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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened

500m's Journal


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This first entry will be short to cover yesterday. I deleted a game app after playing the last few games to avoid drafting and sending an boundary-setting (possibly confrontational) text message.

I ran some errands this afternoon, sent an important work letter, and got some work done. 

The evening was great - I had the time and attention to make a salmon dinner. It made me feel good to enjoy this rather than getting wrapped up for hours in a black hole of a game. Fixing this dinner was memorable and satisfying.

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Hello there, hope you journaling will help you understand what goals you want to achieve in your life. I’d say a good number of forum members here are too harsh on themselves for making mistakes in something new.

So hopefully you will treat your new activities with enthusiasm and that will give you everything else, like endurance, planning, development of various skills at once.

Edited by Amphibian220
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