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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Everything posted by Kreedo

  1. @Regular Robert Yes, what you are saying makes sense. I will choose my words to be less judgmental on myself and others.
  2. I enjoyed reading this journal so far, Arch. The quote that stuck with me was, "Cam is 100% right, if you don't have a plan with your time, you just revert back to your habits." So I want to start filling time blocks on my google calendar, especially so I don't spend all day on social media and even gamequitters.com . Thanks for the updates in your journal, I enjoyed the reading of your life. It also inspires me to want to play some football(soccer) again.
  3. Gratitude Journal: 1. God 2. My amazing wife 3. My 2 Kids, ages 7 and 12 4. My cat 5. Beautiful Sunsets and scenery 6. Warm clothes 7. Extra Clarity (since I quit gaming) (feels like some of the fog has lifted from my eyes)
  4. In the past week (I'm on day 25) I've done more facebook surfing than in the past 3 years. I definitely need to get this under control again. I still sit at my computer, instead of gaming, I'll look for updates. From anyone I know. From ads even. It's pretty embarrassing. I will get out of the house more.
  5. In the past week (I'm on day 25) I've done more facebook surfing than in the past 3 years. I definitely need to get this under control again. I still sit at my computer, instead of gaming, I'll look for updates. From anyone I know. From ads even. It's pretty embarrassing. I will get out of the house more.
  6. I like your gratitude journal. I'll start one too. You're doing great so far. (I'm on day 25).
  7. I'm on day 25 of stopping gaming. Before now, losing weight seemed many miles away. Since I've stopped I've lost 10 lbs.(4.5 kg) by counting calories with myfitnesspal.com (free) + I got a step counter watch (such as fitbit) and I noticed that with my free time I consistently got about 4000 more steps per day. Also I plan to join a gym, but I've lost this weight so far just walking and eating better. Also eating more vegetarian meals and portion control helped immensely. I also have friends and family cheering me on on these websites. I started at 317.8 lbs (144 kg) and in 25 days got down to 307.2 lbs(139.3 kg) for a total of 10.5 lbs (4.5 kg). For me this is a awesome change. This is 49.8 BMI(Body mass index) to 48.1 BMI. While all this is still considered extremely obese, I am headed in the right direction in just 25 days. Before, while gaming, I got up to 320 lbs and coasted there for months. Before I felt like there was no hope for my weight. Now I have hope that I can change. I'm still taking time to venture out into the real world. So far I've done things like observe a martial arts class, got to the library with my kids, and attempt to go on a vacation with my wife (we both got sick upper respiratory infections). Even though we couldn't go on the trip, my wife appreciated that I was willing to travel and honestly want to spend time with her without a compulsion to go back to the computer to game. I'm also going to visit with my extended family during Easter, when I had all but abandoned them out of shame that I had gained so much weight and had no job because of a mental disability. Once again there is more hope. Also I've joined a recovery group(Celebrate Recovery) that helps me with hurts, hang-ups, and habits. I've got 3 big ones including eating too much, gaming too much, and porn addiction(I haven't looked at porn since the 1st as well). This group has shown me love and supported me in spite of my problems. They genuinely wanted to connect with me. This is the first time in a long time that I felt like someone wanted so be in a real friendship with me, without a digital(online), transaction-based(you scratch my back, I scratch yours), or one-sided friendship (same-interest group). Yes this is a Christ-centered group, and that suits me. Also I feel like I'm giving back more in my life than just taking, if that makes sense. I'm feeling in life what I do is more meaningful. When I was in the military I felt like I was important. I left with a hole in my heart. I turned to gaming to try and fill the void. Now I have my faith, friends, family, this community(gamequitters), and more time to do what I want without the constant pull of the games. These are some of the things I've done in the past 25 days. See what happens in your life when you stop gaming and start living away from the distraction.
  8. I'm on day 25 of stopping gaming. Before now, losing weight seemed many miles away. Since I've stopped I've lost 10 lbs.(4.5 kg) by counting calories with myfitnesspal.com (free) + I got a step counter watch (such as fitbit) and I noticed that with my free time I consistently got about 4000 more steps per day. Also I plan to join a gym, but I've lost this weight so far just walking and eating better. Also eating more vegetarian meals and portion control helped immensely. I also have friends and family cheering me on on these websites. I started at 317.8 lbs (144 kg) and in 25 days got down to 307.2 lbs(139.3 kg) for a total of 10.5 lbs (4.5 kg). For me this is a awesome change. This is 49.8 BMI(Body mass index) to 48.1 BMI. While all this is still considered extremely obese, I am headed in the right direction in just 25 days. Before, while gaming, I got up to 320 lbs and coasted there for months. Before I felt like there was no hope for my weight. Now I have hope that I can change. I'm still taking time to venture out into the real world. So far I've done things like observe a martial arts class, got to the library with my kids, and attempt to go on a vacation with my wife (we both got sick upper respiratory infections). Even though we couldn't go on the trip, my wife appreciated that I was willing to travel and honestly want to spend time with her without a compulsion to go back to the computer to game. I'm also going to visit with my extended family during Easter, when I had all but abandoned them out of shame that I had gained so much weight and had no job because of a mental disability. Once again there is more hope. Also I've joined a recovery group(Celebrate Recovery) that helps me with hurts, hang-ups, and habits. I've got 3 big ones including eating too much, gaming too much, and porn addiction(I haven't looked at porn since the 1st as well). This group has shown me love and supported me in spite of my problems. They genuinely wanted to connect with me. This is the first time in a long time that I felt like someone wanted so be in a real friendship with me, without a digital(online), transaction-based(you scratch my back, I scratch yours), or one-sided friendship (same-interest group). Yes this is a Christ-centered group, and that suits me. Also I feel like I'm giving back more in my life than just taking, if that makes sense. I'm feeling in life what I do is more meaningful. These are some of the things I've done in the past 25 days. See what happens in your life when you stop gaming and start living away from the distraction.
  9. @giblets What is your good reads name?
  10. Last night I observed a Tae Kwon Do school and am considering joining up. It's very local so I'm happy with that. I'm still saturated with gaming all around me as my family all plays, wifey, and 2 daughters. Nonetheless, I have stuck to my guns and am not backing down. .....Kreedo out....
  11. Grats for stopping. I'm on day 13. I've already started lining up things better for me than gaming. I hope your experience/"awakening" is similar. I'm starting to feel like things are getting better now.
  12. My 7 day steps/day total has gone way up since I quit gaming. Before I was lucky to get about 2000 when I was seated a lot gaming. This picture is from fitbit.com with my step counter. It a wintery day here in the USA/East Coast. The more I feel like I'm stuck at home, the more tempting gaming seems. Nonetheless I am staying strong. @Bugg That's a great idea, trying to do things to bond with my two girls, 12 and 7 years old. Also I have been going out on Date nights with wifey for the past two weeks.
  13. @Cam Adair Thanks for you constant support throughout this process. I listened to your first podcast and it was excellent with good advice and good story. Day 11 My next steps involve getting a social outlet, I need/want to save up some and get into a martial art or yoga class. Also I've attended a support group for addicts on Wednesday (there were mostly alcohol addicts, but some of the message is the same). @everyone Once again , thank you all for your kind support in my game quitting.
  14. @Chaos_BoyYes Congrats on quitting gaming. I'm 44 years old and I can testify that gaming for the most part never landed me real life friends (face to face) in my whole life. I'm on day 11. I also tried college and I couldn't graduate, mostly from hedonism (at the time). Now I find myself with no college graduation. I'm still trying to make friends and make the best of my life without gaming. Good Luck, Bro.
  15. Day 10 I saw some guys on the No gaming discord talking about a website for guided meditation and am trying that some. So how bad can withdrawals from gaming do with my mind, my body and emotionally? @everyone I really want to take control back in my life. It's more than just gaming though. It's a struggle for self-determination for me. Have you ever felt like some things are out of your hands that normally are?
  16. @No-FaceI liked the video, it caused me to really rethink my life and to take new positive action.
  17. Grats Bro! I'm on day 9. Welcome!
  18. I'm on day 9 Bro. Good luck. We're cheering you on.
  19. Yes I've also been told to game in moderation. Ugg... Welcome @Bugg
  20. Welcome @No-Face I also am trying to learn some new info-tech stuff. Linux Admin in particular. So Far I've been procrastinating. But I have a job lined up already if I can get it worked out. I also am calorie counting using myfitnesspal.com I've sampled the pomedoro technique and I want to try that again if it works. I have a long way to go though til I feel that I'll get fit. One day at a time I guess.
  21. @giblets I looked up goodreads for the first time....I made an account as Kreedo. @dwalk77 I'd be scared at this point to delete my whole steam account....first because my wife wants it. Second because if I fail, I don't want to spend all that money all over again. I'm sorry if this makes it sound like I'm not commited, it's just practical. I still am stopping gaming and am on day 9.
  22. Thanks for the idea, Phillip. The firepit idea could work.
  23. Day 6/90 detox Thanks for the quick response, Cam. :-) A gamer friend asked me, “Going through withdrawals and bugs under the skin yet?” I said, “I just need to regulate those dopamine levels, find a good reason to quit, and find something else to fill the time.” My why involves wanting to have a life outside of the computer gaming. I started this knowing that the most social contact I have is in Discord with gamers, in mmo chats, and with gamer friends in real life. Some things I’m considering trying are hang out in the library, walk in the park, get a YMCA membership, start learning pencil and computer tablet drawing, learn Linux Server Administration, read kindle books on my tablet or computer, tae kwon do, yoga, learn Spanish, read the bible thru, do volunteer work of some kind, go on dates with wifey regularly, get 5000+ steps /day (try to work up to 10,000), cook once a month(3 days) for the whole month(so I have more time for other stuff), read Respawn book, unplug from electronics/social media once a week, work on my backyard (put in a firepit, weed the garden, tear down the old swingset, put in a playhouse), paint the inside of my house, and clean house better than I do. So there is other stuff I can do. THe thing with this list is…. There aren’t many opportunities for new social contact. Maybe Yoga or Martial Arts, hiking, walking, and I don’t feel like people at stores and other places where they have to talk to me really counts. So I can try and get on meetup.com, look at some church groups, and maybe common interest groups locally like writers group. I’m a stay-at-home dad/husband right now and find myself at home a bunch. The good news is both of my girls are in elementary school. Any helpful thoughts on this would be great.
  24. Hi I’m Kreedo (That is a game name of course not my real name). I was a frequent gamer. My day one of the 90 days is March the 1st. I played online board games and a action games like Mechwarrior Online and Civ VI. Mechwarriors Universe is storied just like star wars and I would rp as being a part of that. My wife is still a gamer and doesn’t plan on stopping. I’m trying to be fine with that. We have been playing card and boardgames still. I'm trying to tell myself that that is okay. I have maybe 300 games on steam and thousands of dollars in subscriptions and new games over the years. Zach in the Discord channel told me I should uninstall my steam collection games. So I’m gonna start with the games I played the most. The problem though is I know I can reinstall them at any time. And if I got rid of my steam account I could just buy them over again. And believe me I have done that with Neverwinter Nights 1. I got rid of it like 5 times and kept buying it again. So I need to exhibit some willpower and not go back. So I’m gonna start by uninstalling. Here goes….
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