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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Posts posted by ajaski708

  1. Day 7


    Today was kind of an unproductive day. Today actually was the first day I really wanted to game or thought about gaming really hard. It was probably because it was a Saturday and normally I don't have much planned for Saturdays. Anyway, I'm glad I resisted the temptation and didn't game. I did however watch a little bit of twitch which I think is fine because I am not actively involved in the process but I want to avoid days like today in the future. I think a good way to do this is to make a schedule the day before, especially for Saturdays. I would make a schedule for tomorrow, but I have a lot of stuff already scheduled so I don't really see the point. Anyway, I appreciate any support or advice you can share.


    Youtube day 7: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXjx0OVPoZU


  2. Hey

    I'm kinda new to this forum. I noticed there was nothing here on bboying/breakdancing. I have personally quit gaming and am now getting into bboying. I just thought I would start a new post about this for those who may be interested. Bboying is tough but your never too old to start. I thought that I would just leave this here and maybe people can post videos of moves you are struggling with or with just general questions you have about bboying.


  3. Day 6

    Hey guys

    This is kind of an early journal but I wont have time late in the day to do it so I figured I would just write it now. So, this will be a little less about what I am feeling and a little more about what I am working on. I am currently working on getting flares. If you don't know what that is it is a bboy move. You can see what it looks like online. I started practicing this move two weeks ago consistently. I have been on and off training it for about a year, but I have kind of got my grove back so I'm training it again. It looks pretty bad, but practice makes perfect. As far as other things I'm doing, I'm mainly focusing on school work because it is time consuming. I will continue to post journals in the future and I really appreciate the support I am receiving.

    Day 6 youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTCBRI4NUnk 


  4. @hycniejsy I'll let you know how it goes when I get the chance

    @Cam Adair Thank you

    Day 5

    Today went pretty well. Only thing I'm not happy about is how late I woke up. I was kinda lazy today and didn't get myself out of bed until 11:00AM. I feel like I wasted a ton of time just laying there and not getting much done. Other than that, I'm pretty happy with how the day went. I was able to get an adequate amount of work done for the time I was out of bed. If any of you guys know any tips on how to get out of bed or anything please let me know. I will appreciate it.

    Day 5 Youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtzJpTbZLrA


  5. Day 4

    Hey guys

    It's day 4 and I think today was a pretty good day. I got a lot of things done that I wanted to. I got up a little later than I wanted to but that's probably because I stayed up pretty late doing some assignments. I think something I'm going to do to keep myself from mindlessly browsing the internet is I'm going to take out a piece of paper and just write down things that I want to do. It can be anything other than looking at videos online or wasting time. I think this will help me get my priorities straight. I also did some gymnastics practice today and I am pretty soar from that. As far as reading goes, I am reading The Intelligent Investor. I'm hardly through the book unfortunately. :( Thank you all for the support, and I will continue to post journals.

    Edit: forgot my youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a5v6spxNVJ8


  6. Day 3

    Hey guys

    This is the third day of my detox. Today, I didn't game but I'm not 100% satisfied for what happened today. I wasted a lot of time just mindlessly browsing the internet. I feel like this is my next step in the process, I need to figure out ways that I can utilize the full capacity of my day instead of just looking at a bunch of internet videos and posting yik yaks and stuff. To combat this I've decided to permanently delete my yik yak account. I just feel like posting in there just doesn't gain me anything except for a few likes that I really don't need. As for watching YouTube videos, I feel like something needs to be done but I also feel there is a lot of useful content on youTube that I want to watch. I appreciate the support I am receiving so far and any further comments you all may have for improvement.

    youTube day 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HA8X48aeUjY


  7. @Raelana I agree with you when you say League of Legends eats up a lot of you time. My problem is sticking to what I want to do. For example, if I say to myself I'm only going to play one game, I only want to play one game. The problem is I often find myself unable to control and limit myself to one game. That is why I feel like it is best for me to quit. I will make sure to take time to explore as many potential interests as I can.

    @Schwing Thanks, I  started break dancing a while back but eventually stopped a little bit because of injuries. It is definitely something I would like to work on in the near future.

    Day 2

    Hey Guys,

    Today was kinda of an easy day not to play games. I was pretty busy all day with classes and meetings. One thing I did notice is that when I'm in my classes I often get distracted by my phone. To combat this, I will try to put my phone on airplane mode so it wont happen again. I woke up today a little later than I would have liked so I wasn't able to workout. I think that's okay as long as it doesn't become a habit. I got in a Facebook conversation online about intermittent fasting. If you don't know what that is, that is only eating during a 4-8 hour period and fasting for the rest of the day. From what I've heard from people online, it isn't bad for your health and it could potentially grow muscle. I think I will try it for a week and see if I like it or not. All in all, I would like to thank you all for your support. It has been quite amazing as several of you have commented on my previous journal with your thoughts.


    Edit: I just wanted to say that I am currently reading The Intelegent Investor for those of you that are interested in what I am reading.

    youtube video day 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X41Vu2FfSQw

  8. @Pierce I have a few ideas in mind. I'm currently in college so I have a lot of homework assignments that keep me quite busy. I have thought of playing piano and getting a subscription with hd piano. I'm also considering Duolingo and learning a language. Reading is also another option I am considering. I could do a mix of all 3 but I don't think I can budget my time for them all.

  9. Hello Friends,

    My name is Alan. I meant to write a journal two days ago, but my camera broke and I wanted to record a short video of myself everyday. So, I decided to make today my day 1. I'm just going to give a little background about myself below:

    I am currently 20 years old. I started playing video games since I was little kid. I never really had an addiction to them. I would just play and stop whenever and never really felt like I needed them or depended on them in my life. Fast-forward a couple years and one of my friends introduced me to League of Legends. I started playing and at first I thought the game kinda sucked because I was so bad at it. I was playing on and off for a while, but when I got to college, my addiction to video games started setting in. I don't know if this has something to do with hormones but maybe it does. It got to the point where I would tell myself I would only play like one more game, but then I would end up playing like 10 and the day would be gone. The reason I want to quit is because I think video games have really waited so much time in my life where I could have done so much better things. Right now my plan right now is to get myself into exercising. I feel like I have a great start because I am already in a gymnastics club and I occasionally practice breakdancing/bboying. I just want to live a more fulfilling life. If you have any questions or comments you can leave it down below.


    My introduction post: http://forum.gamequitters.com/topic/3448-quitting-gaming/

    My youtube day 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJqBV90gBYM


  10. Hi

    I have been trying to quit gaming for months with very little success. The game I play mostly is League of Legends. I am trying to learn to control myself, and I hope writing this post may help me out a little bit. Do you guys have any suggestions to what I should do? I have been thinking about just recording myself everyday for about 90 days for the 90 day detox thing to get myself started. Do you think this is a good idea?


    Appreciate the support!!!


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