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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened

Cam Adair

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Everything posted by Cam Adair

  1. Loving the avatar! That pool blue is a good look on the forum. Talking to your parents on the phone is great. If you want an alternative to books for walking I'd also recommend podcasts (like the Tim Ferriss Podcast). The next book I'd recommend reading is A Man's Search For Meaning. It's a classic. Congrats on cutting out e-cigs. That's a big win!
  2. ?I can second this! One of my biggest hacks!
  3. Definitely a big fan of clearing unfinished business to create space for life moving forward.
  4. Totally. And the thing you want to see is that this is an opportunity for you to explore and break through these kind of blocks you might have. I believe the way you do something is the way you do everything, so if you have this type of fear directed in this way, where else is it influencing you in your life? Very likely there are many other places, so learning how to play with it in rock climbing will help you push past it in other areas as well.
  5. I need to come to NZ, looks gorgeous! Being busy definitely helps a ton and I know it was a major reason why quitting wasn't as difficult for me both times I made the decision to stop cold turkey. I was never home so I had no desire to play! Hope you have fun rock climbing.
  6. Exactly, 100%. The thing is, goals are just a compass, but the process is the consistent element in every goal, so you might as well fall in love with the process because it's what you'll be spending 99% of your time on anyways!
  7. Haha I love this! Sometimes it's best to just get up and get things done! The book will continue to help you through this process. Something you may want to do as a first step is just to write out what you would want to say to your wife. You don't have to show it to her (although you can), but that can sometimes be a way to get it out there in a more safe environment, and that can encourage you to share it. PS. avocados are awesome.
  8. Congrats on (31) days now! That's a huge accomplishment to be proud of! Excited for you to read Daring Greatly!
  9. Hey Andy! Stoked you're here with us! I've shared some thoughts with you on the reddit thread but just focus on the 90 day detox and things will start to get better motivation wise, etc over time. Remember, you have many years of habits to break through, but it can absolutely be done if you focus one hour at a time. I'd recommend reading Joe's journal for a good example of someone who's been able to make progress slowly each day by focusing on little changes.
  10. ?I just got back from there, it's gorgeous!
  11. Yep exactly. All you can do is be an example of what you stand for in the world and hope that example inspires others.
  12. Totally feel the same way about the farmers market. Just something about it repels douchebags, haha.
  13. Think the forum upload has a limit. Can you upload it to another place? Dropbox or something similar? Loving the whole update, highlight of my night. Proud of you dude
  14. That's awesome! Excited to see your progress. I know Leprosy is big into the gym too.
  15. Consistency is king. Also you just made me crave mexican food. Since leaving LA in February I've been craving it like crazy. Canada's mexican food just doesn't cut it.
  16. Hey! The Power of Habit is great and I'd recommend for you to read that next. The most important thing you want to see is that if you have trouble remembering something, try and find a new way to remember them. Are you keeping track of the things you want to do? Do you use an app like Coach.me? Do you use a whiteboard? These are easy ways to remember the things you need to do. For the habits you want to have I would read The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod.
  17. Awesome to hear you're having a good time. You better hit that lake before you leave.
  18. I've always said without a calendar (substitute foundation), I would be just as busy as I already am but I would get half as much done. I really believe that.
  19. It's something I was thinking about. I love Resilience but what I think you should read next is Daring Greatly by Bren
  20. ?Booya! Loving your progress and the best part is that it's because of your process. When you start taking action based on how you want to feel, that's where the real game changer happens. I remember for me a mantra that helped was feeling good feels good. I go to the gym and work out because feeling good feels good. I meditate because feeling good feels good. In Resilience by Eric Greitens (current book) he talks about how things can make you feel worse or better, and better sounds good doesn't it? The best part is that by taking ownership and following through yourself, that inspires the people around you and the momentum begins to grow that much more. I find in a lot of relationships people put the ownership on someone else. "Why don't they pursue their goals!" When that person isn't pursuing theirs either. So by the action you're taking, people around you notice it and that helps give them permission to start doing it too, and now you can encourage each other. Everyone has their own path and you have to love and accept them for their own path, but by continuing to focus on your own journey and pursuing what your heart desires, you'll be that much more happy and fulfilled. Who doesn't want that?
  21. Totally, little by little that's how you do it. I also found a lot of value in writing out what my fears were and trying to experience them more. I'm afraid of heights so I went bungee-jumping, but that didn't just help me push my comfort zone with heights but also made me more comfortable experiencing fear in general. If you haven't read it yet, grab a copy of The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson. I think it's one of the best to start with. After that, grab The Power of Habit by Charlie Duhigg. Both will really help you shape your mindsets towards pushing your comfort zone and starting to live the life you want.
  22. Have a killer time! I heard about Ice Man recently on the Tim Ferriss Podcast I think.
  23. Hey KD!! Welcome to the forum, we're happy you're here with us! Congrats on reaching a month so far. What are the challenges you're facing now?
  24. 100% This is all money. I always like to say... never underestimate the power of a focused hour. That 40 minutes you invest every day brings an incredible return, and it's only 40 minutes! Love that you're being able to experience this.
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