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Everything posted by Ikar
Day 329: I got up early, cooked, looked into some SEO, read, visited my family and had a jamming session with me on drums and two other guys on guitars. I also cycled about 20 kilometers.
Day 328: Yesterday we had quite the party, as it was the last one that could be legally held for the next several weeks. Going out thrice in three days in such a passion was quite the feat. Cold approaches, connecting with people and having fun - I did all of that. Now I am going to work on myself again in the upcoming days. I took a walk outside, took my car to the paint shop, had a light workout, read "The Red and the Black" and caught up with the GQ forum too. I did all that even though I felt hungover after yesterday and catching up on sleep during the day. These days I am especially grateful for my stalwart mindset and my ability to detach and also that I do not take myself too seriously. I even saw some sensible-looking posts on FB with people expressing gratitude for this newfound situation, so they could find time to go out into the nature, work out or meet the people closest to them. Life's good after all.
I guess another example that nicely demonstrates this was when there was Cold War, the socialist countries had their conscripts and supplies at the ready at all times, whereas the FGR's soldiers had their 40 hour workweeks and weekends off. Different worlds.
Peterson's lectures were very important at the beginning of my detox. It's true that he "only" puts the ideas of great philosophers into modern language, but I am of the opinion that most of how should one go about their lives in a good way is out there anyway. I started noticing this with myself as well. I am working out consistently for 10 weeks and I look better than before. I guess men can care about how they look as well! 😄
Eventually, there was just too much evidence piled up that gaming was hurting me in more ways than it was helping me. Once I understood that, it wasn't too difficult for me to stay away.
Day 325: I worked on my uni project, visited my grandma and worked out. I went out in the evening and stayed up late as a result. Day 326: I finished my uni project, worked out and went out again, although I didn't stay up as late as before. I got some classes to teach too, so I should have at least a few of them coming up. I went out as well. Day 327: I got up super early, because I needed to see my doctor for a medical check to get started on the gun license. I also got my teeth checked and they are all good; the only thing about them is that they catch color from tea. I went to visit my father at home and then got new black jeans, as all I've had up to this point were blue ones. Then I slept for an hour, worked on my web, had an extended stretch instead of working out and took an hour long walk. I'm going out again tonight, so that's why I am posting this now. And a bit of humor to top it off. Life's good after all.
I can definitely sense that those talks you guys have about common problems are bonding, cathartic and meaningful. I'm slowly figuring out how to have more of these with people I meet, so the experience can be mutually enriching and pleasant. I think you behaved like a good employer in this scenario. If it's the first complaint there has ever been on your guy, take note of it and be vigilant. I think if you gave in to the owner (i.e. apologetically said it won't happen again), you'd show yourself as incompetent, unworthy of respect and easily manipulated. I actually had a similar triangle a few months ago, where I was the employee, just like your comedian. My employer would just give me up, because the other company decided (retroactively) that the lessons I taught didn't happen. I got mad. I wrote all of them I wouldn't stand for such shit and they reconsidered their attitude. My employer didn't win any points with that and I'm happy I actually don't work for them anymore. As for the Holocaust joke itself (no matter how well it actually went for your guy), I think the true "joke" in all this is that "only" Holocaust reached the magnitude of general knowledge that it could be turned into a joke. I think nobody would make the joke about Stalin's USSR, Maoist China, the genocide of Armenians or the Rwandan one, because hardly anyone knows about these. It could be the portrait of the society we live in. In the end, you are right - it's not a pissing contest as for who had it worse. All those people tortured had it horrible.
Damn. It sure isn't easy to learn to regulate oneself, but I guess everybody on this forum knows that. I hope it works out for you again at some point, so you don't have to sacrifice your mental health for money.
I may have missed that at some point, but what kind of rehab did you go to? Did you ever consider living on your own or with a some of people that you'd like better? I'm 22 and I enjoy living on my own immensely, even though it's cheap university dorms with 80s socialist furniture 😄
It depends on your writing style, but I generally spend about an hour on a paragraph that is four or five lines long, both thinking it up and actually writing it. It's not easy by any means to find time for writing. I cleansed my FB and now there are only two ways I use it: 1) find events I could physically go to (I already established the weekly ones, but I still spend about half an hour during the weekend when I am planning my next week, searching if there are some one-timers as well) 2) organize myself and others to physically go somewhere That's it. No cat videos, no hot models, no narcissists in my feed.
Welcome back!
Day 324: I worked out, read, worked on my assignment for the uni and went for the philosophy class in the evening.
I got inspired at first and when I was halfway through, I decided to finish it. I'm a prose guy myself, but from time to time I encounter some poetry anyway. I'm happy you liked it 🙂
Day 323: I spammed the mails, did Duolingo, read, visited my parents and worked out. --- It's been over a year since I wrote a true poem for a woman, but this time I will try to write one for what all women I met so far meant to me; for the archetypal female I sometimes think of. Thank you.
I tried to make Russian and working out more social. In the case of Russian, I think I'd need to do it conversation-based at least two or three times a week and that either means sinking money by going to some language courses or barter (working out together/giving English classes) and neither seems realistic at the moment. In the case of working out, I don't even need anyone to go to the gym with me. Sometimes someone is there with me and sometimes not. Sometimes I get chatting with someone and sometimes not. The effects of it are so overwhelmingly positive that it takes me no effort to go there in the first place. I think I'd actually like to reinforce activities I have to do solo, such as writing. I got used to doing a lot of things on my own, I have my own room and I like it that way. In a weird way, it could actually be making me less likely to get involved romantically, because I know that a relationship is not a remedy for all my problems/insecurities anymore. My life is good enough as it is, so I don't need to desperately chase some golden glitter ahead of me.
It's a shame that you have the allergy. What's interesting is that dogs are often reflection of the people that have them. From what I recall, my ex was supposed to be in charge of her family's dachshund for a couple of years. That dog was unpredictable and aggressive towards literally any and all strangers, such as the postman or me. When I was at their house, I was generally confined to the area where it wasn't present. I literally had to ask to pee or to get a glass of water, otherwise either the dachshund or I was risking health. Coming to think of it, it was a fairly surreal situation. I imagine ten years down the road, this "chicks with dogs" category would slowly transform into "chicks with kids" category. I think of the dog as a mini-baby. Dogs also don't have the ability to participate in some weird subconscious psychological warfare. So I think if I meet a girl, with a dog I genuinely like, I think the chances that the girl will like me back is very high. I have a reason to believe it works that way with kids, as my older friend is currently dating a divorced single mom and we talked about this.
Day 322: I had a fine and lazy maintenance day. I planned my next week, worked out, wrote the monthly report, read "The Red and the Black", did the groceries, laundry, wrote a bit for my website and watched "Parasite" in the evening. The transformation from a comedy into a raw psychological thriller was great. --- Cleansing. Accepting voluntary sacrifice and transforming consciousness on a regular basis. No need to get hit by a truck again.
I keep on going out quite frequently and maintaining/creating new relationships. I also got some return on my attempts to further my English-teaching business. Life's good.
I'm using the template I used the last time. 10/2/20 - 7/3/20 "L" will stand for the (last) plan for this term. "T" will stand for done this term. "N" will stand for the plan next term. Books: L: I'm picking up "A New Earth" by Eckhart Tolle. It's been about a year since I read "The Power of Now" and I remember I was fascinated by it, even though I hardly understood it. T: I actually didn't seriously read for about three weeks in February, I only started again when I picked up "1984". It gripped me nicely and I was even motivated to read at random times during the day. N: I got "The Red and the Black" from Stendhal and "Beyond Good and Evil" by Nietzsche. English - Personal (1) + Business (2): L1: I didn't study English, because if I studied, I studied for exams at the university. I've been keeping in shape by going to two English speaking events per week though. I write here and on my blog. L2: I was unable to set up any classes that would suit me, but I managed to at least take the shot at those interviews during the exam term, so they know about me. I sent out a lot of applications yesterday, so I plan to get some more interviews in February. T1: I've been keeping in shape by going to one or two English speaking events per week. I write here and on my blog. I want to be more consistent in writing though. T2: I'm setting up a pilot class for March/April in one community center. Just today I got an offer I took to have a course on Friday mornings. Aside from that, today I gave the go to get my business cards done, as well as the banner. I'm gonna wait with the car stickers, as my C3 is going to the paint shop to get rid of the rust. My website is still WiP - I simply need to write more. N1: I think I want to bond my personal progression together with my business progression. The idea I would study some obscure English grammar or did tests on the Internet just seems foreign to me. I'll just keep on doing what I've been doing up until now. N2: I'm gonna get my webpage up by mid-March. Word. It's already 50% done anyway. I am also going to spam more mails, even though I think everybody knows that I exist in this area at this point. Family: L: I've been talking over my parents' and brother's relationship with grandma every now and then. It's been quite helpful to help me understand my relationship behaviors as well. T: I think it's true to say that I find my family members more dear when I am more detached from them by living on the dorms. I get to see them just enough to be caught up on what are they up to. I think it works that way for most relationships, except for when people live together. N: Maintain the relationships as they are, I'm happy with them as they are! University: L: I have classes on Thursday evening and Friday morning and afternoon. I wanted to give myself a few hours a week to study/write papers outside of the lessons the last semester, but I never got around to doing it and scrambled to finish the papers, even though not as badly as the semester before that. I'll get after it this semester on Saturday mornings. T: The assignments were fairly minor so far, but there's one bigger one coming up next week. Otherwise it's fairly smooth sailing during the semester. N: Stick to doing assignments ahead of time. Being social: L: I had no lessons to teach, so my urge to go out and be social increased. I mostly see the same people every week on these events and all of them are either free or low-cost. They all complement my hobbies/things I want to get better at or maintain. It's also a good opportunity to network. I'm able to go out almost every day for a few hours, because I get enough me-time during the rest of the day. I imagine this sounds a lot like madness to people with a 9-5 job, but I am happy I put in the work on my projects whenever I want to and moneymaking currently doesn't concern me, as I have enough saved up for several months. T: It's been more of the same, as I am creating more connections and deepening current ones. I like the consistency of that. I can still be a bit sheepish at times though. I like to both talk to others and watch them. I'm vigilant. N: I'm happy with the current situation. Exercise/movement: L: I did the same pull-up, sit-up and bike routine all month. I'm gonna get into some mobility workout too, because I would like to be more flexible and less prone to injury. T: I put in some more exercises to mix up my workouts, as well as some stretching. N: I think I want to make my workouts even more diverse. Russian: I am still on track on Duolingo (177 days streak). Women/dating: L: My current thoughts on dating: If a woman interests me (unconscious decision = she looks good), I talked to her (conscious decision - determining whether she is at least remotely interested as well and not a total deadbeat), and I have the opportunity of seeing her regularly, it naturally comes to me that I want to spend more time with her to get to know her and ask her questions that I care about. Words have to be followed by actions and facts however. I said I wanted to exercise after leaving the army, but I never really got into it. It would be like saying "I love you" for the first time, but not going for any kind of touch whatsoever. It was strange. Fact-checking is boring and hard, but necessary in order to make the relationship work long-term. In a way, this diary is the best fact-check anyone could get on me, including both my actions and my thoughts, even if not 100% of them. However, I think neither emotionality nor fact-checking should lag behind each other too much. Manson's Models and Glover's NMMNG were both big help regarding this. I'd like to ease into the relationship. Let the sex be the icing on the cake, rather than the brute animistic force that forges the basis of the relationship. I might fail at remembering that in the heat of the moment, but I'd really like to have sex as the last objective checkpoint/barrier. I could write more, but I think it would be blog material with insights rather than something I'd like to to abide by. "When sex is good it's 10% of the relationship. When it's bad it's 90%." T: I'm currently talking to a few women. I get myself out there on a regular basis. I'm finding out what I like and what I do not like. It could be that I am still perhaps too rational and shy about this, but I am getting better. It's like entering the swimming pool with a descent. I feel more comfortable initiating conversations with men overall. N: Be cool with whatever the outcome is. That's how I learn. Projects/misc finished last month: business - ads, interviews, a few classes website (50%) Projects/misc upcoming this month: website (100%) money? gun license Thoughts, ideas and additional comments/gratitude:
Day 321: I went to uni, went for a stretch at the gym and went out. I knew a few people by sight from the university environment there, so even though I was initially a bit sheepish, it turned out fine and nobody ate me.
I like the discussion and I agree with both of you. I want to do my bachelor's thesis on the development of university education in the past several decades. It's interesting to see that in my country, as for data from 2011, the male vs. female uni educated population is about 7 to 10 in ages 25-29, while it was equal for people 10 years older than that. It could be the comparative risk-avoidance of females to males (uni graduates won't do poorly money-wise), it could be that the standardized education system favors feminine qualities (not stirring up ruckus and avoiding open conflict), it could be that males have more time to "grow up" (men don't have menopause)... a ton of factors to consider and there's no easy answer.
Day 320: I got after it with a lot of energy. I finished my concepts for the banner and business card and emailed them. I also did a bit of work-related writing and worked on my monthly report. I worked out, attended a short class at the university and went outside for an English speaking event. I had a super strange social interaction. On Day 313 (I wrote about it), I met this woman on an English speaking event who was fairly drunk and she told me all about how her life sucks, how she has two kids and how she's gonna be a single mother soon, that her partner is not ideal etc. I saw her yesterday as well, but I didn't talk to her, as I had other people I wanted to chat with. I came home and got a message from her on FB (she had to look me up) that she told me all about herself and that I didn't even say hi to her yesterday. I think I'll be saving my compassion for someone who is not begging for it or trying to guilt me into it.
I think it's important to have a positive mindset about this, but there's also a need to hold yourself accountable. If I say that I (want to) work out, I better do it (or start soon). The schedule I have does a good job at that. I can look into it and find out if I actually did the thing or whether I am just being delusional. That allows me to hold others to the same standard I am on, at least as far as actions go, because in the final analysis, people form their conception of me based on my actions. My situation might not be my fault, but it's my responsibility. I even perceive that as an empowering fact actually. I'm already skeptical towards people who tell me about some kind of a happy and easy future with flying unicorns that poop rainbows. I'm more eager to hear about the not-so-nice stuff (mistakes) those people have gone through and the hard work they had to put in order to get into the place they are now. Nobody is going to save me, except myself.
I'm vigilant. It's a slog, but having all these smaller interactions and tension before having the relationship are bound to ensure I am with someone I truly deserve and need to grow further. In the aftermath of my breakup, I found out my ex and I operated in one strata, whereas I now realize there's a lot more than one strata now. As far as I can tell at the moment, no girl is trying to pursue me or cling to me too tightly in a manner I would be able to detect, but it could be too early for that to happen anyway. It's about having standards I suppose. I think by saying that one dislikes themselves, they give the indication that their present sucks, but they are unsure what to do about it. I think it's just too volatile state of mind to deal with in the future. I guess the chance is that I can also run into a stalwart narcissist who would give me a resounding "yes" on this, but this question doesn't get asked right off the bat and there are a lot of questions preceding it anyway. I masturbate basically daily, but I plan my ejaculations weekly and I stick to that for quite a while now, so I do not get the physiologically adverse effects. It still makes me lie in bed and nap again though. I managed to not do it this sleep session though.
Day 318: I finished reading 1984. What a scary book. I enjoyed reading it, as it jabbed me psychologically a few times, similarly to Gulag Archipelago. I worked out, visited my grandma and had a work appointment. I went out in the evening. I found out the girl that interested me was born on the exact same day as I was. She also told me she doesn't like herself. To that I replied I am looking for a girl who likes herself. I thought about that a bit afterwards and got a bit sad, but also relieved. I wouldn't want to date a girl who can't confidently say she likes herself. I've had enough of that with my ex and I happily trampled over any and all red flags she gave me even before started the relationship. It shook me a bit as well, to think about whether I like myself or not to lay that question to others. I think I do though. Definitely about 1500% more than a year ago. I get myself to do hard things, even if I do not feel like it. I do fun things that I enjoy. I don't get depressive bouts and instead my life is filled with tranquillity and meaning. There are just about three things I want to make better: 1. getting out of bed/cutting masturbation - I can see the progress on that ever since I blocked YT on my phone, but it's hard to tell whether it's just libido, addiction or whatever else. 2. English - I want to teach, so I am working on my web, adverts, calling cards, going to interviews etc. I put a few hours a week into this. 3. relationship(s) - I think this will come as an amalgam of doing well in all other areas. Either people will appreciate me for what I am or they won't. Either I will appreciate people for what they are or I won't. It's easy. Day 319: I had a headache for the whole day. I had two beers and one shot yesterday, but I wouldn't even fathom that this would give me a headache for the whole day. I abstained from alcohol for about 2 months back in 2018 and 2019. I'm gonna do that again and see what happens. As a result of that, I had a super light workout, went to get new books from the library, baked a chicken, defrosted the fridge, watched a discussion with Peterson and slept during the day. I'm happy this day is over at least.