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Entry 21.1 Day 6: No Useless Videos Day 838: Sticking to Food schedule Day 441: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00) Day 11: Being in bed before 23:15 3 Things I did well no matter how small -Morning Jog -7 pomodoros -sticking to about 40 minutes during apartment conversation which is within the timeframe i devoted to it 1 Thing I could do better -Planned contingencies for poop, if there's no sun Gaming count since relapse Gaming (Death, Slavery, Regret, Disease) - 5 Yan (Life, Individuality, Freedom, Purpose, Self-Fulfillment) - 8
Did you find that quote in Johann Hari's "Chasing the scream"? Or from another source? Would you suggest that book if you got it from there?
Yep, but it doesn't even have to remain that work, and the amount of hours doesn't have to remain that amount of hours. In any case it sound like you're already quite responsible from what you're describing. So it's just a reminder 馃檪
Day 14/90: I realize starting the detox when it's absolutely freezing outside (in northeast united states) is like hard mode. It's sub-zero temps outside right now. Hard to get out of the house, where the normal triggers are at! Uninstalling all games (even Steam) and packing the PC away has created a large enough barrier that it wards away quick impulses. "One quick game" turns into "I'd need at least two hours to get everything set up. Ugh.." Two weeks! I still feel a void. I still miss it a lot. However, there's no doubt in my mind that the quality of my life has improved dramatically the last two weeks. Sleep, exercise, reading, piano, work, family time - all of these have noticeably improved.
Since I don't have an employer, even my work-hours are my responsibility and decision. I work with students 1-to-1, so I don't have total control over their time, but yes, if I said "My work hours are between 12 and 6.", nobody could stop me from doing that. My reasoning stems from the quote "The opposite of addiction is not sobriety (days without gaming), but connection (having a good life)." You're correct though that this is an "anti-gaming addiction" forum more than anything else. I stuck around over the years mostly because I just like to journal here. Thanks for the encouragement 馃檪 Being 3 years without gaming is impressive! It's entirely possible there was something that you started lacking over time during your abstinence, maybe just in the last few weeks or months. Yeah, my point was to show that the identity of being "anti-something" can only take you so far. Knowing what you're against is OK (gaming in your life), but knowing what you're for is better. Because once you know what you're for, it also solves a lot of the things you're against too. If you're for exercise and a good diet, you're automatically against being fat and a bad diet. And you don't need to remind yourself you're against being fat and a bad diet, because it's already embedded into the positive variant. I hope it makes sense 馃槃 I'm also against the regulation of gaming in myself. I've tried that many times, before coming to the forum. It didn't work to take one hour here to do the chores and one hour there to do exercise. Now, even when I am bored, I don't think of games. My priorities are completely different than they were and I just don't have the time anyway.
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