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Replacing Scrolling with...?

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Hello Game Quitters!! I'm a recovering social media addict

One thing I keep hearing from recovering gaming addicts, is that they replaced gaming with another hobby
Since doomscrolling took so much of my time, I made a list with different types of activities (social, resting, mental challenge and explore) to satisfy my boredom.
What I want to achieve with getting rid of my addiction, is to focus on academics

However, I quit 25 days ago and my productivity (studying) hasn't really increased..

Should I work on replacing Scrolling with Studying? How can I do that? I already try to "gamify" studying but I'm so distracted by cravings and irritability...

Thank you all for being here, on this forum :)

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  • 3 months later...

Scrolling is a memory clog so it is essential for you to drop as a habit. 

My suggestion is to use only Game quitters forum whenever you feel bored. Just come back and read about members’ successes and failures. Because information on the forum is structured better (there are a few regular journals with not much new information posted each day, it will hopefully not cause you to spend too much time reading.

Try to read more of the successful posts about new found interests, relationships, skills, this will hopefully influence you to put the phone down and start new activities. These kind of members don't just focus on abstaining from video games but bravely ask for help, get employed in new jobs and that is why their improvement is sustained. Slowly taper down the time you read members’ posts and switch to real life family and friends.

Once you start braving will never go back to time wasting. 

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  • 1 month later...

Check out internet and technology addicts anonymous.

Their website has resources that can help you out. The "Discovering Your Sobriety" worksheet in particular.

I am also a fellow social media addict, as well as an information addict (compulsive research). That can involve some gaming addiction too in my case, mobile games and social media games cause me to spiral, and online competitive games can trigger a relapse.

Edited by D_Cozy
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