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NEW VIDEO: Why You MUST Quit Gaming in 2025

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I'm just starting out and honestly, very eager to let go of videogames. I feel like they have indirectly led to a lot of the problems I have in my life. I will, of course, miss them, but at the same time, I can see the value in spending my time elsewhere.

That said, I'm curious how people feel about tabletop games such as DnD and other board games. When I first started trying to quit a few years ago on my own, I began to play more board games as a way to try and still game a bit but in a healthier way with real social interaction, events and a limited time frame (since I can't get other players to sit around for 15 hours with me).

Right now they make up a not insignificant part of my life, as I have slowly transitioned from daily videogaming to weekly DnD meetups, but I am prepared to let go of them as well if they are a problem.

Does anyone have any feelings/experiences with this? Would love to hear your thoughts. Thanks.


I mean, weekly meetups with friends sounds like a positive. I ask yourself some other questions here instead, such as; 'Do I allow my weekly meeting to spill over and distract me from other activities or important events' and 'Do I prioritize my meetups to such an extent that I'm seeing negative impacts on my health or mental state'

The verdict is that we want everyone to achieve success in finding the best version of themselves, and honestly a recurring event like this can help vastly when we have troubles making plans to be social. I'd be careful if they are online not to get too sucked into your other 'self', as some people use that (moreso with MMO's like WoW) as a form of potent escapism


@JPAO Exactly! If you find yourself focusing on the "game" during the week, and cant wait to play again, then you might have a problem there. But if its just an activity you do with friends, then I see no harm in it. The same thing can be told of "social drinkers", when the fact of drinking/playing has priority over friends. 



Thanks for the feedback guys, it's very helpful.

There have been times where I got obsessed with a character idea outside of the game and spent a lot of time on it needlessly, I suppose it's just important to be mindful of how and when you are spending the time.

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