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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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  1. Day 30 So it's been a month and it feels great. People around me start to notice a difference as well. They say I'm happier, more social. I also somehow managed to do 30 straight days of meditation, and got another free month subscription code to headspace. The temptation to game is there, and those pesky companies are not so good at letting go of their customers. At first I would get a lot of "please come back" emails but those are easily dealt with by unsubscribing or just blacklisting the sender. What's really annoying are the text messages (which may be unique to china and/or wargaming/kongzhong) with some "super extra, limited edition, limited time, we miss your money" offers. It's hard to get rid of without logging in to the account, and those assholes use multiple special numbers. In the end I think I got them all blocked, because it's been at least a week since last text. On another personal note it's been nearly a year since my last drink.
  2. Day 18 It's a pretty slow day so I decided to write a little bit more about me. Usually I'm a little reluctant to share but I have a good feeling about this forum and it looks like I'm here to stay. I'm originally form europe, as a kid a moved around a lot all over the place, middle school in Malta, high school in London and then started university in China. I've been living in China for 8 years now. I've been married for 9 months, to a beautiful by temperamental chinese woman. I spent most of my time in Beijing, started my own business, and now I'm preparing to move to Guangzhou where most of my wife's family is located. I feel like I'm leaving gaming behind and it feels good. On a side note, my flair here says USA because I had to use VPN to see the captcha during registration process .
  3. Day 17 Still working hard, meditating planning for the future. It even looks like I'll be moving to a different province to be closer to my wife's family and help expand the business. Maybe even expand the immediate family I've recently completed 15 days streak on my meditation app and got a 1 month free subscription code, I'm going to share it here so a lucky person can use it, just go to https://www.headspace.com/code
  4. Day 15 I feel great. It has only been two weeks but the difference is massive. I get shit done in my professional and private life. All the energy spent on gaming I now channel into things that are important. I still have cravings from time to time but I've learned to manage them, mostly through keeping myself busy. My wife is a bit sceptical when it comes to my recovery, but I treat it like another incentive, so I can prove her wrong . I also think she just uses the reverse psychology, because it works on me way too often. Oh and congratulations on becoming a dad
  5. Day 10 I took a few days of to completely unplug and did an impromptu vacation with my wife. We needed to work things out, so we went to the countryside. Basically no internet connection, just some spotty mobile coverage. It worked out great. Now we're back and work also seems to go by more smoothly.
  6. Day 4 No dreams about gaming. Yesterday was a very emotional day. Had a fight with my wife and a disagreement with employees. Normally I would escape into the game world but since this is no longer an option I had to take a step back and look at the big picture and try to figure out the why. Most of the problems can still be traced back to my gaming. It's time to start putting things back in order. I'm grateful for this community.
  7. Day 3 No dreams about gaming. I'm back to a more normal schedule. Yesterday was a productive but not entirely successful day, still have some past mistakes haunting me but there is light at the end of that tunnel. Staying strong, meditating, keeping busy.
  8. I quit facebook almost three years ago, and I don't miss it at all. I still keep in touch with most of my friends through other platforms like whatsapp. I find facebook to be the evil incarnate. People share too much or just idealize their life deluding themselves into thinking they're happy. Not to mention facebook is polluted with those time and money consuming games which is bad if you're trying to quit gaming. When it comes to reddit I'm mostly a lurker or an occasional poster. My advice would be to avoid those subreddits that trigger you. I also use Rescue Time to help me track time I spend on those irrelevant sites and sends me an alert if I'm procrastinating too long.
  9. It's ok to be afraid of failure, it's not ok to let that fear paralyze you. It is better to do anything constructive, even if it turns out a mistake. Why not try and cook something special, something new, something hard to make. Try making a soufflé, try your best to follow the recipe but don't worry if it doesn't come out right. It's ok to fail, and sometimes ordering in because you burnt the dinner to a crisp can be a fun experience (I do know something about serving charcoal). Start small and see that the world doesn't end when you fail, learn from the mistake and come back stronger. In life there is no quiksave so we need to do the next best thing which is to learn from the mistakes we make. Stay strong my friend.
  10. Day 2. So I completed all the modules, started meditating using headspace, installed rescue time on my laptop, and it's been going well. Still have dreams about gaming, not any game in particular but about the experience, the rush. I'm channelling this new found energy and cravings into my business. It's Monday and I will go to check on things in person, something I haven't done in over a month. Also looking into expanding and searching for new business opportunities. I've let so many things pass me by because I was always to busy with gaming. Now I'm ready to be the husband, son and brother my family deserves me to be. I'm grateful for this cup of coffee to help me start my day.
  11. So here I am, a proper day 1. So last night I had a dream about gaming. When I woke up today I had this uneasy feeling that I'm missing something, xp boost or a quest that needed to be finished. But I stay strong, I look at the free space on my disk and realize that this also represents the amount of time I freed up. So I'm going through the modules and start to organize my life. I'm grateful for my family that is supporting me no matter how much they've been lied to.
  12. So here I am, day 0.75. Finished deleting all of my games, mods anything game related. 480 GB lighter. Thanks Pete, I'm not quitting, even though deleting everything made me feel uneasy I know that this is a step in the right direction. I'm not doing it only for myself.
  13. Hi, my name is Manun. I'm form, well everywhere and nowhere. Like many others here I decided to stop playing video games. Since I started playing games in my early teens, they have been my only constant in life, my escape. Something to look forward to after or before class, after or before work. Something to keep my occupied and to keep my mind of the real problems in life. Because who cares about the real world when there is a raid, or a quest, or an xp bonus to grind. There is always something to do in the game worlds. This is not my first time trying to quit, first time was at the start of high school. I decided that enough is enough, it's time to start thinking about the future about college, so I donated all my games boxes and all the goodies to a nearby orphanage, it felt good, sort of like a weight and the pressure being lifted of my shoulders. I don't remember exactly how long it lasted, maybe a month maybe too, all it took was a release of a sequel of the game I loved. Second time was when I started college. Different city, different country, hell different continent. I had to leave my rig behind, all I had is a shitty laptop. All I had was some old games, not enough to keep me entertained. So I ventured into the new world, all the excitement of being in a new place, meeting new people, was enough to keep me focused on what's important, my future. But then I started to have different trouble. Alcohol, drugs, sex the trifecta of studying abroad. I stared to miss class, sleep during the day and only go out at night. I knew I had to stop or I will be expelled. With the help of a councillor at the university I managed to get my life back on track, or so I thought. After I quit partying there was this emptiness just waiting to be filled. That was the time when I bought a new gaming laptop. Here I was, back when I started, clicking my life away, but damn if it didn't feel good. I had to start from scratch, new accounts, new things to grind. A new thing to keep my life full. So as you probably imagine I got expelled. But no worries I have tons of new quests to do, people to save. I'm the Dragonborn, The Warden, Shepard, I am the hero of Azeroth. So there I was saving the digital world from certain doom, meanwhile I grew more and more attached to my laptop. It took over my life completely, I became the 440 pound world saving machine. I managed to lie my way out of nearly everything, and then one day I fainted in public. My family grew more and more concerned, we decided it was time to do something about my weight. I came clean about being expelled from university but I didn't blame the video games, I blamed my weight. That year I underwent stomach surgery and started to lose weight. I lost 220 pounds. I still gamed from time to time, but I managed to find the time to start my own business and get married. I entered the stage of a functional addict. Now I'm here because I want to quit completely, I can feel that gaming is starting to take more and more of my time. I look forward to my wife leaving the house because that means I can get few hours of uninterrupted play time. I can always justify to myself the time spent playing. But enough is enough. I cannot fail again. Not just for me, it's also for the people closest to me. Right now I'm finishing uninstalling all of my games. I'm done with steam and I already have 200 GB less on my hard drive. I must admit I'm a little scared and anxious.
  14. Stay strong and focus on what's important my friend. I'm in the same boat. Day 0.5 just finishing uninstalling my games.
  15. Hi, my name is Manun. I'm form, well everywhere and nowhere. Like many others here I decided to stop playing video games. Since I started playing games in my early teens, they have been my only constant in life, my escape. Something to look forward to after or before class, after or before work. Something to keep my occupied and to keep my mind of the real problems in life. Because who cares about the real world when there is a raid, or a quest, or an xp bonus to grind. There is always something to do in the game worlds. This is not my first time trying to quit, first time was at the start of high school. I decided that enough is enough, it's time to start thinking about the future about college, so I donated all my games boxes and all the goodies to a nearby orphanage, it felt good, sort of like a weight and the pressure being lifted of my shoulders. I don't remember exactly how long it lasted, maybe a month maybe too, all it took was a release of a sequel of the game I loved. Second time was when I started college. Different city, different country, hell different continent. I had to leave my rig behind, all I had is a shitty laptop. All I had was some old games, not enough to keep me entertained. So I ventured into the new world, all the excitement of being in a new place, meeting new people, was enough to keep me focused on what's important, my future. But then I started to have different trouble. Alcohol, drugs, sex the trifecta of studying abroad. I stared to miss class, sleep during the day and only go out at night. I knew I had to stop or I will be expelled. With the help of a councillor at the university I managed to get my life back on track, or so I thought. After I quit partying there was this emptiness just waiting to be filled. That was the time when I bought a new gaming laptop. Here I was, back when I started, clicking my life away, but damn if it didn't feel good. I had to start from scratch, new accounts, new things to grind. A new thing to keep my life full. So as you probably imagine I got expelled. But no worries I have tons of new quests to do, people to save. I'm the Dragonborn, The Warden, Shepard, I am the hero of Azeroth. So there I was saving the digital world from certain doom, meanwhile I grew more and more attached to my laptop. It took over my life completely, I became the 440 pound world saving machine. I managed to lie my way out of nearly everything, and then one day I fainted in public. My family grew more and more concerned, we decided it was time to do something about my weight. I came clean about being expelled from university but I didn't blame the video games, I blamed my weight. That year I underwent stomach surgery and started to lose weight. I lost 220 pounds. I still gamed from time to time, but I managed to find the time to start my own business and get married. I entered the stage of a functional addict. Now I'm here because I want to quit completely, I can feel that gaming is starting to take more and more of my time. I look forward to my wife leaving the house because that means I can get few hours of uninterrupted play time. I can always justify to myself the time spent playing. But enough is enough. I cannot fail again. Not just for me, it's also for the people closest to me. Now unto module 2, dear friends.
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