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  1. Day 519 26.08.20 Gratitude journal Today I am grateful for being motivated. Today I am grateful for a beatiful day. Today I am grateful for being healthy. One amazing thing that happened/I did today ---- Workout/run more than 10k steps restday Meditation, visualisation and daily affirmation around 20min only around 5min mediation podcast episodes did my affirmations in the morning and a bit of visualisation Reading and further education read a lot again in the evening studied only a bit it was still way too hot to focus at my usual study place in the evening listened to two podcasts about the NBA my wake-up time 07:25 Weekly Goal(s) start finally creating a normal and regular sleeping rythmn, contine my 8/16 or at least 10/14 fasting, work 3 days this week and study way more for the next exam, learn more spanish and also loose some weight and therefore avoid sweets and alcohol this week Monthly Goal avoid porn for as many days as possible this month, get a healthy rhythm in life (waking up routine, going to sleep routine,....), study for the next huge exam, get my weight back to normal and stay fit, get rid of my toenail problems 3 Month Goal pass 4 to 6 exams and get my first degree in mechanical engineering, build better coping mechanisms gainst my cravings and find more triggers, be able to do at least 5 to 10 pull ups, What went well today and what could I have done to make my day better: (NP:1/NS:0/NSP:0) worked normally today, cooked a bit, had a relaxing evening, enjoyed the weather and had exeptionally great talks with people at work should have studied more, I fear I have to cut my watching sports habit for real this week (the NBA protest may be the breather to get away from just coming home, cooking a meal and immediately turn on basketball while preparing it) What I have planned for tomorrow: wake up around 7,go to work again, go to the gym, meet with friends Weekly summary, thoughts and improvements for the future ----
  2. Day 518 25.08.20 Gratitude journal Today I am grateful for being motivated. Today I am grateful for finally having the full plan for the next few months. Today I am grateful for finding fun in sports other than basketball again. One amazing thing that happened/I did today went into fitness overdrive and it feld great^^ Workout/run more than 23k steps 1,5h at the gym 1,5h playing tennis with a friend (I am pretty sure now that this is my basketball replacement) Meditation, visualisation and daily affirmation around 18min around 25min mediation podcast episodes did my affirmations in the morning and a bit of visualisation Reading and further education read a lot in the evening studied only a bit it was way too hot to focus listend to a lot of podcasts about politics, food, working culture during walking and cleaning my wake-up time 08:30 Weekly Goal(s) start finally creating a normal and regular sleeping rythmn, contine my 8/16 or at least 10/14 fasting, work 3 days this week and study way more for the next exam, learn more spanish and also loose some weight and therefore avoid sweets and alcohol this week Monthly Goal avoid porn for as many days as possible this month, get a healthy rhythm in life (waking up routine, going to sleep routine,....), study for the next huge exam, get my weight back to normal and stay fit, get rid of my toenail problems 3 Month Goal pass 4 to 6 exams and get my first degree in mechanical engineering, build better coping mechanisms gainst my cravings and find more triggers, be able to do at least 5 to 10 pull ups, What went well today and what could I have done to make my day better: (NP:0/NS:2/NSP:0) cooked a lot, had a great, had so much fun with sports, really enjoyed the day, should have studied more, the exam I have planned with at the end of september is now at the end of october 😞 so again going to replanning tomorrow What I have planned for tomorrow: wake up around 7,go to work, have a rest day, try to eat less, study a bit, Weekly summary, thoughts and improvements for the future ----
  3. Day 517 24.08.20 Gratitude journal Today I am grateful for being motivated. Today I am grateful for finally having the full plan for the next few months. Today I am grateful for a great family. One amazing thing that happened/I did today ----- Workout/run more than 11k steps restday^^ Meditation, visualisation and daily affirmation around 15min around 15min mediation podcast episodes did my affirmations in the morning and a bit of visualisation Reading and further education read a lot in the evening (started with the book "atomic habits") listend to two podcasts about food^^ during commuting my wake-up time 05:30 Weekly Goal(s) start finally creating a normal and regular sleeping rythmn, contine my 8/16 or at least 10/14 fasting, work 3 days this week and study way more for the next exam, learn more spanish and also loose some weight and therefore avoid sweets and alcohol this week Monthly Goal avoid porn for as many days as possible this month, get a healthy rhythm in life (waking up routine, going to sleep routine,....), study for the next huge exam, get my weight back to normal and stay fit, get rid of my toenail problems 3 Month Goal pass 4 to 6 exams and get my first degree in mechanical engineering, build better coping mechanisms gainst my cravings and find more triggers, be able to do at least 5 to 10 pull ups, What went well today and what could I have done to make my day better: (NP:1/NS:1/NSP:0) worked a lot, got finally the clear plan for the next months (family, work and study related), traveled to my parents for a short visit after work, i fear our cat is gone for good, should have done more spanish What I have planned for tomorrow: wake up around 8, study at least a bit, go to the gym, go play tennis with a friend, Weekly summary, thoughts and improvements for the future ----
  4. From me personal experience the danger of relapse rises exponentially when watching other people play a game that you like. Why? In my opion it is because you get to see the best case what could happen while playing yourself which will make denying yourself the game so much harder.In reality thrilling moments like the ones you get to see on stream are seldom happening to yourself. Also since you still have lots of contact with gaming you automatically will think more often about it which may lead to relapse as well.
  5. Days 513 19.08.20 to 517 23.08.20 so fast can it go from good to way worse 😞. After work on wednesday I did not feel that great and of course I had to get sick for a few days additionally on the weekend I got craving after craving for gaming (it has been a long time since they were this heavy) maybe because I realised that now that my road plan for the net exams has gotten way harder also since I was just lying around in my flat waiting to get better my boredom got the better of me so I watched a lot of youtube and I fear both reasons are responsible for my rush of cravings or gaming nostalgia (I am still not sure what it is). Well as a consequence I am going to reduce my screentime heavily again this week and also try to find the root causes of why since a few months I get this regular attacks. At least on sunday I was able to go to the gym for a small workout and I decided to start this week playing tennis since it seems I am unable to live without a sport with revolves around a ball.^^ Studywise I will have to make a new plan (again... I think I am far from consequent enough in following them) and restart my progress. The next entry should be back to normal hopefully. 😉
  6. Day 512 18.08.20 Gratitude journal Today I am grateful for having not to work. Today I am grateful for being content. Today I am grateful for being able to enjoy my freetime. One amazing thing that happened/I did today it seems slowly my pull-up training plan is working because so far there were continous improvements at every workout 🙂 Workout/run more than 11k steps 2h workout at the gym Meditation, visualisation and daily affirmation around 15min around 20min mediation podcast episodes did my affirmations in the morning and managed to do a bit of visualisation Reading and further education studied a bit for the next exam (around 2h) listend to a few interesting podcasts during cleaning and relaxing my wake-up time 08:30 Weekly Goal(s) start creating a normal and regular sleeping rythmn, contine my 8/16 or at least 10/14 fasting, work not more than 2 days this week and study way more for the next exam, learn more spanish and also loose some weight and therefore avoid sweets and alcohol this week Monthly Goal avoid porn for as many days as possible this month, get a healthy rhythm in life (waking up routine, going to sleep routine,....), study for the next huge exam, get my weight back to normal and stay fit, get rid of my toenail problems 3 Month Goal pass 4 to 6 exams and get my first degree in mechanical engineering, build better coping mechanisms gainst my cravings and find more triggers, be able to do at least 5 to 10 pull ups, What went well today and what could I have done to make my day better: (NP:0/NS:0/NSP:0) started to work my to do list for the week, cooked something nice, planned the week better than the ones before (even the food and training was included), had an okayish workout, could have studied more, we still have not found our runaway cat, it is too humid at the moment so the dustbugs are back on my wall (and I went on a killing spree) but I had hoped they were gone for good 😞 What I have planned for tomorrow: wake up around 7, study at least a bit, go to work, if the weather is nice go for a run in the evening, also clean my flat, Weekly summary, thoughts and improvements for the future I think I am going to write my diaries in the evening starting now because I think/hope it motivates me more to leave my comfort zone and be more productive
  7. Day 511 17.08.20 Gratitude journal Today I am grateful for a productive but not that stressful working day. Today I am grateful for having a great family. Today I am grateful for being able to enjoy my freetime. One amazing thing that happened/I did today worked longer than I planned but I was motivated something I did not think would happen that fast again after the workload alst week Workout/run more than 13k steps restday^^ Meditation, visualisation and daily affirmation around 15min around 20min mediation podcast episodes did my affirmations in the morning and managed to do a bit of visualisation Reading and further education studied a bit for the next exam (around 1h) listend to a few interesting podcasts during cleaning and relaxing my wake-up time 07:10 Weekly Goal(s) start creating a normal and regular sleeping rythmn, contine my 8/16 or at least 10/14 fasting, work not more than 2 days this week and study way more for the next exam, learn more spanish and also loose some weight and therefore avoid sweets and alcohol this week Monthly Goal avoid porn for as many days as possible this month, get a healthy rhythm in life (waking up routine, going to sleep routine,....), study for the next huge exam, get my weight back to normal and stay fit, get rid of my toenail problems 3 Month Goal pass 4 to 6 exams and get my first degree in mechanical engineering, build better coping mechanisms gainst my cravings and find more triggers, be able to do at least 5 to 10 pull ups, What went well today and what could I have done to make my day better: (NP:2/NS:2/NSP:0) worked nearly 9h, I am in the progress to switch my eating routine and especially what I eat (and so far it works^^), studied a bit, could have studied more, we still have not found our runaway cat (I fear he is gone for good), sadly it rained the whole afternoon and evening so no run for me 😞 What I have planned for tomorrow: wake up around 8, study, go groceries shopping, go to the gym Weekly summary, thoughts and improvements for the future ------
  8. I am against any form of monopoly as well, but I do not think Epic is the underdog/victim in this scenario because how fast they reacted to the ban and of course they have the fortnite and tencent billions behind them. So I am just a bystander and look smiling at the flames. 😉
  9. Day 510 16.08.20 Gratitude journal Today I am grateful for forcing myself to go running despite the weather. Today I am grateful for another nice and sunny day. Today I am grateful for being able to enjoy my freetime. One amazing thing that happened/I did today it was raining a lot (becaming some what a regularity as of late) but still went around outside and did a lot of gardening^^ Workout/run more than 10k steps 4.2km running (with lots of hills 😞 ) Meditation, visualisation and daily affirmation around 15min around 20min mediation podcast episodes did my affirmations in the morning and managed to do a bit of visualisation Reading and further education studied a bit for the next exam (around 2h) listend to a few interesting podcasts during cleaning and relaxing my wake-up time 07:30 Weekly Goal(s) try to wake up before 7:30 for the whole week, contine my 8/16 fasting, work at least 3 days this week and study for the next exam, go swimming more than once, start with learning spanish again Monthly Goal avoid porn for as many days as possible this month, get a healthy rhythm in life (waking up routine, going to sleep routine,....), study for the next huge exam, get my weight back to normal and stay fit, get rid of my toenail problems 3 Month Goal pass 4 to 6 exams and get my first degree in mechanical engineering, build better coping mechanisms gainst my cravings and find more triggers, be able to do at least 5 to 10 pull ups, What went well today and what could I have done to make my day better: (NP:1/NS:1/NSP:0) cooked something nice again, went on a gardening and cleaning spree (I am still not sure if I was that motivated or the prospect of otherwise more studying was the reason) could have studied more, we still have not found the cat, What I have planned for tomorrow: wake up around 7, go to work, travel back to my flat and if it is early enough go for a run Weekly summary, thoughts and improvements for the future got my waking up time right through the whole week but half of the week I had borderline 7h or less sleep which is not ideal for my productivity and was for sure the main reason why I was quite weak against the temptation of bad habits (sweets, more meat than usual, porn,...)
  10. Day 509 15.08.20 Gratitude journal Today I am grateful for a calm day. Today I am grateful for another nice and sunny day. Today I am grateful for being able to enjoy my freetime. One amazing thing that happened/I did today ----- Workout/run more than 7k steps restday Meditation, visualisation and daily affirmation around 15min around 20min mediation podcast episodes did my affirmations in the morning and managed to do a bit of visualisation Reading and further education studied a bit for the next exam (around 2h) listend to a few interesting podcasts during cleaning and relaxing my wake-up time 07:30 Weekly Goal(s) try to wake up before 7:30 for the whole week, contine my 8/16 fasting, work at least 3 days this week and study for the next exam, go swimming more than once, start with learning spanish again Monthly Goal avoid porn for as many days as possible this month, get a healthy rhythm in life (waking up routine, going to sleep routine,....), study for the next huge exam, get my weight back to normal and stay fit, get rid of my toenail problems 3 Month Goal pass 4 to 6 exams and get my first degree in mechanical engineering, build better coping mechanisms gainst my cravings and find more triggers, be able to do at least 5 to 10 pull ups, What went well today and what could I have done to make my day better: (NP:0/NS:0/NSP:0) cooked a great meal, went picking vegetables and fruits at my parents home there were just so many of them, was finally able to really relax in the afternoon which felt so good 😉 could have studied more, What I have planned for tomorrow: wake up around 8, cook, have a nice day, clean around the house a bit, take care of the garden, still searching for our second cat 🙄 Weekly summary, thoughts and improvements for the future -----
  11. Day 508 14.08.20 Gratitude journal Today I am grateful for not having to work. Today I am grateful for another nice and sunny day. Today I am grateful for being able to do a workout at the gym. One amazing thing that happened/I did today ----- Workout/run more than 19k steps 2h workout at the gym Meditation, visualisation and daily affirmation around 15min around 20min mediation podcasts did my affirmations in the morning and managed to do a bit of visualisation Reading and further education studied a bit for the next exam (more than 2h) listend to a few interesting podcasts during work and walking my wake-up time 07:30 Weekly Goal(s) try to wake up before 7:30 for the whole week, contine my 8/16 fasting, work at least 3 days this week and study for the next exam, go swimming more than once, start with learning spanish again Monthly Goal avoid porn for as many days as possible this month, get a healthy rhythm in life (waking up routine, going to sleep routine,....), study for the next huge exam, get my weight back to normal and stay fit, get rid of my toenail problems 3 Month Goal pass 4 to 6 exams and get my first degree in mechanical engineering, build better coping mechanisms gainst my cravings and find more triggers, be able to do at least 5 to 10 pull ups, What went well today and what could I have done to make my day better: (NP:1/NS:1/NSP:5) cooked a great meal, had a nice workout, it was great meeting my friend for a few beers and watching football in the evening, started with spanish again^^ could have studied more, had too many beer 😞 What I have planned for tomorrow: wake up around 8, cook, have a nice day, clean a lot, search for our second cat it seems he is missing again (sigh...) Weekly summary, thoughts and improvements for the future -----
  12. Day 507 13.08.20 Gratitude journal Today I am grateful for still being motivated. Today I am grateful for another nice and sunny day. Today I am grateful for a swim at lunchtime One amazing thing that happened/I did today worked only 7h but finally finished the project (yeah!!!) and was motivated enough to go swimming at lunch Workout/run more than 14k steps 1km swimming (it seems twice a week is my maximum at the moment because I already started to feel a bit of a pain in my left shoulder) Meditation, visualisation and daily affirmation around 15min around 20min mediation podcasts did my affirmations in the morning and managed to do a bit of visualisation Reading and further education studied a bit for the next exam (more than 1h) listend to a few interesting podcasts during work and walking my wake-up time 06:45 Weekly Goal(s) try to wake up before 7:30 for the whole week, contine my 8/16 fasting, work at least 3 days this week and study for the next exam, go swimming more than once, start with learning spanish again Monthly Goal avoid porn for as many days as possible this month, get a healthy rhythm in life (waking up routine, going to sleep routine,....), study for the next huge exam, get my weight back to normal and stay fit, get rid of my toenail problems 3 Month Goal pass 4 to 6 exams and get my first degree in mechanical engineering, build better coping mechanisms gainst my cravings and find more triggers, be able to do at least 5 to 10 pull ups, What went well today and what could I have done to make my day better: (NP:0/NS:0/NSP:4) went to work, prepared a nice salad in the evening , swimming was nice could have studied more, in hindsight letting yourself not getting swept up in stressful situation would have been far more helpful and healthier What I have planned for tomorrow: wake up around 7, have a nice day, study a bit, cook finally for real again, go to the gym, meet with a friend for the football game in the evening Weekly summary, thoughts and improvements for the future -----
  13. Day 506 12.08.20 Gratitude journal Today I am grateful for still being motivated. Today I am grateful for another nice and sunny day. Today I am grateful for a evening run One amazing thing that happened/I did today worked 10h again but still had the power and especially the motivation to go running after coming home from work despite the heat 🙂 Workout/run more than 14k steps 5.5km running Meditation, visualisation and daily affirmation around 15min around 30min mediation podcasts did my affirmations in the morning and managed to do a bit of visualisation Reading and further education studied 0h for the next exam (but I stacked already the materials on my desk for tomorrow) listend to quite a few podcasts during work my wake-up time 06:45 Weekly Goal(s) try to wake up before 7:30 for the whole week, contine my 8/16 fasting, work at least 3 days this week and study for the next exam, go swimming more than once, start with learning spanish again Monthly Goal avoid porn for as many days as possible this month, get a healthy rhythm in life (waking up routine, going to sleep routine,....), study for the next huge exam, get my weight back to normal and stay fit, get rid of my toenail problems 3 Month Goal pass 4 to 6 exams and get my first degree in mechanical engineering, build better coping mechanisms gainst my cravings and find more triggers, be able to do at least 5 to 10 pull ups, What went well today and what could I have done to make my day better: (NP:0/NS:2/NSP:3) worked around 10h, cooked a great meal after my run 🙂 , had a nice run and at least 2h relaxing before goiung to sleep with my workload at the moment being able to study is still wishful thinking 😞 and of course spanish, What I have planned for tomorrow: wake up before 7, go to work one last time this week, go swimming or running and relax in the evening, start studying, start with spanish again^^ Weekly summary, thoughts and improvements for the future -----
  14. Day 505 11.08.20 Gratitude journal Today I am grateful being motivated. Today I am grateful for another nice and sunny day. Today I am grateful for having time to relax a bit. One amazing thing that happened/I did today worked nearly 10h again and in the evening was so not motivated to work on similar things the next day but then I did some extra sessions meditation and detached myself a bit and mental focus was way less absent afterwards Workout/run more than 10k steps restday Meditation, visualisation and daily affirmation around 25min around 20min mediation podcasts did my affirmations in the morning and managed to do a bit of visualisation Reading and further education studied 0h for the next exam listend to quite a few podcasts during work my wake-up time 06:40 Weekly Goal(s) try to wake up before 7:30 for the whole week, contine my 8/16 fasting, work at least 3 days this week and study for the next exam, go swimming more than once, start with learning spanish again Monthly Goal avoid porn for as many days as possible this month, get a healthy rhythm in life (waking up routine, going to sleep routine,....), study for the next huge exam, get my weight back to normal and stay fit, get rid of my toenail problems 3 Month Goal pass 4 to 6 exams and get my first degree in mechanical engineering, build better coping mechanisms gainst my cravings and find more triggers, be able to do at least 5 to 10 pull ups, What went well today and what could I have done to make my day better: (NP:0/NS:1/NSP:2) worked around 10h, cooked a different mean salad in the evening 🙂 , with my workload at the moment being able to study is wishful thinking 😞 and of course spanish, was spend in the evening after work and did the work thing I tried to find something to occupy me online or something new to read instead of just going for a run or doing some sport What I have planned for tomorrow: wake up before 7, go to work, go swimming or running and relax in the evening, hopefully work a bit less Weekly summary, thoughts and improvements for the future -----
  15. Day 504 10.08.20 Gratitude journal Today I am grateful staying levelheaded at work. Today I am grateful for another nice and sunny day. Today I am grateful for having the time to go swimming. One amazing thing that happened/I did today went swimming during lunchtime which was the much needed breather for my day Workout/run more than 13k steps 1km swimming Meditation, visualisation and daily affirmation around 15min around 35min mediation podcasts did my affirmations in the morning and managed to do a bit of visualisation Reading and further education studied 0h for the next exam listend to quite a few podcasts during work my wake-up time 06:45 Weekly Goal(s) try to wake up before 7:30 for the whole week, contine my 8/16 fasting, work at least 3 days this week and study for the next exam, go swimming more than once, start with learning spanish again Monthly Goal avoid porn for as many days as possible this month, get a healthy rhythm in life (waking up routine, going to sleep routine,....), study for the next huge exam, get my weight back to normal and stay fit, get rid of my toenail problems 3 Month Goal pass 4 to 6 exams and get my first degree in mechanical engineering, build better coping mechanisms gainst my cravings and find more triggers, be able to do at least 5 to 10 pull ups, What went well today and what could I have done to make my day better: (NP:0/NS:0/NSP:1) worked around 11h but a few times it was like I found this sweetspot where I am absolutely focused on my task which felt great, had a nice time swimming, cooked a mean salad in the evening 🙂 no time for studying and of course spanish, it was more like 10/14 instead of 8/16 but at least I regulated myself a bit What I have planned for tomorrow: wake up before 7, go to work, work some more and relax in the evening, Weekly summary, thoughts and improvements for the future -----
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