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Anyone else afraid of the idea of being bored more than actually being bored?


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I really am ready to stop gaming completely, and I have been winding down in terms of actual hours almost naturally. I also have been working on my career a lot. I just don't have the time like I used to. But here's also the thing - I just don't enjoy it much. I find a lot of other things more fulfilling. I don't even fear not having games in my life anymore. Oddly enough, the only thing that has been getting me recently is the idea of being bored. But when I become bored, I usually find that it's not nearly as bad as I thought it was in my mind. In my experience, accepting that at some point you will be bored is crucial. But here's the thing: it's not as scary as it sounds. Maybe for others it's completely different, but for me I found I somehow thought being bored was this awful unpleasant experience that I needed to avoid at all cost. I have relatively mild cravings, I think this is going to the last hurdle before I put gaming to rest for me. 

Obviously being bored isn't fun, but accepting that it won't kill you is also important. It's not good or bad it just kind of is.


Kinda a random post, but I was curious if anyone else had similar experiences?

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Oh yes, I have had (and still do) these kinds of feelings. When I am actually being bored, then I mostly always don't feel anything bad. I remember a few times I was being bored (though that has become a rare occasion in my life from some time), and I felt quite normal at that time. I had accepted that I couldn't use my phone or computer, and I was just laying there, watching the ceiling. Thinking random stuff. But when I start thinking about my gaming addiction, and I try to prepare for future cravings then I feel a bit of fear in my heart about any situation that could throw me back into gaming, including boredom. I worry about what I would in that situation, and whether I would make the right choice. Nowadays I don't think about it that much, I am learning to deal with things as they come, since I can't anticipate everything anyways, no matter how careful I am. So, yeah, my heart no longer skips a beat thinking about boredom after accepting this fact.

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Society has it wrong. We don't need to be stimulated 24/7. Turn off the TV, Internet, Cellphone. Shut out the world. Detox. BE ALONE WITH YOUR OWN THOUGHTS.

People who have never been alone, will find it very scary. May even feel guilty. Over time, you'll never find as much freedom than what you have in your own bubble.

Again, society has it wrong, it's ok not to get married, it's ok not to have kids, it's ok to work hard, pay your bills then go home and do nothing. YOU'VE EARNED IT.

People ask me at work what did you do this weekend. I tell them "Exactly what I wanted to do", absolutely nothing. And I loved every minute.

Edited by Sysop
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