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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Everything posted by Marquess

  1. Edited the above post for readability. Also forgot that this page is a part of my Cold Turkey list; this is what I was greeted with! (I'll admit it took 1 refresh, oh well.)
  2. The thing about damaged girls is that they react differently than normal girls. You can be very brash, direct, downright autistic with them, and they'll laugh and become excited. At the same time, you can also be very emotional and gentle, and they'll accept it without thinking any less of you; at least that's my experience. I don't know if I have a full, rational explanation; they just tend to be fun to hang out with, especially when they realize you're not fazed by their pasts (some of it is always made up, too). Yesterday, I tried to explain Ayn Rand's view of selfishness to two of my (internet) friends in a clear and thorough way; I think I got through to them at the end. One's a trained physicist that writes in C languages for a living, other is 9 years younger and will be once he stops smoking weed every day. I'm not in a bad company. It does make me glad that I can have some sort of meaningful relationships with all those people. Even if most of them can't be called a friendship by any stretch and may perhaps never be. Too bad it's all online. I guess I need to work on that. I also have been spending too much time on social networks for the past week. Time for the old Cold Turkey to sing again.
  3. Just to be clear, calling someone out in a constructive way is not being an asshole. It probably has less to do with the rule itself and more of just people not being comfortable doing such a thing. The key for me is just always that it's constructive and with the best intentions in mind. Being an asshole imo has more to do with just being a dick to be a dick. This is doubly annoying to me because I considered playing LiS as well a while ago. And I actually am still thinking of playing an odd adventure game at some distant point in my life even though I'm not sure what to think of it. But for example, when the next Broken Sword comes out, I'll be interested. That's far away since, as far as I know, the thing isn't even officially announced yet, but it will happen. However, eating rum flavored candy (with no actual alcohol) after being sober for two years comes to mind. Any therapist will bite off your head for just suggesting it. It's a risk factor no matter how you look at it.
  4. Fuck your attitude, dude. You need to understand that you will never ever be able to re-adjust your attitude towards games in a way which would allow you to enjoy them casually. Stop trying to make compromises. It's all or nothing. It's impossible to quit before you can do that. You may go play LiS now and you may do just fine, but remember when I said that relapses don't happen out of nowhere. In fact, there a several stages one enters before actually relapsing, and it's basically all about slowly slipping back into your previous life patterns. Once you're deep enough, a relapse can happen at any point, and it does. Ultimately, you'll have to figure this stuff out for yourself; I can only tell you what I know and, to be honest, have no interest in trying to police your life. Not that that would work anyway. I can't be bothered with discussing how LiS is an adventure game, and how VNs are stripped down adventure games, but really just books with pictures & animations at the end. The two categories bleed into each other in some cases, yet that doesn't mean they don't exist in a distinct way. LiS is an adventure game. A story driven adventure game, yeah, in comparison to more puzzle oriented adventure games, but an adventure game nonetheless. I honestly feel many people here take the "don't be an asshole" rule too literally. If someone is thinking about doing a mistake, which in this case is playing a video game, calling him out when he tries to rationalize it as anything but a relapse is the definition of not being an asshole. And supporting him just for the sake of getting along is a cowardly dick move. There's a chance that some video games may be less risky for certain individuals and may, in fact, be safe to enjoy. Sure. Maybe. But exploring that area before you get your life together, especially during the 90 day detox, is stupid and dangerous.
  5. I also remember a video that featured a dead body that didn't get removed at all. At the same time, I got a ban once for posting a picture that included a nipple in a completely neutral/non-sexual context (there were women just standing around; I wasn't even aware what exactly was visible). Both were posted in a political discussion group, so I suppose a number of reports a certain posts gets plays a role.
  6. 800 posts for custom title? CAN WE DONATE TO INCREASE OUR POST COUNT? Gamequitters microtransactions, go. But srsly, I may have to spam other journals with generic comments just to get my title. Or maybe I can make a GQ Encouraging Post Generator in Excel and then sell the thing on the black market. I won't ever fail because it will, technically, include only quality advice and well-natured comments. And smilies. ... But that aside, this definitely looks very good. I have a much better understanding of where you're going with this project after last two weeks, and it does feel almost exciting to be on board. Not nearly as exciting as playing WoW and getting wasted 3 days in a row, but I'll take it. PS: Is there any chance of introducing a name change option? I'd just like to shorten mine to something people can actually pronounce. (I have no idea how my own nick is pronounced right now. What was I thinking.) PPS: While current numbers may look really good, this is nothing in comparison to the total number of people who'd be better off without video games.
  7. I think someone must have reported it. At least I hope they don't have an automatic swastika recognition in place, lol. And of course, you can post the hammer & sickle as much as you like even though tens of millions have died to socialism as well. Below: a fully reasonable position that isn't bannable anywhere:
  8. Kino - A Place to Step Forward (A translation from Russian I found. "Kino" means "cinema" in more or less every Slavic language.) I have a house, but I don't have the keys I have the sun, but it's hiding behind the clouds, I have a head, but no shoulders for it to rest upon, But I see how the sun's rays are trying to shine through the clouds.. I have words, but no letters are in them, I have a forest, but no axes, I have time, but I can hardly wait, And I even have Night, but there are no dreams... And there are also white, white days, White mountains and white ice, But all I need are a few words, And a place to step forward... I have a river, but no bridge to cross it I've got mice, but no cats I've got sails, but there's no wind, And I even have paint, but no canvas to paint on.. I have water from the tap in the kitchen, I have a wound, but no bandage, I have brothers, but no relatives, And I have hands, but they are empty... And there are also white, white days, White mountains and white ice, But all I need are a few words, And a place to step forward...
  9. God, yet another close call. Where are these situations coming from. I know; I've been slacking off for the last three days, so it was only a question of time before going back to my depressed state, which by default leads to WoW cravings. There is a sort of a lining to this; idk if it's made of metal, or whether the metal precious or not, but there is something there. People who are normal, more mentally sound, can afford to live in a passive, unproductive way and still feel relatively fine. Not me. I absolutely have to be creative to want to get out of bed. I had a blog that I wrote for a few months. Nothing special, some rambling, some posts with an actual theme, some sadposting. I wish I could share it here, but it'd be just weird because it's from a different online persona. A persona I just killed off today because I no longer know what to think of it. And it isn't even the only one. I want to consolidate them all; this is getting beyond ridiculous, and it's, at the most base level, really just another distraction. If I in fact go through with it, I may actually end up with a readership above 5 people. What's holding me back is some of these profiles, especially one of them, the one I used on WoW forums, is infamous for drunk posting and meltdowns, but it's also the most popular and has written some good stuff. And even if I look at this thread, there are posts I'd prefer I haven't made; they either say something I don't truly believe in, or they present it in a poor manner. Not to mention all the stuff that's just not written very well, but that's fine since what can you do. The question is, however, what to even merge all these identities to. It's sad that I need to think about this at 30, and I can clearly see anyone under 30 reading this and thinking, "this won't be me when I'm that old". I know because I was the same. And if you're on this forum, chances are you won't ever be in my position, so there's that. I wish I had the money to leave the apartment in a way more meaningful than just taking a random walk to nowhere. It all comes back to it, and it's something I've been posting about a lot in past; I don't want to repeat myself too much. But I also don't want to write about what I'm doing about it because I've done that as well. Got banned on FB a while ago again. The reason is as underwhelming as always.
  10. Recent events in Dallas make me glad I don't live in America, tbh. It did remind me of this article: Full article.
  11. Still can't believe how much food seems to affect me now that I'm not playing. I ate bread yesterday and felt near suicidal for most of the day; I've never read about such a strong connection between nutrition and mood. This was the second time the exact same thing has happened, and I'll actually do it again today just one more time to be absolutely certain. Even though I'm more or less sure as potato has a similar effect. List of high carb foods sorted according to severity of negative impact: 100% Pasta 90% Bread 60% Potato 30% Rice Which makes pasta and bread the utter despair vs. rice that's bearable. One of the more painful aspects of coming out of a gaming haze is realizing how much other people, who haven't spent all those years being focused on gaming, have achieved in the same time. I see those a few years younger that are far above me in a number of ways. How to catch up? Apart from making money and discussing a few engaging topics, I have no interests in this life. That and surviving, not getting sick.
  12. But really, is downing a boss and hoping for an X item to drop all that different? Or being rewarded with a cool item for spending 20 minutes a day doing X repetitive tasks (that require zero skill to top it off). CSGO is just the most obvious example.
  13. It seems that carbs hurt me significantly more now that I'm games free. Been eating very high carb for the last few days, and it's worse than ever before; I can feel I'm not quite there mentally; it's almost like being hungover. It does make sense since gaming was masking my unfavorable mental state, and carbs have always made it worse. It's just that I haven't expected such a distinct difference, so I don't have much of a choice at this point; I need to go with keto or suffer through the carb fog continuously. It's ridiculous that it's come to that. How do you expect anything like this to happen when you're 15. You don't.
  14. I think the last picture is showing those on the anti-GamerGate side of things.
  15. Well, there are three elements to target: gamers, gaming media, and game companies. Each can be approached in a different way, and I think you can definitely be more aggressive towards the media and gaming companies; gamers are more likely to listen and respond to such criticism as well. As far as addressing gamers directly goes, I suppose any sort of tough love should be administered in a very limited way. But again, I do think there's time and place for it. The gaming media has been the target of Gamergate for two years now, so maybe there's a way to build on that somehow. Not much has been said, to my knowledge, about companies that produce games though. About how they intentionally implement certain mechanics that promote addictive behavior, so there's a lot of room there.
  16. Today on Twitter. And what they're saying is technically true; it's just that it's put in such a brash manner that the effectm is non existent or opposite. It's kind of like the way fat shaming is most often done; fat people are ridiculed and demonized instead of seen as people who have a legitimate problem and could benefit from help. That doesn't mean their destructive behavior should be supported, but neither should they be bashed as a form of entertainment. Perhaps it's not so surprising that it's gamers who often engage is such bashing. PS: the dude's name is almost Adderall, heh.
  17. This is something I've been running into lately. Every time I post about video game addiction, I'm met with a number of strangers who give me the usual: video game addiction doesn't exist (it's passion/timesink), video game addiction is extremely rare, you can't prove that it exists, here's an article that says video games are totally fine, you must be anti gamergate. I'm not sure what the best way of approaching the subject would be. Just a mention of it does in fact, as you say in the video, trigger people. And that's totally normal and to be expected. I used to think your approach was too mild and not aggressive enough, but now I'm starting to wonder if it isn't the only viable way to get anywhere. I am still not happy with it though; I feel that someone needs to tell these people straight up that their gaming culture is SHITSHITSHIT. Maybe I'm wrong. I do think raising hell can serve as a good way to draw attention to the issue.
  18. Lol, I had no idea that this CS:GO thing is basically one huge casino. They aren't even trying anymore. Why bother creating an amazing game with systems that fuel addictive behavior on top ... when you can just go full casino? Modern gaming, lol. Games should've stopped evolving after DOS era. The problem of addiction would be a lot lesser too. Don't see people getting hooked on Prehistorik as much. We pretty much went from an equivalent of hot, delicious coffee to energy drinks to speed to ecstasy to crystal meth. And now they're making these VR things. God, everyone seems to be so negative today, and I'm in a crap mood as well. Got in a sensless Twitter war with some idiot & someone got a hissy fit and called me a cretin over nothing. I have my fits as well, but I never attack individuals. Ever. That's basically the first rule of a successful trolling career because once you start hammering on specific people, it's just a matter of time before you pick on a wrong person. That and it feels disgusting anyway. A lot of people do it still because it's easy and it's fun, meh. (Source video on turning FPS games into slot machines & related scams. It includes of maybe 2 seconds of game footage if that's an issue for you.)
  19. Yeah, I'm safe from games for now, but I need to find a viable solution for my mood and energy asap, or it's just a question of time before I start playing again. I know myself enough. Freeing my brain from games has lot of positive effects, but it's also brought the issues that drove me to gaming in the first place back to the forefront. I can manage it for now, but I'd say I have about a month, or two at most, left before I break again if I don't solve this at least to some degree.
  20. This seemed appropriate Most appropriate picture in this entire thread.
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