NEW VIDEO: Why You MUST Quit Gaming in 2025
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Everything posted by Piotr
Wisely said @Some Yahoo! I forgot that best moments in my life started with turning off the computer!
Transcendency journal entry #14 Snapping out after a confusion. Doing things that are worth to be done(worth my lifetime). Going strong!
Hi, do you know any other forums/communities which are good after quitting games? Two years ago I've decided to quit and now I really feel I can live with out it. I've read some personal development sites but none of them caught my eye as good environment for future thrive. I'm looking into something which will help to grow in fields like: being social, creating a value, starting own business, being a leader, creating something new(being creative) etc. Any ideas? Thank you in advance.
Transcendency journal entry #13 Feeling down. How can someones, one sentence make me feel useless. This shouldn't work this way.
Transcendency journal entry #12 Wikipedia: I desire an active role in world transformation.
Transcendency journal entry #11 Although my addictions are frequently giving me cravings, I'm glad that I make right decisions - not even starting activities with negative impact.
Transcendency journal entry #10 I'm starting a new job this Monday and I'm a little anxious about it. New people, new places - this makes me think whether I will fit in. But I try to move that thought aside and just go strong, because I fight for better life. This job change allowed me to move back to my hometown, it's great to be closer to my family! I try to hold on to that thought, that whatever this job will look like, it brings me benefits on many areas of my life. Daily routine check for day before yesterday: Non-dominant hand writing - done Affirmation - done Reading - done Physical activity - failed Healthy eating - done Daily routine check for yesterday: Non-dominant hand writing - failed Affirmation - failed Reading - failed Physical activity - done Healthy eating - done
You pointed out a very important aspect! Firstly, I don't beat myself up if tasks are failed because of being ill or if some more important things pops up. It's more about having track on my activity, whether this "failing" comes from prioritizing or procrastination. In my opinion, it's very basic and at the same time very precious ability, to distinguish these two bolded words. Secondly, I used that combination of words(done-failed) on purpose. Because word failed, sounds more "aggresive" to me; thus it better points me out, that something was neglected. I prefer word "done" than "success", because the latter sounds for me like something big or groundbreaking was achieved and those activities aren't anything like that. They are just a basic tasks that are a standard to do in order to achieve a better life. Thirdly, yes, going for perfection, maybe not sets me on failure, but makes me neglect other aspects of my life. An example of that is my exam panic, often when I study for a big exam I go for perfection and start to think that I know nothing(although I already know everything I need). I'm reading on things that aren't in the field of my exam, I re-wrote my notes etc. This ruins my day, because I'm doing things that I don't need and neglecting other activities in the name of studying. It's just as stupid as "killing in the name of god". Hope you get my point. Greetings! Piotr
Transcendency journal entry #9 Relapsed. Whats worse I'm having flu syndromes, feeling ill. Coincidence? I don't think so... Daily routine check for day before yesterday: Non-dominant hand writing - failed Affirmation - failed Reading - failed Physical activity - done Healthy eating - done Daily routine check for yesterday: Non-dominant hand writing - done Affirmation - done Reading - done Physical activity - done Healthy eating - failed
Transcendency journal entry #8 Going strong! No place for procrastination. Daily routine check for day before yesterday: Non-dominant hand writing - done Affirmation - done Reading - done Physical activity - done Healthy eating - done Daily routine check for yesterday: Non-dominant hand writing - done Affirmation - done Reading - done Physical activity - done Healthy eating - done
Transcendency journal entry #7 The day before yesterday, I failed at my daily routine. This made me feel kinda ashamed, as this year motive for me is transcendency and in order to accomplish this, I can't neglect anything that leads me to a better life. This failure gave me a momentum to do everything which I had to do for yesterday, despite being very tired. Also, some kind of inspiration hit me and I wrote this thought which is very inspiring for me(thus I'm putting it in my sig). I care about my future, thus I'm making a great use of today! Daily routine check for day before yesterday: Non-dominant hand writing - failed Affirmation - failed Reading - failed Physical activity - failed Healthy eating - done Daily routine check for yesterday: Non-dominant hand writing - done Affirmation - done Reading - done Physical activity - done Healthy eating - done
Yes, it is. It provides a lot of technical possibilities. It's funny that you mentioned it. I had a talk with my brother in law today, I told him about my business idea using my microcontroller knowledge. Maybe the universe is trying to tell me something?
Just remember to take rest and not overweight yourself with your schedules. It's not a bad thing to do as much as you can, just be aware if it's not becoming more than you can do. Good to have you here! Greetings, Piotr.
Transcendency journal entry #6 Today I made a blood donation, it feels so good that I am helping others, it's very satisfying and fulfilling feeling. Things are going good overall, I complete all my planned tasks with ease, although sometimes I have a hesitation on my resting time; maybe I sometimes exaggerate my exhaustion? I'm very happy with my progress and understanding on microcontrollers; yesterday I made a simple reversing sensor for educational purposes. I still need to think(or maybe work?) on how I can help or provide value for other people. This will be a good starting thought for my future business which I would want to start and set in motion by end of this year. Daily routine check for yesterday: Non-dominant hand writing - done Affirmation - done Reading - done Physical activity - done Healthy eating - done
That's right! There is lot's of wisdom and positivity written. Many thanks! Only one left to go, to pass this semester. Btw. this one will be easier than previous ones.
Transcendency journal entry #5 This weekend was a hard time. I had to prioritize my activities and resign from some of them to finish more important ones. I'm proud that I've passed all 4 exams which I had at university this weekend. Things are going good overall. Still thinking on what type of business I could start. I hope that a "100$ startup" book which I bought recently, will help me to find that answer. Daily routine check for yesterday: Non-dominant hand writing - done Affirmation - done Reading - failed Physical activity - done Healthy eating - done
You've made a wise choice! But you need to remember, that quitting video games isn't going to magically solve all problems. There will be struggle, there will be hard times, but don't get discouraged because of that. Remember one thing: it's worth fighting for! Just don't play for 90 days and then you will see by yourself how your life will change for better. You can expect these results: - improvement at studies - better grades - more time for productive work - finding a job - most importantly: your wife smiling at your, feeling proud of who you become Don't overthink it, don't give up. Just quit gaming!
Transcendency journal entry #4 I'm having cravings. Whenever I'm getting my life straight, these thoughts appear, that "everything is OK so I can play". These thoughts have it's roots at the beginning of my no-gaming journey when I quit cold turkey, because I knew that my life was a disaster because of video games. That was my motive for detox, for fighting procrastination and for self development - I need to fix my life, improve all the areas that are mess. I improved everything what needed to be improved and now I kinda lost my motive. Like a switch turning on for gaming, because everything is ok. BUT I WANT TO TRANSCEND. And in transcendency there is no place for gaming, because games doesn't lead to anything good. There are always better things to do than gaming. What can I do right now that leads to something better than gaming? I can finish my project for university, to get a degree, to learn something useful I can make a workout, (calisthenics planned for today), to improve my physical condition, to be more healthy, to be stronger I can read a book(not connected with studies), to learn about something new, to know other people perspective, to find out new solutions I can experiment with microcontroller and electronics, to create some awesome things and learn things connected with my studies OR, I can game. What gaming will give me? It will kill some of my time. Irreversibly I will loose an opportunity for productive things... I will feel regret, that I spend part of my life in such wasteful way. I'm sorry. It sounds a bit like a monologue, but it seems that I needed this. Peace brothers! Daily routine check for yesterday: Non-dominant hand writing - done Affirmation - done Reading - done Physical activity - done(running and abs) Healthy eating - done
Thanks for the comment! I fully agree, there is lots of potential in microcontrollers.
Transcendency journal entry #3 Ok, I'm a bit busy since my semester finals at university, starts this weekend. Working on my project of "sun position detector" using micro controller ATmega8, which goes pretty quicker than I thought. So I don't want to brag, but it seems that everything goes fine. At least it will stay this way, until I fall in procrastination again. I'm proud that although I have much to do, I manage to split and organize my time, so everything gets done. And that's a good start of this year motive - transcendency! Daily routine check for yesterday: Non-dominant hand writing - done Affimation - done Reading - failed Physical activity - done(training on bars) Healthy eating - done
Transcendency journal entry #2 I've just realized that four days passed since my last journal entry. It's definitely too long, consistency needs to be improved. As I want this year to transcend into something more, and push my life into incredible momentum of achievements and fulfillment. Last days, aren't a good example of that, but rather an introduction to this. I could definitely procrastinate less, but nevertheless I helped my mother, my sister, my brother-in-law, in general I spend more time with people around me. I've dove into learning programming microcontrollers, which is interesting for me and connected with my studies. Now I gotta go make a project for my studies, daily routine and nailing life in general Take care GameQuitters! Daily routine check for day before yesterday: non-dominant hand writing - done affimation - done Daily routine check for yesterday: non-dominant hand writing - failed affimation - done
Hey @Shine Magical, I fully understand that acne situation, because I went through the same. Although it stigmatize a man, DON'T let it influence your psyche. I wish that at those hardest moments of my acne, someone would told me those two things: 1. Isotretinoinum - best(and only in my case) cure for acne 2. Acne DOESN'T makes me any less valuable man. Once on the street I've seen a boy with the same acne as me. And he had a girlfriend. I remember this was devastating for me, because I couldn't belive I could find a girl which will love me with my face(especially in this young age, when you seek acceptance). Now I know that every failure which I justified - "It's because of acne" - was a bullshit. Acne may only make bad first impression, but it doesn't determine who you are, how you react on certain situation in life, how you handle all the every day tasks. The best cure for acne is remembering that you are awesome! And you are beautiful Greetings, Piotr. PS. I'm interested in finances, could you tell me a little more about investments you made?
it's good to have you back! Surely you will make even bigger progress this time - you are more experienced now. Good luck on your journey! Greetings, Piotr.
Transcendency journal entry #1 I don't really know what should I write, but I feel like I have to. I need to make new plans for this week/month/year but procrastination which happened this morning "de-focused" me. So here I rise, got out of bed, because procrastination is not something I want in my life. I desire transcendency. Plan for today: - prepare a daily routine for this year - set goals for this week/month/year
TRANSCENDER This is my word for 2018. Transcender - a person who transcends(exceeds or goes past defined limits). This word is the best term to describe what I want to achieve in 2018. Last year, my word was finances and I must admit, it worked pretty well! I understood how money works. I've managed to put aside three months paycheck as a failsafe. I've gathered money for an awesome trip. The only thing I've didn't achieved past year was starting my own business. It made me realize that I need to go a little further to accomplish this. I need to find myself, my passion, something that I could turn into value, which someone else would be willing to be part of and pay for. My another resolution is to be a better person in terms of strong character, positive attitude and physical condition. Also I dream about my own flat. All of this, requires me to transcend. Couldn't find a better word.