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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened

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Hey guys. I joined up because I want to quit gaming, like mostly everyone else.

I never really liked gaming as an adult until I met my wife about 6 years ago, which is about the time when my alcoholism progressed. Gaming and drinking were pretty much my main hobbies for years (even though it felt like a self-imposed prison) but since being sober for the past few months (relapses included, that's hard to quit as well) I've come to the stunning realization that I get absolutely zero pleasure from video games anymore.

Since making some improvements in my life and discovering many other cool hobbies, I think it's finally time to say goodbye to gaming.

Thank you for letting me join and I look forward to being a part of this community 🙂

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Welcome to the club, Slime!

Alcool was also linked to my gaming habits (drinking alone in front of a computer is not super sexy). I decided to quit gaming but did not quit alcool (at least for now) - I don't consider that I have a problem with alcool as I can go without it for weeks if I want to. Same could not be said about gaming so I quit gaming 😉

Anyhow, godspeed on this new journey, may you enjoy the ride!

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