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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Everything posted by Marquess

  1. "The article is of extremely good quality and unique. I am really impressed!" - Guy I wrote for today On my way to great riches (and fame, somehow), guys.
  2. Ech, it's not so bad :U. What's even on your Twitter. Picture with numbers. Doing slightly more will produce a far greater result? Is that the point? Hashtag RIP Christina. Not Christina Ricci, but she's 36 now too. (Not actually your Twitter.) Oh, a podcast. Cam dropped out of high school twice! Me too. First time I worked construction for for 9 months or so in between. It was a really good experience at the time, but I truly hope I'll never have to do it again. I was lucky to have very solid coworkers who were cool to me even though it was obvious I didn't belong there. I still don't fully understand how Snapchat works, and I hope I never do. A 20yo explained to me like half a year ago. WHY Pretend to have a job? Oh god, you were telling them you're saving money and they kept supporting you, right? Sounds like something I'd do or have done in a different form. Her son sold his PS4. By himself. Must me one in a billion ... probably some proper parenting somewhere in there, too. I actually saved up money to buy a SNES when I was a kid. Saved it from my monthly allowance and stuff like birthday & new year gifts, and somehow I eventually scrambled enough. Mom still wouldn't let me buy it; I was so crushed. It was the dream. I'm really thankful for it now of course. I got addicted to WoW relatively late in life (21?), so perhaps that's sort of an advantage, especially if we ignore the fact that I'm 30 now. I'd be unimaginably screwed if the same thing happened at, idk, 14. Kids. Are we going to fulfill our biological imperative at all? Shame and stigma. I don't know how stigmatized gaming even is nowadays; isn't it almost the norm? But yeah, it's amazing how society treats different addictions in different ways. You're allowed to eat crap and watch TV, and I have a feeling gaming has moved a lot closer to the cluster of socially acceptable addictions. My perception is, of course, garbled since I don't go out much. "High school isn't that hard" we dropped out anyway, hue. Do you ever get bored delivering basically a same message everywhere you go? I don't think you do. You're promoting your project, and it's a massively important topic either way. I've been enjoying music a lot more lately. I'd almost say it's increased by 80% or more; maybe I'll pick DJing again as well. SHOULD YOU LISTEN TO GAMING MUSIC? Idk, I mostly either listened to podcasts while grinding or nothing at all while in arena because focus. Should I stop listening to Stephan Molyneux now :PP. The woman has a god voice. She sounds hot. 40, but who knows.
  3. You always get 1-2 persons that are actually interesting and worth talking to (in WoW), but they're ultimately not worth it, and you have to leave them behind. Last guy I've met made me even more interested in anarchism, the right wing version of course. I've been reading a lot about it lately, and if nothing else it's at least a fine position to bash randoms who proclaim that "but we need government for XYZ". It's becoming more than that, however. I'm starting to think that anarcho-capitalism and a sort of a national anarchism could be the way for Europe to head towards. I just wonder why, how, and at what cost. (I'm still very racist, but you don't need a government for that either.)
  4. I need to add that WoW's even worse. It's full of retarded cunts that think smoking weed and playing the game all day is an actual alternative to RL as tedious as it may be. These people are even worse. Total and complete misery for 80% of them, and you start seeing it after you know them for a couple of months (often sooner), and you know that you get along well because you're one of them. You have no choice but to quit at that point. Quit and try again. This time with partially dysfunctional mouse.
  5. My mouse is saving me from downloading again. Almost done with Adams' book. I've learned that I should focus more on my system instead of goals, and that positive affirmations probably kinda work. I'm also having a lot of fun reading it as it's written in an easy, friendly language, which means I don't have to constantly look words up (as it keeps happening with Rand's The Fountainhead). I fucking hate living in an apartment building. I either want a mansion on a private property or a cabin at the middle of a forest. Any would be great. Not this. I open up a window and my degenerate neighbors are, of course, sitting on their fucking balcony and talking. These people always talk. Entire day. And they don't ever seem to leave the apartment. The apartment they've been renovating for almost a year now; I'm listening to their banging every day. I could murder them all and I'd consider it a service to humanity. Even though the only service I currently care about is to myself. How can you fucking talk the entire day? What do you even say. We've been through this before, but I want to stress how incredibly boring, dull, and at best annoying I find most people to be. Even on this forum. My default state when I exit the apartment, interact with people, or just visit certain websites (like any mainstream news site) is one of stoic boredom. It's an objective fact. I've made a Twitter account, hoping I'll get to meet some new people that share my new interests. And I have, and It's good enough, but god, more than 80% of Twitter accounts that are owned by real, actual individuals are just reposting shitty pictures, retweeting random shit + anime. Barely anyone writes interesting, original tweets. And most of those that do are huge, so they won't really interact with small people. We don't deserve the internet. This is just an illustration of how real life is. I'd go out, but there's nowhere to go. There will eventually be somewhere to go though. (I go out every day for a walk because muh sunlight and serotonin and things; I mean it more in a social sense.) I mean, how do you get excited about that. 20yo girls are now making 5 minute videos bashing SJWs and feminism, thinking they're some kind of avantgarde rebels. They're shit. They're simple attention whores. I look at them, and I see Boxxy, but at least she started out cute. Of course it's cool that peasants are beginning to realize some of the issues our societies are facing; this is a good sign. But how incredibly boring. HEY WOW THERE ARE TWO GENDERS /// HEY U FEMINISTS HAVE DOUBLE STANDARDS //// HEY MEN ARE PEOPLE TOO recent studies suggest /// HI I AM QT GIRL AND HERES MY SEXUAL INNUENDO FOR THE VIDEO PLS LIEK COMMENT SUBSCRIBEEE YAY XOXOXOOXoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxlysjgdfnkgheroz87w34tzo.
  6. Some of these animals grow into a beasts and you can then actually take them on a leash and walk them around, lol. That could be kinda cool. Actually, can I just have a girlfriend with a lizard, so I can enjoy all the cool without the maintenance? Can't wait to get to a month so I can start counting the days. Soon™.
  7. This is actually better than Gorilla Mindset. It shows that it's coming from a lot more even minded place. Mike is extremely efficient at what he does, and I do look up to him; I just get annoyed by all the fanboys who see him as this perfect lifestyle guru lawyer shitposter übermensch. He's far from it. But he's very good. Once you have enough following and you're able to remain confident (or at least appear that way) no matter what, legitimate criticism may not have a lot of effect on you. I see the same thing with Roosh and Milo Y. -- even though Milo is probably the weakest of the three with his, erm, questionable comments on children and intimacy. I hope it comes back and ravages his attention whoring ass. And Roosh is not far behind, too. The thing is that no one credible and coherent will attack those two ... because it's believed that they do more good than harm. And I would probably agree with that.
  8. Big surge of energy seemingly out of nowhere today. I tend to get nervous when these happen because they often lead into crashes, so I tend not to give in too much. We'll see. Reading How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big recommended by Ed. It's extremely good, better than I've expected.
  9. "Redefine perfection as reality. If its real, its perfect, so there’s nothing to resist." Listening to Leo Gura again (shied away from him a bit after he started going hard on enlightenment). So I guess the next topic should be about the advantages of wasting a good part of your 20s. God. But fine.
  10. H-hey, Ed. Reading your blog right now. You should definitely spam promote it here as most people's blogs are shit, and yours is very good.
  11. Of course there's a twitter account with such a purpose... lol There are worse purposes to have an account for :P. Anyway, I'm glad my mouse in a such peculiar state of disrepair (as described a few posts back): I'd have relapsed by now if it weren't. No fucking joke -- yesterday was really terrible (was feeling really down too), but I'm fine today. I'm banned from Facebook for 7 days. Here's my ban history: 24 hour ban: wrote "go back to Stormfront, faggot" to some overly excited guy in some political discussion group. 72 hours ban: posted a picture and added "trannies for Trump" (entirely positive context unless you oppose Trump) 7 day ban: commented "trips decide whether OP is a fag" as a joke to some FB friend The context doesn't matter; you get banned for just writing the words.
  12. There's a Twitter account named We Rate Lizards, and this is one of the more popular pictures :P.
  13. 30 is an awkward age if you’ve blown away a good part of your 20s. It’s painful to imagine what could I’ve achieved if I haven’t spent most of my time working a job I despised, playing a game I’m not good at, and getting wasted at increasing frequency and intensity. There’s no point on dwelling on it. But thoughts come on their own. At 40, you’re already severely limited at what you can actually do. The list of everything you wanted in your youth gets cut short solely by the fact that you’re 40. It’s just too late. And if you’re 20, you can still do pretty much everything imaginable. So your teenage years were weird and rough — who cares. You can go on and have a great life with no limitations concerning age. But 30? You still feel kinda young, and you were until some vague past point. Probably a recent point, but it’s extremely hard to tell. 30. What can you do with that? You can do a lot; you can do so, so much, but with certain compromises. You can go play in a band, but you may be the oldest member; you can date different people, but some will see you as old; you can start an entirely new career, and you’ll forever be a decade behind everyone else. These things can work out; many people do it. It’s just harder. Kids don’t see you as one of them. Meanwhile, 42 year olds still treat you like a minor (probably for a good reason anyway). People your age, well, most of them haven’t threw their 20s away, so it’s a whole different kind of awkward. And those who have you can’t stand because they’re not even aware of how utterly fucked they are. Or more likely, they won't admit it to themselves. I get along with people in their mid 20s very well though.
  14. I wish I had anything new to say. Something that I haven't said before in this thread. Again, I'll start the actual detox posting once (and if) I get to a month or perhaps a little more. Going through day 123456789101112131415 again would make me feel like a complete failure, which would be objectively true, even though that's not the right frame of mind to adopt when doing all this. I'm just doing what makes sense for me. 90 day detox is, of course, still krieg. Lately, everything seems to be progressing faster than I've expected. Wherever this may lead, it'll at least break the status quo, so I'm fine with it. I actually feel very alive. The last detox was pretty big for me in some ways because it made me realize, or at least start to question, a few things about myself that I thought weren't an issue. And now I look on Twitch, and all games are either uninteresting or just plain bad. Almost everything is played by hyperactive teenagers who constantly make sudden loud noises (I disliked teenagers even as a teenager), girls who can't play video games, or really sad fucks. You occasionally get a guy who's good at games and more than solid looking & has an ok attitude, but all games are either uninteresting or just plain bad. I remember some game that allows you to play as a sniper while fighting in some huge world full of bases and vehicles and things. That looked kinda interesting. I doubt my passive 50€ graphics card (which I've bought months ago partially to prevent myself from gaming, partially to eliminate the fan noise, and mostly because I'm broke) would hold it though, heh. Then there was some guy repeatedly doing Final Fantasy VII speed runs. What a way to spend your time. I think he was getting pretty ok donations. Again, what a way to spend your time (and money).
  15. Haha. I always have to add a big asterisk anytime I recommend him. *VERY CONTROVERSIAL* people are so sensitive these days I mostly mean things like shitting out articles without giving them a second read, which results in stupid spelling/grammar mistakes, deleting Tweets when he loses a debate, basing his blog and book on being strong, independent, and masculine while taking huge alimony from his ex wife, hanging out with people like Victor Pride, who's basically a drug dealer (Modafinil is very habit forming). Probably more. Still a great blog, awesome book (now that initial shit editing has been sorted out), and definitely an interesting person with some great insights. (I don't think Mike's view are terribly controversial at all. He's basically a libertarian who doesn't sugar coat.)
  16. Your self talk seems to be pretty terrible; I don't think you can ever win by constantly bashing yourself like this. You may want to have a look at Mike Cernovich's Gorilla Mindset: http://www.dangerandplay.com/2015/06/25/how-to-control-your-thoughts-and-emotions/ (It can also be obtained through alternative means if you're low on cash.) The first part of the book is all about mindset, and his approach is very straightforward and result oriented, which is often not the case with self help. (Cernovich is light years away from a hero some people make him to be, but the book is very good.)
  17. Hey, Hitaru. Good to see you sticking to teh journal. Less good that you're failing the challenge but oh well.
  18. /wave It hasn't even been that long; it feels like ages though. I'll start lurking around here a bit again (I just hope any of the people I knew are still around). 90 day detox is still up, but I won't start counting 'till I get to 30 days. Would feel too silly otherwise (got a week atm). I'm in a rather unique situation right now because, for some unknown reason, my mouse has reversed. Left is right and up is down, somehow. Something inside the mouse probably broke, and while I've solved the problem by installing a program that reverses the mouse -- so it's acting normal again now -- the solution doesn't quite work in WoW. I won't bother by describing it, but it does weird things to the camera, and it just makes the game unplayable. Obviously, I can go and purchase some random cheap mouse at any time, but it don't want that, and the risk of it happening is almost non existent, especially considering that my finances still aren't great (they're the opposite of great). The biggest problem with games is that, unlike alcohol, they're always there to tempt you as long as you're at home. And you need to get up and physically but them, the drinks, and now WoW requires the same action. Good stuff. So, I don't know, maybe it's time to start publishing tutorials on how to break your mouse to reverse your cursor or something. However, mouse is just one of the things that's broken down recently. It's kinda ominous: everything has been breaking down for about a month or two now. Whatever the past two years were, they're definitely coming to an end. Anyway, hi, I hope you guys are all doing well or at least not overly terrible.
  19. Day 10 There are a few ways to fix your biorhythm, and they all rely on you not taking a 4 hour nap during the day. It's always been my experience that it takes a number of days to get it right no matter what. I once read something about drinking a ton of water before taking the nap, so the urine buildup wakes you an hour or two later, but I don't know. I'll get there. Quite happy with how the Super Thursday turned out. I do find Rubio terrifying though ... Cruz, Cruz is fine -- he's a corrupt politician, he's playing the game, whatever. But Rubio just has that cold, psychopathic feel about him, especially after I've listened to Stephan Molyneux's take. If my beautiful daughters, who I'll most certainly father at some point, ever bring someone like that home, the shotgun's coming out. Daily Gratitude: - Being able to find people who are similar to me through the web. I think I've mentioned this before, but I'd be completely fucked if that weren't the case. Millennial Woes' story (before you click: this is the opposite of PC) is rather close to mine. I'm 3 years younger, and I haven't built a rather prominent YouTube channel, but I feel a distinct kinship in a couple of other areas. Going to wrong schools, not fitting in, working a random job, dropping out of that and becoming a NEET then going more into politics. Also having a inflated sense of own importance, and having to realize how baseless it is before being able to move on. I've recently dealt with this again here; I think at least a part of it is coming from me being aware of my own potential, and it just comes off as pretentious because I'm not doing enough to actually build something, anything. The man is now making a modest income through his YT channel and donations, so that's fine. I'm too messed up right now to even think about it, and neither YT nor donations are a reliable income sources. I'm trying not to think of it (the politics), yet I'm keep being drawn back. Just like I can't help myself going through the bass lines of random songs. I need to get a bass guitar and soon. I've played keys and have rudimentary DJing knowledge; I should be able to pick it up rather fast. - Strengthening the ability to say no to people who affect me negatively. Not reacting. And honestly not caring too much about them. I don't have to listen to this, goodbye. Daily earnings: 1.01 $. Come on, I was half asleep most of the day :SSssSSsssss. Also, putting a dollar sign before the amount looks dumb, ok. Americans are weird. Word of the day: callous. Insensitive, indifferent, unsympathetic. She gave him a callous smile. (This is just an example of me looking up words I either don't know or, as it's mostly the case, aren't a part of my active vocabulary. I want to give more structure to my daily entries, so just the initial section is random thoughts.) How we met? Oh, you know, just like most couples do. We were at a bar and had some common friends ... (Bonus points if the girl is actually trans.) In other words, /pol/ and Tumblr are just really tsundere for each other. PS: Just wanna mention that I'm not a huge fan of /pol/ and that I don't usually hang there. They have their own set of pretty lies just like any other online tribe.
  20. Their stuff is very well made. Maybe a little too happy-go-lucky at times, but that's more of a personal preference than an objective opinion :P. And I don't even imagine what kind of charisma videos would I prefer instead of these.
  21. Day 9 Here's an interesting video that explains how Trump manages to dominate the political discourse (such as it is): Donald Trump's Debates: 5 Mental Tricks You Didn't Notice. His other videos are interesting too -- it's called "Charisma on Command". Daily gratitude: - Just having my own apartment in which I can have my privacy. I don't know how else could I manage to function even at this level if it were otherwise. How do people have roommates? Who knows. I'm told you basically just have to be tolerant and learn how to leave each other alone, and I suppose I could do that with relative ease. But I'm glad I don't have to. - Rice. While high carb and thus not ideal, it, unlike bread and pasta, doesn't cut my insides open. It's also insanely cheap, so that's good. Daily earnings: 1.01 $ Big money coming in.
  22. Day 8 Daily gratitude: - Being able to recognize inefficient or just awkward ideas. I've mentioned before that this journal is more of a "stream of consciousness" type of thing, so it's normal that some of the older (and frankly, more recent) entries make me cringe. - Cheap chicken. These animals spend their entire lives in tiny cages and are given all sorts of antibiotics, and god knows what else. The result? Very affordable and tasty chicken meat. I don't plan on eating this when I grow up one day. - Welfare in my country, ech, existing. I extended it today, but if all goes according to plans, I won't have to rely on it for much longer. I'd say a month. Daily earnings: 0 € :C
  23. Day 7: Rain It's been raining for weeks here, and it seems that it'll continue. This is highly untypical for my area. The matrix is obviously breaking down. I completely wrecked myself by eating extremely high carb for the last few days. Now I'm bleeding out of my ass again. Nothing a fast and a reasonable diet won't solve though. Gratitude: - I am now able to spell "gratitude" properly. It wasn't even a part of my active vocabulary before. - Robert's (30 days to x) new blog entry about ideas. If I applied 10% of what he shares on his blog, I'd be writing this from my mountain mansion by the seaside. With this in mind, I'll introduce a new section to this journal starting tomorrow: daily earnings.
  24. Or you can always just play DotA or whatever shitty moba this is (it's not even on screen) and set 1K dollars donation goals per session and live in Russia where 1K is basically like having 3K. I bet she can even murr murr murr murr out of paying taxes. It's not exactly high minded, but being 30 and all, there's a sense of schadenfraude when I see some of the girls that used to be WA WA WOOM turn into MILFs overnight. Not that I'd ever openly emphasize it. It'd feel like bullying. And who cares; I'm a gamma male as it is. Murr murr murr murr.
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