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NEW VIDEO: Why You MUST Quit Gaming in 2025

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     Well I relapsed for six days it started on August 1st. I've relapsed before but I've never lasted 30 days without gaming before I relapsed back when I first tried to quit. However, the difference between this relapse and the ones I had years ago is that I actually put some thought into why I relapsed this time. Which I discovered was caused not just by boredom as I first assumed but by depression as well. I also discovered that the longer I gamed the more depressed I became but I was also aware that I failed my detox this time and so as I gamed I was constantly reminded of that failure. I also realized that being depressed is the whole reason I started gaming seriously in the first place. This is largely due to being constantly bullied around the age of five up until I graduated from highschool and moved out of my moms house because I was bullied at home too by my stepfather during those years. However, the reason for why I was depressed this time was due to my lab partner bailing on me when our group project was to be turned in. But I relapsed due to a mixture of both boredom and depression mainly depression though. 


Hey Rusaw! Thanks for sharing. The key anytime you relapse is to do exactly what you did, try and identify what happened and then what you can do in the future in case this happens again. You can't avoid being depressed or feeling down sometimes, so it's all about how you respond to these circumstances that makes the difference. It doesn't matter how many times we fall, just how many times we get up. Check this video and start building momentum again. You did the right thing by posting here.


Hey Rusaw! Thanks for sharing. The key anytime you relapse is to do exactly what you did, try and identify what happened and then what you can do in the future in case this happens again. You can't avoid being depressed or feeling down sometimes, so it's all about how you respond to these circumstances that makes the difference. It doesn't matter how many times we fall, just how many times we get up. Check this video and start building momentum again. You did the right thing by posting here.

You're right Cam you can't truly avoid depression. However, the best way for me to remedy depression is not to dwell on the fact that I'm depressed but it is a good thing to acknowledge it. That way I can figure out exactly why I'm depressed and focus on something that will make me happy especially since gaming didn't really help my depression this time but only added to it.

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