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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened

FkGamesGrowUp's Journal


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I've been addicted to gaming my whole life, and I had some amazing times in my life when I was too busy to even play!
I want that part of me back and I want to reach my goals.

Day #1


Gratitude journal

- Grateful for my gf and going to the gym with her today

- Grateful for my family and friends

One amazing thing that happened/I did today
- Got mad at my gaming habits and wanted to make a change!



- Chest day at the gym !


- A little in the sauna



Daily affirmation

- I AM a bad ass that hates gaming!

Reading + taking notes


Getting to bed before 11pm


Weekly Goal(s)

- Get a proper schedule going, work at least 4-6 hours a day

Monthly Goal

- Fix my posture a bit

- Get to <10% body fat

- Get more marketing clients

3 Month Goal

- Get back to making $10K+ a month in my marketing business

What went well today:

It's my first day, excited!

What I could have done to make my day better:

- Not play at all, but I guess you need to play to know why you want to quit!

What I will do differently tomorrow:

- I will not play games!

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1 hour ago, giblets said:

Less than 10% body fat! Wow thats a big task. I think the lowest I got down to was 8.5% and that was some heavy training. If you have the time for it, good luck!


And remember - don't skip leg day.

I have never gotten to single digits! Did you do any special dieting?


Never skip legs!!

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No I don't, but I am sure that if I did then I would be either able to keep it that low or get even lower. It's one aspect that I never got right and really wish I did, but I just see it as being a whole lot of work and not being able to enjoy the finer things in life.

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4 hours ago, giblets said:

No I don't, but I am sure that if I did then I would be either able to keep it that low or get even lower. It's one aspect that I never got right and really wish I did, but I just see it as being a whole lot of work and not being able to enjoy the finer things in life.

Yes, it's definitely not healthy either being too low % of a body fat. I've heard 8-12 is a great range though.

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