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NEW VIDEO: The Dark Side of Gaming (Documentary)

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Hey guys, Raven here. 22 years old. Decided to quit gaming two days ago. Feeling very low at the moment blips of suicidal thoughts, depression etc. 

I have agoraphobia for 2 years now. Isolated at my home and games where a way of distraction. Me and my friend decided to take the plunge and quit. I still play chess with him at night though. On celexa at the moment today is day 30 and I see little improvements I really hope it kicks in and cures me because I got a loving family that would be in tears if I left. 

Quitting gaming is a big step for me. I love to learn and take many courses online but I feel always compelled to just game all the time. I already quit pornography which has always been a major thorn in my side for a month now.

Thanks Cam for this site I hope to interact with you all!



Welcome @Raven! I'm really happy for you deciding to make a change. You've already done the hardest part: taking that first big step. It's not going to be easy, but don't forget to appreciate yourself for taking action. We're all in this together.

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