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How about being a donor?


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I was thinking, do you guys donate in some way? The ones marked green is the donations I have signed up for myself.


Blood. In some ways heatlhy. Can be done monthly and is very usefull to make medicin and or for trauma patients and surguries etc.

Bonemarrow is donated only if a person needs it and if that patient fits our tissuetype I think its called. It happens extremely rare, but when it happens its also needed very much by the recipiant.

Semen is donated in a traditional way and it helps people who are incapable of having children in a natural way, if the guys has a too low sperm count. Also helps homosexual couples having kids if they dont want close donations. Some places they even pay you money for donations.

Feces. Might sound gross, but this is a very important donation. They use it to cultivate gut bacteria which they can then put in pills. Its used amongst other things for those patients who had to go through antibiotic treatment, whose own gut bacteria also was killed during that treatment. They use this medicin to recreate the natural gut flora. I dont do it because I am still too overweight to donate. A BMI at 30 or less is required in DK.

Hair is donated in lenghts and is donated to make wigs for cancer treatment patients. Its a very good cause and gives cancer patients a chance to feel better about their looks if they are afraid of loosing their own hair. I dont know if there is any monetary motivation to this though I dont think there should be. But if it makes just one person donate and make another patient happy, its worth the money for sure.

Organ. This usually only happens amongst family members or to a loved one. I dont think it possible, for good ethical reasons, to donate to strangers or sell your organs. I have never had to make this choice, luckily, but if I were to make the choice, I dont know how I would react to that yet. 


Organs . This is something I do because I dont believe in anything after life and so my parts may be used be anyone ells who needs them. Some people argue that their family should decide wether or not your organs should be donated but I never understood how it would be given less closure for ones family if they knew that not everythig is in the casket with me ?? What are your thoughts on this. All opinions are valid!

Body . This might be a little alike donating organs after death but what is meant by Body donation, is a body donation to science. It is properly possible in all countries to sign up for body donation. This is a very wide useage. They can use your body to educate upcomming surgeons, doctors, pathologists etc. They can use it for research like how they make research in forensic sciences. 

Anything els: Are you donating anything els that is not on the list, please reply and tell us or me how it works and how it helps.

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Some people also donate time (like volunteering at a homeless shelter) or money

I used to volunteer in food drives for the local food bank, where we'd set up a table in front of a grocery store and people would come bring us food.  It was pretty amazing, just a day doing that could fill the whole food bank thanks to people being nice.

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5 hours ago, Redmark said:

Some people also donate time (like volunteering at a homeless shelter) or money

I used to volunteer in food drives for the local food bank, where we'd set up a table in front of a grocery store and people would come bring us food.  It was pretty amazing, just a day doing that could fill the whole food bank thanks to people being nice.

Arg yes of course I forgot that but thanks pointing Them out.

They are not to be forgotten.

It Sound really Nice to donate Those things and I honestly dont know Why I havent Been thinking about Those kind of donating before Cause it sure sounds valuable to Those who recieve. And you most get to see the effect of it, first hand :) ? 

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On 7/12/2019 at 10:13 AM, TwoSidedLife said:

Never donated anything like that, but I donate items (If it's still good) instead of throwing them out.

When i'm older and get a career, I know a lot of people and organisations i'd love to reguarly donate to

Another one I completely have forgotten thanks ? That’s a really good cause to. One get to do every time I grow out off my clothes (gaining weight). 

That’s very useful to the people in need. Unless the clothes are extremely dirty or destroyed I don’t see a reason why not to give it away instead of throwing it out ? 

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