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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Everything posted by Tom2

  1. @giblets Yeah. Today is getting much better! I'm very excited and proud of myself.
  2. I wasn't doing great for couple of days, but today is different. I'm sure you can make change too!
  3. I thought I was reading the lord of the rings. Thank you for sharing your good story. It's helpful.
  4. @Mettermrck Thanks a lot! I'm very relieved now.
  5. Day 17 - 오늘 별로 결단력있게 보내질 못했다. 이미 게임을 끊고 공부에 집중하기로 결정했지만, 계속 게임 생각이 난다. 이제 멈출 시간이다. 오늘 게임을 조절해서 하는 것에 대해 생각했지만, 스스로를 통제할 수 없다는 결론을 내렸다. 내 저널과, 다시 게임했을 때의 글과, 경험으로 이미 증명된 사실이다. 이제 게임에 집착하지 말아야한다. 그리고 집중해야한다. 한 가지 잘 한 건 내가 결심을 했다는 것이다. 그리고 다른 좋은 일은 내가 게임을 하고 싶었음에도 하지 않았다는 것이다. 별로 길게 쓰고 싶진 않다. 이 글을 남기는 것도 마음에 안 들었지만, 그래도 내 여정의 일부기때문에 글로 남기기로 했다.
  6. Day 17 - Ok... I wasn't decisive today. I already made the choice, but I keep looking back. It's time to stop. I thought about gaming in moderation today, but I made the conclusion that I can't control myself. It's proven by my journals, relapse thread, and experience. It's time to let it go. I need to focus now. One good thing is that I made up my mind. Another good thing is that I didn't play video games even though I had craving and nostalgia. Nothing much to say. I didn't like to leave this post, but I think it's still part of my journey so I decided to leave the record.
  7. Think about what you really want and hang in there!
  8. Perhaps I should change some of my methods to deal with cravings. I'm trying to figure out how to bind myself onto studying civil engineering. I may fail someday if I use the same way as my first attempt....
  9. Tom2

    Day 6!

    Yeah I saw a couple of people who decided to quit watching porn. You can find your companion easily if you check other's journals.
  10. Day 16 was good. - 'Habitica'를 시작했고, 새로운 목표도 세웠다. 4시간 혹은 6시간동안 매일 공부하는 것이다. 나는 정말 공부 시간을 늘려야 한다. 하루에 4시간은 큰 노력없이 할 수 있지만, 6시간은 아직 나한테 무리다. 파란 선이 올라가게 하고 싶다. 지금까지는 그래프가 별로 좋아보이지 않지만, 나는 이 상황을 바꿀 것이다. 빨간 선은 그렇게 중요하진 않다. 왜냐하면 생산적인 일도 빨간 그래프에 포함되기 때문이다. 파란 선이 중요한 거다! 와... 봄 학기에 내가 공부 안 한 날이 저렇게나 많다니. 나는 바뀌어야 한다. 내가 Habitica를 쓰기로 한 이유는 내가 의자에 앉으면 게을러진다는 사실을 발견했기 때문이다. 앉고나서 최대한 빨리 공부를 시작해야하지만, 책을 펴려고 할 때마다 늘 지루함을 느끼고 하기 싫어진다. 110% 토목공학에 매진해야하는데, 나는 계속 뒤를 돌아보는 것 같다. 이미 계속 공부하기로 했지만, 너무 자주 흔들린다. - 토목기사 자격증을 따려는 사람들이 모이는 그룹에 가입했다. 친구들 중에는 아직 이걸 하려는 애들이 없어서, 인터넷에서 비슷한 사람들을 찾을 수밖에 없었다. 그 사람들과 더 얘기하고 질문도 해야겠다.
  11. Day 16 was good. - Started 'habitica' and set up a new goal. Studying 4 or 6 hours everyday. I really need to increase the time. I can study 4 hours a day without much effort but studying 6 hours is not easy for me yet. I want to make the blue line rise. The graph doesn't look good until now, but I will change it. The red graph is not that important because it also includes productive tasks. The important thing is the blue graph! Whoa there were a lot of days when I didn't study during the spring semester... I must change. The reason why I decided to use habitica is I found myself being lazy when I sit on a chair. I should start studying as soon as possible after I sit, but I feel always bored and lose momentum when I try to open a textbook. I should be 110% into civil engineering, but I keep looking back. I've already decided to keep studying but I sway too often. - I joined a group where people who are interested in getting civil engineer certificate gather. I couldn't find any of my friends trying to get one, so I had no choice but to find similar people on the internet. I will talk to them more and ask some questions.
  12. Day 15 - 게으른 날이었다. 난 늘 공부를 시작하기도 전에 해야할 것들의 양에 대해 생각한다. 그리고 그게 날 피곤하게 만든다. 그래서 좀더 재밌는 일을 찾게 된다. 의자에 앉자마자 바로 공부하기 시작해야하는데, 쉽지가 않다.
  13. Day 15 - It was a lazy day. I always think about the amount of works to do before I even start. And that makes me tired. That makes me seek something that entertains me. I should start studying right away when I sit on the chair, but it's not easy.
  14. A pair of sandals .... lol
  15. Day 14 - 오늘은 꽤 괜찮았지만, 내일은 공부를 더 많이 해야한다. 반드시. <감사한 일> 1. 부모님 집에 있는 전기 시설을 좀 고쳤다. 2. 비가 흠뻑 왔다. 3. 신발장에 샌달이 있어서 감사했다.
  16. Day 14 - Today was quite ok, but I need to study more tomorrow. I must. <Gratitude> 1. Fixed some electric stuff in my parent's apartment. 2. It rained cats and dogs. 3. There was a pair of sandals in the closet.
  17. I have three methods. I also get distracted easily when I study. I'm an amateur in learning something but I hope these tips could help you. 1. Making my own note : I make my own notes using Google Docs. Usually, studying was just consuming contents for me. I got bored quickly when I just read text and solve some questions. So I made my own note. It was very interesting and fun because it helped me to organize thoughts. Every textbooks are not perfect. I don't have to read the whole text in those so I can summarize the subject easily with Google Docs. It's very easy to edit the documents so it's more powerful than paper notes. And I can review the things that I've learned through this, anywhere because I don't have to carry bunch of papers. I only need a cellphone. Sometimes I can share my notes with my friend and it's also very joyful to work on it together. It's similar to wikipedia or open source things. 2. Studying with video courses : I can manage my time easily with video courses. When I watch something that I already know enough, I can skip the time. It's very flexible. It also helps me stay focused because I can skip when I get bored. 3. Studying with other people : It's more active than just studying alone as I and others can discuss when we have questions. It's specifically adaptable to learn something via team project. When I study with other people, I get more responsibility so I can focus more. + pomodoro technique is also a good trick to be productive.
  18. Day 13 - 꽤 좋은 날이었다. 토목기사 온라인 강좌를 60일 이내로 끝내는 계획을 세웠다. 측량 파트를 10일 안에 끝내고 싶다. 모든 강좌를 다 끝낼 수 있을지 확신할 수는 없다. 하지만, 목표의 70-80%만 해도 충분히 할만한 일일 것이다. 완벽주의는 그만. 큰 목표를 작은 것들로 나눴다. <감사한 것> 1. 오늘 하루가 완벽하지 않았어도 하루 전체를 낭비하진 않았다. 2. 엄마가 해준 소고기 요리는 정말 훌륭했다. 3. Onlysouls의 댓글을 읽어서 감사했다.
  19. Day 13 - Quite good. I made a plan to finish the online lecture for civil engineer certificate, within 60 days. I want to finish 'surveying' part in 10 days. I'm not sure whether I can finish the whole lecture. However, it would be worthwhile if I finish 70-80% of the goal. No perfectionism. I split the big goal into small ones. <Gratitude> 1. I didn't waste the whole day even if it wasn't perfect day. 2. Roasted beef that my mother made this evening was great. 3. Glad to read Onlysouls' reply.
  20. Tom2

    Day 6!

    I don't usually reveal my emotions to others. I don't tell others how I'm feeling, but I can't prevent myself from showing my emotions unconsciously.
  21. Day 12 - 생산적인 날은 아니었다. 일요일엔 더 잘할것이다. - 저녁 먹고 바로 설거지를 안 해서 엄마가 화가 났다. 그냥 피곤했고, 당장 해야되는 중요한 일도 아니라서 그랬다. 정말 짜증이 났다. 엄마는 나에게 욕을 했다. 난 좀 쉬고 싶어서 그냥 무시했다. (쉬고 나서는 설거지를 했다. 왜 그걸 당장 해야되는지 이해할 수 없었다. 아마 내 완벽주의는 엄마한테 영향을 받은 것 같다) <감사한 일> 1. 엄마와 저녁을 먹으면서 <다크나이트 라이즈>를 재밌게 봤다. 2. 영어학원에 다시 갔다. 선생님을 다시 봐서 좋았다. 3. 일요일이 있어서 안심이 된다.
  22. Day 12 - It wasn't a productive day. I'll do better on Sunday. - My mom got mad because I didn't do the dishes right after we had dinner. I was tired for some reason and it wasn't an important thing that has to be done right away. So It was irritating. She used some bad words to me. I just ignored because I wanted to get rest. (I did the dishes after getting rest. Can't understand why I have to do that 'right away'. Perhaps my perfectionism is influenced by my mom.) <Gratitude> 1. Mom and I enjoyed watching <Dark knight rises> while having dinner. 2. I went back to English academy. It was good to meet instructor again. 3. I'm relieved because there's Sunday.
  23. Day 11 은 정말 좋았다 - 생산적인 날이었다. 지금 나는 행복하다. 자정이라서 자고 싶다... <감사한 일> 1. 저녁에 피자를 먹음 2. 방학이 두 달이나 된다. 3. 물 마시고 싶을 때 아무때나 마실 수 있다 ㅋ
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