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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Posts posted by Bugg

  1. Well, February wasn't as epic as January, to say the least. It wasn't a total write off, I got some shit done, but not as much as I did in January. It's a battle of healthy vs toxic productivity, how to give myself a break without getting lazy again. I've played games, a lot at the start and end of the month with a gap in the middle. Netflix was a big issue again; I've decided to ban having a watch list. If I want to watch something on an evening then cool, but having a list of shit to watch just makes me obsess over it and watch crap for the sake of it. I'm still not ready to let go of gaming and I don't know if I ever will. Stupid thing is I know my life could be better if I did. 

  2. Dude you're doing so well. Reading over your posts and you've made so much progress already, it's awesome! Sorry to hear about the money troubles but I'm glad you're getting on top of them now 🙂 

    27 minutes ago, Some Yahoo said:

    I feel sometimes that my life has been a waste of natural resources.


    I often feel like this too - but you didn't ask to be put here so you can't completely blame yourself. Even in feeling like you could have done better by now; I feel like you're doing your best (even on our worst days we are often still trying our best in that moment, right?) I think your list of achievements looks great, just raising kids that turn out well is a massive achievement! And you know what else is amazing? You're making an effort to improve things for yourself - not many people even bother.

    Thank you for your words of encouragement from the opposite side of motivation. Fear is such a good way to build momentum - I know I fear for my own future and I'm already 30 now. It can be a cruel world, but it only gets worse when we bury our heads in the sand 😕

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  3. [Day 31] 

    I did it. I actually made it. 30 days. No Games, No Netflix, No Youtube and No Social Media. Well, a little social media, perhaps an hour a week ..  and I watched one Youtube video with otters yesterday, which only made me angry that people keep them as pets. But I'd call this month a success, especially since I'm still not working and so spent almost the whole time at home.

    I nearly gave in on a few occasions, either through total and utter boredom, or because I felt so anxious or overwhelmed that I wanted the escape. On either occasion I sat with my discomfort until I eventually found something else to do, and I'm glad I did so that I can sit here today and look back and feel proud. I've spent more time confronting my feelings around employment than I probably did for the entirety of last year and have made good progress in considering my next steps. I'm still researching and working on this, but I'm confident that I can feel better in this area moving forwards. I'm really grateful to myself for showing up for daily yoga and meditation and I'm definitely going to continue paying attention to these habits moving forwards. I also learned that even with days on end of free time, sometimes I just don't have the focus or mental capacity to fit everything into each and every day, and that's ok. (I'm thinking here of piano practice alongside music theory, guitar and singing). I've finally ordered some modelling clay too, we'll see if I can get back into it and maybe open a little etsy store. I joined a music club and a book club and have enjoyed attending weekly meetups (on zoom) - I played piano online for a small audience, and I sang on another occasion, which I am really proud of myself for too. I'm hoping to get more involved in the organisation that runs the groups, hopefully with some volunteering, and I can't wait for coronavirus to fuck off so I can attend these things in person. I'm not a social butterfly, but this has been really good for me. 

    What's Next? So from tomorrow I'm relaxing my 'rules' and falling back to my theme for this year; BALANCE. I want to keep striving to find a balance between productivity and relaxation. I've had a pretty good balance this month already, spending a lot of downtime reading books (I read 5 this month!), but I see no harm in putting some of that downtime into the odd tv show or movie. What I'm not going to do is watch TV during the daytime, or until I have completed my other tasks for the day; including yoga/exercise, meditation and piano practice. I've really missed watching anime and I'm looking forward to getting back into Star Trek again (the old ones - a nerdy guilty pleasure). There have definitely been times on an evening where I've looked back over a productive day and thought about how much I'd enjoy just a little tv. 

    I haven't mentioned games up to now. I've definitely craved them, pretty much every day, and I think if my 30 days had been 90 or even forever I would have struggled a whole lot more. As it stands I haven't 'let go' or said goodbye to games, however I'm not rushing to reintroduce them either. It feels a bit like when I had problems around food; in therapy I learned that restricting something and telling myself I can't have it just made me want it more and I eventually lost control and gave in. This feels a lot like that. The more I tell myself I can't play games the more I want to and I feel like I'm more likley to give in. So instead I'm telling myself I can have games in my life, if I really want them. But, I'm also remaining really mindful here, and for now I'm not reintroducing them. Over the next few weeks I plan to watch a little tv and I may indulge in the odd Youtube video perhaps, but I'm making no plans to play any games. Maybe one evening I'll feel like an hour or 2 on a game instead of a movie, but perhaps I won't. It's an all too slippery slope and perhaps I'm not quite ready for that yet.

    This last month has been awesome, I feel amazing and I reckon I'm onto a good thing here, so I'm not taking any chances where I let myself slip back into old habits. I'll swing by from time to time and check in though.

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  4. [Day 17]

    Quick check in, still going strong. No games, Netflix, or Youtube except for the yoga video's I use daily. The news app on my phone is a bit of an issue, it's got an infinite scrolling feature like most social medias so that's hard to control sometimes. I'm losing an hour to that here and there, and facebook hasn't been totally absent - though I have used it less and I am being much more mindful.. I need to remember to set a timer before I engage with these things..

    The first 2 weeks were pretty tough, I thought I'd have more energy and motivation but I had even less. I've felt pretty rubbish and I've cried. Now I'm feeling a bit better, but as I'm only aiming for 30 days free I'm not sure if I'm just feeling good because I know the end is nearer. No, scratch that, I am sure.. I am definitely looking forward to February.. and I know I shouldn't be. I've fallen into a pretty good routine though, daily I'm meditating, playing piano, studying music theory and practicing yoga. I'm singing more too, and reading a lot (both fiction and non-fiction). I'm spending more time talking to my family and I'm less impatient with them. I'm also trying to play more guitar, but even with all the extra time there aren't enough hours in the day. Thus, it has not gone unnoticed that once I pick up games/tv again I will inevitably be making sacrifices to these other things I am enjoying. My mental state is definitely improved and I must at least strive to implement some sort of restrictions in February. I don't want to lose the productive habits I've been building. Time will tell if reintroducing games/tv will work for me or become an issue once again (I feel like I may already know the answer but I'm determined to keep trying... for now.) There is a part of me that doesn't want to go back to playing games at all, but then (and there's always a but) if I allow TV back in, that has the potential to become a problem in the same way, and I don't want to give up all TV forever, and if I am going to allow TV I feel like I may as well allow games too. I question my logic.

    One thing I've been really focusing on is working out where I want to go career wise - the job I passed the interview for has been postponed due to coronavirus, so I'm trying to put the extra time to good use - I've been mapping all of my interests and exploring which one's may be viable career goals. This has involved a whole lot of writing and being brutally honest. Over the years I've discovered a lot about myself, but I currently have no firm idea of a career to pursue that would suit my strengths and weaknesses. I've suffered with intense anxiety in recent years but haven't really taken the time to see what I can do other than force myself into jobs that are clearly not working. I need to really put the thought into this now and pick something, instead of just drifting along, before it becomes too late. This is one exercise I've been really struggling with though, I still procrastinate from it a lot. I think it causes me so much anxiety to not know the answer, I paradoxically become incapable of searching for it - if that's the right word. This has definitely been a huge reason I have felt the need to escape so much in the past. 

    Anyway, this is the longest I've gone without games and Netflix simultaneously. I've been sooo close to giving in soo many times, but I'm glad I haven't. 

    I'll check back in once my 30 days are up, and I'll write more from the notes I've been making each day in my paper journal. 

  5. Spent the day reviewing paper journals from the last 3 years, analyzing thought patterns and common issues. Reviewed my old GQ journal in detail, making a list of observations that may prove useful moving forwards. I have not yet committed to giving up games forever, but I am committing to 30 days of no games, Netflix, YouTube, social media or digital escape of any kind (apart from the yoga practice I follow on YouTube). I have also committed to 30 days of yoga alongside this, and hope to tick off my other habits each day throughout the month; meditation and music (mainly piano, but singing and guitar if the mood strikes). I have finally found a job so I will have that to keep me busier at least, though I know this will likley also be a source of anxiety (it already is and I haven't started yet), it will be interesting to see how I cope. Whilst I have attempted a detox before, I haven't gone the whole hog with digital media for any significant length of time. I'm going to have my resources from therapy handy in case I need them. I don't plan to update here during the 30 days, but I'll keep a paper record and plan to update in Feb. I then plan to try and reintroduce TV with some restrictions, but I am not making plans for a return to gaming. We will see what happens. I am nervous, but hopeful. I'm going to have another look through respawn during this time too. 

    This is a long list of all observations made reviewing my journal from my last detox:

    • On March 5th 2018 I embarked upon a 90 day gaming detox, stating; "I'm constantly looking back over my life wishing I'd done things differently." Upon quitting I felt "a tremendous sense of loss." I also said "This is madness, I'm giving up such a source of joy" and "what will my friends think". 
    • I deleted my Sims 4 saves and found this more difficult than anticipated.
    • I sold my PS4 and games. I removed Steam from my PC. 
    • I felt like I was spending too much time on the forum to help fill the void. 
    • I noticed that I am attracted to relationships where I can play co-operatively. 
    • I spent more time working out - for a while at least.
    • I had nightmares. Of decisions, choice, escape, running, intense fear.
    • Cam said "Be mindful of language used, reflect and notice where I am committed  'I will do this' or 'hopeful' i.e; less committed."
    • I was anxious to socialize but when I did I had a nice time. 
    • TV still caused me to be unproductive. 
    • I tried google calendar; it did not end up suiting me. 
    • I discovered the bullet journal method and it stuck! I still use it to this day and find it immensely useful. 
    • Meditating daily is good, I committed for most of the detox.
    • When anxious, move around! Just move.
    • Last time I ended up turning to Netflix, YouTube and sugar to escape my feelings. I need a contingency plan
    • Without the internet I felt lonely. 
    • I set too many goals and became disheartened when I couldn't achieve them all. 
    • My focus improved. Less brain fog. 
    • Spent more time prepping healthy food. 
    • Drinking water slowly whilst making oats on a morning was good. 
    • Feeling crappy was a regular occurrence, I had a defeatist attitude and waning motivation. 
    • Yoga is helpful! Mindfulness too!
    • Social stuff is hard, don't put too much pressure on yourself. 
    • I aspired to theatre, but tried and it wasn't for me, I'm glad I tried so that now I know!
    • I enjoyed productive mornings with an early rise. I'd made a healthy breakfast, meditated, went for a jog and practiced German all before 9am. 
    • I really enjoy listening to music. 
    • Not good enough? Not good enough... yet! 
    • I knew Netflix was a big problem. 
    • Moderation is hard. 
    • Crying is OK. Try not to be so hard on yourself. 
    • I worried that writing makes me feel sorry for myself. It is worth being mindful of my words.
    • I often struggle to lift myself out of a slump. 
    • Whenever I sing, I remember how much I love it. 
    • Playing guitar is also a pleasure. 
    • I have never wanted to let go of Pokémon. (Still don't).
    • Intense nervous energy present often. 
    • I stated "I can't go back." But I did. 
    • Allowed myself to rest and recharge when I truly needed it. 
    • I felt like there wasn't enough time in the day, even without games. 
    • When I become exhausted my mental health suffers. Recharge time is essential
    • I am often unwilling to accept advice as it is.
    • My journal inspired others. 
    • Healthy coping mechanisms are required. 
    • On Day 30 the urge to game was intense. I longed for the sense of mastery .. achievement. 
    • Self discipline is poor generally, I often compound the issue with too-high expectations. 
    • I need to feel like I am moving towards my passion in order to feel fulfilled and motivated. 
    • Not feeling good enough is a constant narrative. 
    • I looked forward to playing guitar with mum. 
    • Bad habit of using tech first thing in the morning. 
    • Self compassion is vital.
    • Watching/reading around self improvement is not enough, I need to be an active participant in that process, not a mere spectator. 
    • I am quick to fill the void with mindless entertainment. 
    • Tackling deeper problems/root cause is essential. 
    • I struggled with fatigue - a lot. 
    • I felt silly for giving up games. 
    • I spent a lot of time thinking. 
    • I committed to not entertaining negative emotions, no dwelling. That didn't stick. 
    • I spent time truly appreciating the birds. 
    • I felt guilt over making no real musical progress. 
    • I found it fairly easy to abstain from games, but impossible the subsequent Netflix and YouTube holes that took their place.
    • I began embracing minimalism. 
    • An evening screen time cut off is useful. 9pm?
    • An entertainment limit could work - if adhered to. 2 hours per night/7 hours per week max? Self control needed. Possible? 
    • It is better to have tried and failed than to have never made the attempt. 
    • A dopamine fast may prove useful. 
    • To become proficient in anything I must prioritize my time and interests. 
    • Life doesn't wait. 
    • "Endless pleasure becomes it's own form of punishment"  - Ryan Holiday.
    • No Netflix saw a marked improvement in productivity. 
    • Life's a challenge but it would be hella boring otherwise. 
    • Anxiety never went away. Depression began to worsen after 1 week without Netflix. No escape? 
    • Gave into Netflix after around 2 weeks. 
    • Mood continued to worsen.
    • Began to look forward to games after detox. Convinced self no point in detox if going to game again. 
    • Relapse Day 75. 
    • Re-started detox.
    • Felt sense of injustice; I wanted to be capable of gaming in moderation, watching Netflix/YouTube etc.
    • Mental health continues to worsen. 
    • Relapse. Day 5. (No games but too much TV)
    • Start again, gave into YouTube rabbit hole Day 4. 
    • Gave up. Started gaming again. 

    - For a while I was gaming in moderation, but I'd say my other digital escapes were still excessive. Slowly games have crept back into my days more and more. Especially since the lockdowns, but I can't claim that as an excuse. 

    - Mood improved with antidepressants. Came off due to side effects. Went back on when things got bad again, came off due to side effects and feeling better. 
    - No medication currently, mental health not stable but don't want medication. Seeking holistic approaches - like living a more meaningful life!

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  6. @BryanJaz Congratulations on 100 days!! 

    It sucks that you haven't heard back about your interview yet, especially when you were told you would. That's happened to me a few times in the past too, it's so frustrating trying to decide what is the right thing to do. Limbo is one of the worst feelings in my opinion, I'd much rather know either way so that I can either let go and move onto something else or prepare for a new chapter. Limbo is just drifting, it's an awful feeling. Perhaps it would be worth contacting them, maybe give them a call rather than an email; you could explain that you had been expecting to hear back on the 23rd but that nothing had come through and you just want to check that you hadn't missed anything important. At least that might put your mind at rest. I hate job hunting too, the longer it goes on for the more demotivating it becomes and the harder it gets to be enthusiastic in your applications, but don't give up, you'll get there!

    There really is no rush to jump into a PhD, quite often it's better to have some real-life experience before going back to study, it can really help when deciding what modules/research to pursue. I know a lot of the masters and PhD students at my university were much older and came back after gaining some industry experience. It's hard not to rush into it though when you're struggling to find work, you start feeling like you need to be doing something so you might as well jump back into education. My advice would be to take a step back and give it a really good think, speak to others, even email some course tutors. Covid has caused so much turmoil this last year I don't think anyone is going to judge you for having a longer employment gap on your CV though, if it does take a little while to find something.

    I've posted a lot of really personal stuff on these forums over the years and I did end up deleting a few things, but I think it can also be really useful for others to relate to and feel less alone. You could try talking about the personal issues in a more vague way? Describing how you feel but not necessarily delving too much into the details? I think the most important thing is to be able to write it all somewhere to help you reflect - but that doesn't need to be public, and it sounds like you have already done that too. I think the 90 day reflection thread is a great idea though, or just a reflection thread in general to write in at other milestones too, or after relapses. I know there is a relapse thread but I'm not sure how much it is used for reflection purposes, I think perhaps it's more geared for support? 



  7. 29 minutes ago, BryanJaz said:

    I am very much a dreamer in the sense of wanting to live in a similar way. I imagine myself without a TV or phone, in a house that generates it's own (minimal) amount of electricity through solar panels and wind turbines. Rain gutters connecting with rain barrels that are used to water a garden full of all fresh veggies and herbs that I eat and compost the excess to be reused in the soil. Any places of excess water runoff are turned into water gardens that have native plant species proliferating the area. Clotheslines instead of dryers, instruments instead of devices, a meditation room instead of a TV room, large trees instead of power lines. 

    I know that I get pretty lofty in my own dreams and fantasies which makes me feel like these things will never be realized because nobody else lives like this. I end up turning "practical" and dismissing all of what I think truly would be a wholesome lifestyle and compromising into comfort. But somehow I never lose hope that I will be able to achieve these dreams because they are me and they will come about if I work towards them. My best advice for myself and for you/others like this, is to take small steps and continuously reflect. My 90 day detox was successful in many ways but I still feel really drawn towards gaming especially now. I think because I hit a mark I have nothing else grounding me consistently, which is why I am going to start another 90 day challenge for working out...and then another after that until it no longer needs to be 90 day challenges and I can trust myself enough to change with intention. I feel like you are doing the right thing with your 30 day challenge and I wish you luck on your attempt. It will be a drastic change but I feel like once you get a week or so in, it'll play out well for you. 

    That sounds like the perfect homestead! I'd add a little reading nook too, a comfy seat recessed into a bay window looking out into the garden. Rescued chickens pecking away.

    I dream of these sorts of things too, but also end up dismissing them as they don't feel realistic. I remember once telling my dad about my dream life, very similar to what you describe, a self sufficient, simple and minimal one. He told me I'd need to marry a millionaire, lol, cheers dad. I don't want to have to rely on anyone else but myself in life, and whilst I get that a life like that might need an investment to get started, after that it should in theory be quite affordable. I'd live off grid in a tiny home right now if I could. Thing is, we often think no one else lives like this, but they do, they're all over the world! I guess it takes guts and a bit of luck perhaps to get started. Hmm, one day, small steps like you say. 

    Thank you for the kind words of encouragement. I'm really looking forward to my 30 days and beyond, I've been looking through all my notes from my last detox and analyzing what went well and what didn't. Last time things went great until I took Netflix and YouTube away, so I know it's going to be a real challenge to take everything away at once, but I'm (hopefully) a little wiser now.

    That's a great plan to continue doing 90 day challenges to keep yourself motivated! Giving up games is about so much more than just giving up games, I love that this community embraces that so fully. I'm truly grateful to Cam for creating this space. 

  8. 3 hours ago, Bird By Bird said:

    I'm not sure where this happened but diagnosing a 4 year old like that is illegal in some countries because of the permanent effects of drugs on developing brains and the majority of mentally ill children are acting out their parents' deviations and not their own. The personality isn't even fully formed at 4.

    I'm sorry that you suffer because of this.

    I have to remember that kids back in the old days weren't given iPads in the crib. My cousin was barely even one year old and he was given a big iPad. His dopamine receptors will definitely be burned out.

    Yeah, taking the medication wasn’t the best experience. I think things weren’t as regulated back then either tbh, I’m 30 now so it was a good while back. I decided to stop taking meds when I was 13, although they’d have happily let me stay on it :s  I was re diagnosed as an adult and now I’m on a waiting list for an autism screening too, they offered the ADHD meds to me again recently but I decided against it, it can cause psychosis in adults and we already have a history of the disease in our family, I was shocked they were so willing to prescribe to be honest. 

    Ah that’s a really good point, I forgot just how exposed kids are to technology these days. Pretty scary.

  9. On 4/4/2018 at 2:08 PM, Bugg said:

    Day 30 update.


    Currently I feel peaceful. I had a little chat with myself. I recognise my life currently lacks anything to drive me towards my passion; eg animal welfare or environmental sustainability, and this is causing a constant state of anxiety and dissatisfaction, guilt even. However I also realise that my current temporary situation very much prevents me from committing to any endeavours of this nature. […] I know that once I have moved up north in August I can begin that journey in earnest.

    Another reminder to myself, leaving that here to reflect upon later. I am still plagued with the same feelings of guilt for pretty much the same reasons. I think I feel worse these days, after many failed attempts to realise my dreams I feel directionless. This causes me to feel intense anxiety, and often self loathing. 

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  10. On 4/4/2018 at 11:26 AM, Bugg said:

    Day 30.


    I am learning a lot about myself through this process... or rather taking things I already knew but being able to piece them together into the bigger picture. It’s interesting. 

    I’ve become aware that I need to learn how to accept helpful insights from others. I have a terrible habit of automatically diving into all the reasons why that solution is ‘not for me’. Instead I should learn to just say thank you. Whether or not I find something to be useful right now, it may be one day, and constantly thinking of all the reasons ‘why not’ automatically dismisses it in my mind. I do it here on the forum, in real life, even in therapy. I can be so quick to dismiss suggestions from others, and I really do not like this character trait in myself. 

    With regards to working out I’ve been experiencing a total lack of commitment. Today was my first session in a week. I’ve been similar with guitar and German too,   I need to further develop my skills in self discipline. I think perhaps with working out I sometimes set my expectations to high, if I expect myself to work out for an hour this can be off putting, so instead I’m setting a goal for at least 20 mins per day. That is achievable and not so off putting, after all, it’s not like I’m trying to be a bodybuilder anyway, I just want to be a bit healthier. I like Joshua Fields Millburns goal (The Minimalists) of working out 18 mins per day. He does that because it’s realistic to him, I need to set goals that are realistic to me.

    Reminder from Day 30 reflection from previous journal. I still do these things, 2 years on. Something to be mindful of.

    ..and just to note.. looking back at advice from others I really do see it through a different lens now, it really is helpful down the line even if I might not see it in the moment. 

  11. 6 hours ago, Bird By Bird said:

    That is interesting. It could also be that people who seek quick fixes get burned out dopamine receptors that result in low dopamine levels and then get diagnosed with ADHD and that if they decided it was okay to live normally without addictions and went on a detox their dopamine levels would return to normal. It really is a chicken and egg question.

    That is really interesting. I have to fight the urge to be defensive when it comes to this stuff, even thought there is really no need to be. I was diagnosed at a very early age (4), but still food for thought and especially relevant for those diagnosed in later life and without reflection upon early childhood experience. I guess it’s possible for kids to burn out their receptors, but at that age I don’t think I was doing much different to other kids my age regarding recreational activity. I don’t think I got my first console until I was maybe 6 or 7 and I didn’t really watch much tv either.

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  12. A few days until day zero mini detox to gain some perspective.

    I stated previously something along the lines of ‘I’m not worried about doing 30 days, it’ll be easy’, however as it gets closer I start to wonder how easy it will really be, especially giving up pretty much all online/screen based stimulation at once. I’m really looking forward to it, to the freedom to be able to do other things with my time. The irony being that I really shouldn’t have to impose such ‘drastic’ restrictions on myself just to be able to spend time on things I actually want to do. Is that irony? Whatever it is, I’m 30 years old and still haven’t quite worked out the perfect formula. 

    It’s weird, I’ve been mooching the forum for a week or so now maybe? Battling with thoughts that I don’t belong here since I haven’t yet committed to giving up games, and I have no idea if I will or not. But I none-the-less I find it really useful to read others posts, it really is giving me some clarity, and forcing me to actually think about these things instead of ignoring what is clearly an issue for me. I hope that my input is useful to others too, and that my prior experiences are relevant. 

    I’ve been considering why I am so reluctant to give up games, and sure they’re fun, I enjoy them and that’s a big part of it. My friends play games too, so there’s that. But today it occurred to me that perhaps it ties into being frightened to grow up, to grow older. When I turned 30 I realised just how scared I am of leaving my youth behind. But then, the older I get the more keenly I feel the sense of wasted time, of wanting to make the most of my time here on this earth. It really is a double edged sword.

    Update: watched a video reminding me of inherently low dopamine levels in people with ADHD, causing predisposition to addiction/seeking out quick fixes for dopamine hit. Something to think about.

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  13. Hi, I’ve been dating a girl throughout covid too, we met up once just after the first UK lockdown and grabbed a few drinks and some food, but then decided it felt safer to meet virtually, so we have been having skype dates since then and it’s been cool. I think I am glad we met at least once, because often our perceptions of people are different in person, and now we know there is definitely a connection there and the continued dating virtually isn’t going to (hopefully) be a waste of time. But I totally get your girls hesitation too, it’s a scary time right now. 

    I can relate to the holding back on your initiating the conversations too, I do this as well. I have a general unspoken rule in friendships and relationships that online chit chat goes both ways, if I was the last to respond I generally won’t message again until they do. It’s a general rule and of course I don’t stick to it 100%, but I find if I feel like I’m making all the effort I start to wonder if they’re really that invested in the relationship/friendship. Equally if they message me all the time and always initiate I start to worry they might be a bit too clingy for me. I think it’s good that you’re putting some unspoken boundaries out there, I hope it works out well for you 🙂 

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  14. Well done for getting through day 71 🙂 

    I guess it’s worth asking yourself if you really do want to game on your days off? If you really do want to stop gaming?  I’m not suggesting that it is the right or wrong thing to do, and thinking of what @BooksandTreessaid about addiction, I’m not so sure it matters either way? If gaming on your days off would truly make you happy, then go for it, however, if gaming on your days off would make it harder to resist on the days you should be working, or will lead to feelings of guilt because there are other things you’d really rather do, then perhaps it is not so good. If that is the case then perhaps that is the motivation? Addiction or not though, if playing games has become a long term source of unhappiness for you, then continuing with your detox is probably a good thing. I haven’t read your whole journal but I’m guessing you came here for a reason, can that reason motivate you now? What made you begin the detox in the first place, what led you to this forum? 

    I started gaming again around 70 days into my detox, a year later I had convinced myself I could live a productive life with games in it and bought another console, a year after that and here we are, I’m thinking of giving up games again. Had I continued without games in my life for those 2 years and had I exercised more self control in the other area’s of escapism, perhaps I would be happier and more fulfilled today, perhaps not, I don’t know. I don’t think I suffer an addiction, but I do use gaming as a crutch. I can go days sometimes weeks without gaming, but then I’ll spend days or weeks where all I do is game and afterwards I feel awful for it, and that leads to more gaming or zoning out in other ways. I don’t think my issue is an addiction, but I think I do allow games to have a detrimental impact on my life. The guilt effects my mental health, which makes it harder to enjoy hobbies and function effectively at work etc.

    That’s just an example of where I’m at and I’m sure your experience is different, we’re all individuals, but I agree with @BooksandTrees, it’s definitely worth thinking about.

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  15. 4 hours ago, Mohammad said:

    68, 69, 70:

    Unfortunately, I could not resist the temptation and I played with my bro again on day 69 and 70 for about two hours. I don't know what to do! I see that I am getting hooked again. I woke up today cleaning out the house to get some positive energy. I am going to go through my feelings and contemplate on my goals. 

    It is really a bad time to relapse. I have to finish up my final thesis revision and defend it on January 11th! I am very scared of the situation! 

    Hi, I’m sorry to hear you are having a harder time today. Perhaps go back over what you wrote when you decided to quit again and try and keep those feelings close moving forwards. It’s ultimately your choice to count this as a relapse or not, but either way try not to beat yourself up, it happens! The fear is probably a good thing, it shows that you haven’t just given in completely, you are still aware of what you want and my bet is that you still want to fight for it, so keep fighting! Get right back into your detox and just focus on your thesis for the next few weeks to get you through, you can reevaluate after that. Good luck!

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  16. 22 minutes ago, codepants said:

    is this all there is to life? You just go until you can't anymore?

    I think that a lot too, but then I tell myself ‘life is what you make it’. 
    I guess I know that’s not always the case, some of us are just dealt bad cards in life, but a lot of the time there are ways we can make things better, we just choose not to, or sometimes don’t have the confidence to, or the belief in ourselves. Dunno what I’m trying to say, lol. Maybe there is more to life if you make it so?

  17. On 12/18/2020 at 4:42 AM, Jason70 said:

    Day 15: 

    Word of the day: aegis

    Definition: protection; shield

    Realized that while being flexible with myself and not forcing myself to do things is helping, i have felt like i am doing less and doing more on my phone. So i have decided, after some thinking that maybe forcing is the way. Like sure you don't want to force yourself but i feel like if i don't, things will never become habits which is the opposite of what I want. 

    Anyway today was a pretty fine day, it snowed so I went outside today and snowboarded and sled for a bit, and i cleaned off my car. I then worked on some work. Besides writing i am very interested rn in the hieroglyphics, they have always seemed interesting to me and now I wanna learn them.

    Also this came back to my mind: we have only one life to live. That statement, that fact always digs deep into my heart because on one hand I have wasted years of my life just in front of my screen and i don't want to be laying on my death bed thinking "damn i wasted my life." On the other hand I see this as relating to forcing myself, because then if I do things can become habits and i can work towards a life i am happy of. 

    Anyway, I'm done with my ramblings for now, going to go straight to bed. I was going to watch a motivational video but that can wait until the morning. 

    Goodnight everyone

    Hey, I keep drifting into peoples journals and wanting to input, but always feeling like I have nothing worthwhile to say. Then I remembered how nice it is to just have that interaction with others when people comment on my thoughts, so fuck it if I’m not being useful, lol. 
    I struggle too when trying to strike that balance between forcing myself to do stuff but then the overwhelming guilt when I don’t achieve everything I set out to do, so I go easier on myself and then I get nothing done. In therapy once I was introduced to the idea of the child brain and adult brain, or parent brain. It was back when I struggled with an binge eating disorder, and basically I was giving my child brain too much free reign, and not engaging my parent brain, but then if the parent brain kicks in and is too strict the child brain rebels.. so something like that. I remember I found it really interesting and helpful at the time. 

    It’s really cool that you snowboard, I’ve always wanted to give that a go but I expect I’d be terrible at it haha. I used to love skating and ice skating, tho I haven’t done it for years now.

    I also try and remind myself that we only have one life.. it’s cheesy but I have a tattoo on my forearm with ‘memento mori’ and ‘carpe diem’, basically remember death and seize the day.. one in my handwriting and one in my mums, it’s good for a reminder 🙂 

    Also, your relapse. On my last detox I got around 70 days in and fell off the wagon. I never really got back on and I’ve been gaming since, that was 2 years ago. Finally I’m having thoughts again around quitting, but like you I often come back to how much I enjoy it, I question if I really do want to give them up. I get it, it’s tough, on the one hand I love games and I don’t wanna quit, on the other hand I want to live the life I imagine for myself and that just doesn’t seem possible so long as I waste so much time on games, netflix, youtube etc etc. In an ideal world I would have productive days and a few hours per week to do those things, but I know full well now that I have an issue with moderation. For me it really is all or nothing. I dunno how helpful that might be, but I guess just know you’re not the only one on the forum who still games/is questioning if they want to give up. But yeah, like @Tabula rasasaid, you came here for a reason, as did I, so it’s definitely worth giving it some thought.

    I hope you had a good Christmas.


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  18. That’s a really interesting question and something I’ve often thought about myself. My brother lives away as does a close friend I used to live with at uni, often the only interaction we have is whilst playing a game online together. Personally I probably would still count it as a relapse, especially during the 90 days. Beyond that I’d be asking myself if this is the only quality time I usually spend with my sibling, if so I’d be tempted to make an allowance if I thought it wouldn’t make cravings worse or lead to further gaming. That being said it might be nice to explore other fun ways to spend time together instead. That’s my opinion at least anyways.

  19. 5 hours ago, Jason70 said:

    I am looking for hobbies too. Writing has been one interest of mine but we're in this together. Like you said with the piano i think it's best to gain hobbies you had before you went back to gaming, pick them back up, or start a hobby you've always wanted to do, but haven't been able to. These i think are good starting points for hobbies! 

    Thanks Jason, and best of luck to you too! 🙂

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