anxiety issues along with depression and life issues.

    I had a small revelation about this. But to me I feel like with games I never really escaped the stress but instead playing video games helped keep the lid on a full bottle that was about to explode. It sounds and looks like a luxury life but in the end it's all a lie we tell ourselves. Now without video games I feel like once I deal with my stress the bottle empties only to be slowly filled up again. 

    You got this, stay strong and relax when you can. One step at a time. 

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  5. As a dessert guy I'm just gonna leave this link here as another one of my motivations for cast iron. We have made this twice and dear lord it's the best. I'm a crunchy person so my wife eats the gooey center and I love the cooked sides. https://www.justataste.com/ultimate-skillet-chocolate-chip-cookie-recipe also if you like watching YouTube Cowboy Kent Rollins is probably my favorite because growing up in the south (Texas) I relate to a lot of his food. But if your interested in cast iron he goes step by step on how to take care of and manage a cast iron pan. Once you get one going and take care of it they last forever and become more non stick along the way. 

    I need to up my breakfast game I like doing egg on toast, homemade hash browns and some sausages. I want to learn how to make boudin kolaches they are so good. 

    Man after playing one or two rounds of shogi I had to watch some videos over the game. I have chess down in my head but you have to take such a non traditional way of thinking when it comes to the game. 

  6. What do you like to cook? I always like learning what other people like to make. One of my projects that kept me busy that I realized I didn't out in my journal was I worked on my cast iron pan a lot. Stripped it's original seasoning and started from scratch. Now it's non stick and I can cook eggs while they slide around. It was a good feeling to see.

    19 minutes ago, Phoenixking said:

    Daily Japanese lesson - Did it, and some chess

    Are you learning shogi at all? I tried it out and man it's a lot longer of a game than normal chess but the concept it's really interesting. 

  7. On 6/5/2020 at 7:01 AM, Phoenixking said:

    My legs still hurt like a motherfucker. I want to make brownies today and standing up over the stove while melting the chocolate is going to be a challenge. I hate feeling so helpless and handicapped... Gaming is slowly taking over my day-to-day again. I think about it when I go to sleep or during random moments during the day. 

    Hey man my thoughts go out to you and I hope you get to feeling better. Just stay frosty about gaming in the computer again I loved how you put it in your earlier post.


    On 6/3/2020 at 7:02 AM, Phoenixking said:

    It's more like a playful happy monkey but it's got claws, fangs and rabies.

    You can do this no matter what comes your way! 

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  8. Welcome to the team! This place is awesome and has great support. What your feeling is completely normal when quitting gaming. I had a lot of the same stuff when I did my 90 days the anxiety panic attacks all of it. It's also DEFINITELY ok to be afraid. This is a change in your life but your taking the first step being here. You got this and welcome to the forums again. 

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  9. If it helps I listen to a sleep mediation at night that usually calms my mind down and helps me sleep better. His name is Jason Stephenson and he has lots of great meditation listening videos for sleeping. This is the one I use it's fantastic in my opinion. 


    Also for house hunting motivation we spent a WHOLE YEAR looking at houses. It sucked being patient and staying in our apartment but it was worth the wait to find something in our price range. Stick with it the house or apartment your looking for will be found. 

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  10. I have been thinking about doing an update post in a week or two. As a teacher we are nearing the end of the school year and everything is just crazy with remote learning, getting grades finalized, and prepping for graduations if we even do them.

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  11. To build upon what @Alexanderle said it's also great that you have found a groove to your day. You have something you do at different points of the day from working on hockey, to your animations, or just relaxing to Hunter x Hunter. Also as for family I understand and I sometimes think family and complicated go hand in hand with each other.

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  12. Ikar its really crazy to see how far your journey has taken you. I am still catching up on your days since December but man you have had a long journey and when you get rich and become a amazing trader off Forex remember us. I have always thought people who can understand and play the trading game will always have something to fall back on and make side cash when they want. I am proud to see how far you have come and I can't wait to catch up to your current point. Stay well man.


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  13. 2 hours ago, BooksandTrees said:

    Glad to hear from you again. I'm doing well and enjoying the 3d modeling hobby for sure. I do the same thing as you with the research before working. I think my biggest pitfall is daydreaming about the goals a little too much, but otherwise I'm learning more about balance. 

    How are you doing and how is the house coming along?

    I'm doing good! As a teacher my job my job took a dramatic shift and been extremely busy getting all my material online and making sure students can access it. 

    You know daydreaming is a two way street for me. It can be a pitfall because I lose focus of what I'm doing but then I feel like I'm at my highest peak of creativity. Your mind just becomes free to think of what you can do or add to your project without a sense of worry. It's enough for me to stop sometimes and write down what floats in my head. 

    As for the house we have one big project we are thinking about hiring out, insulation. It's pretty bad also might be some droppings from rodents or bugs so they would have to vacuum as well. My biggest goal,though, is I want to get my house wired up and have a Ethernet port in every room. I just know that if we decide to sell it one day or keep it even it will be useful in the long run. 


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  14. 4 hours ago, Phoenixking said:

    How was that for you, quitting alcohol and sodas? Was it hard? Did you use some kind of technique? Do you miss it? Do you sometimes break the abstention and indulge?

    Not gonna lie drinking wasn't as bad as sodas. I wasn't a heavy drinker at all maybe a beer with friends but not really at home, but sodas, dear god sodas. Since quitting coffee all my caffeine came from sodas. The caffeine withdrawals went on for what felt like a week and a half. The headaches were the worst part I felt like I needed Excedrin just to get past them. Did it suck yeah but it was worth it. Just quitting sodas by themselves I lost weight my energy is now no longer tied to caffeine and I feel like I have a better night sleep and wake up more refreshed. 

    So to answer your questions haha, Really I did the same thing with that like I did with video games. Clean house all alcohol, sodas, coffee. I have two techniques 1. was my motivation not to go through caffeine withdrawals again going through it once was plenty enough for me to stay away. 2. I bought a tumbler, I'll attach a screenshot, and instead of filling it with coffee I filled it with water and kept it with me everywhere I went. Also the green on it was a plus because it's my favorite color. 

    It was hard but the results outweigh it so much. I don't really miss alcohol and I'll explain why in a second but I do miss a good Fresca or Dr. Pepper. I haven't broken yet, though for coffee, people bash on Decafe but really with all the creamer and what not people add in you wouldn't taste the difference.

    As for alcohol I am just not a fan of drinking something that I would lose my clear mind or going out having someone to depend on to get home. I guess I just don't want to burden people. I also hate the feeling the alcohol brings on even getting buzzed I didn't care for it. 

    But yeah since quitting I have no cravings other than a Decafe coffee here or there and I feel so great more energy, better night sleep, and I just feel healthier. Sorry for the long post as well. 


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  15. It's crazy to see your journey come so far! Looks like your doing well with a belly full of steak! And honestly in this quarantine tasty is in short supply. 

    The only thing to be careful is the day drinking mixed with working out. Drinking causes the body to dehydrate even more so than working out and then working out without some water isn't to good. I know this is easier said then done coming from a person who doesn't drink and gave up sodas but just be careful 🙂

    stay safe and keep going one day at a time


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  16. 4 hours ago, BooksandTrees said:

    I want to 3D model, but I don't really wnat to put any effort into anything right now. It's the end of a long week and I'm just exhausted both mentally and physically.

    Long time no see I hope your doing well and staying safe. It's been awhile and I'm trying to catch back up on posts. Your 3d animations look fantastic! I'm glad you finally started to do them. I got further into learning how to fix up my house as my hobby learning tools, electrical, and what not.

    This quote though stuck out to me because I relate some days but there is one nice thing I learned about hobbies and managing them. They are always there for you the next day. It gives you something to look forward to as well. For me when I can't get in a working mood I put my history degree to work and just research. Research everything and learn. So that way when I get back to it I can try out a new tip or truck I learned into action. It kind of creates a snowball effect for me to stay excited.

    Anyway I hope your doing well man and keep it up your doing awesome! 


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  17. Hey Deku,

              I'm sorry about what happened that blows big time. We are all thinking about you and sending good vibes. I know you can bounce back from this! But take some time to rest, relax, and energize for your next goal! We believe in you! 

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  18. 13 hours ago, Phoenixking said:

    She says she missed doing spontaneous things like this

    I don't know if you live in a big area but one date idea that is fun is something I call adventure dates. Next time your in a city if you see a store or anything that you or your girlfriend are interested in just go inside. Even if you don't buy anything it's cool to see what shops have to offer! Also same thing for food makes you try new things. It can lead to some fun days! 

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  19. Well dang, yeah you really got to find a good group of people who click together. I'm doing well, still haven't played games but funny enough I think my first game I'm going back to is switch fit haha. I like the concept of working out and having fun also,gyms are expensive as you found out.

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  20. Hey man I hope your doing well. One thing that's nearby for me is a card shop. On certain nights however, they host a board game night. It may not be the best hobby but if you can find a group near you it might be a cheaper hobby? 

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