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Competitive activities, self esteem, and insecurity.


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Something that's been on my mind lately has been filling the void of social comparison, competition, and security of a skill that gaming gives us. I used to play a lot of competitive games to make me feel better by succeeding over other people. That brought me a lot of self esteem and security in spending my time correctly. What are some ways or different competitive activities that can fulfill those same needs? Or are some of those needs based in low self-esteem and insecurity thus being unhealthy? or will they fade in time with personal development? 

It's an odd thing but I keep thinking about it and listening to Cam talk about his competitive drive in ping pong on the Game Quitters podcast grows that question further. What are your thoughts? 

- Jess 

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I never really had competition in gaming as I typically played single player RPGs and historical strategy games. For me it was about accomplishment (I was the hero) and storyline. I miss these sometimes but I have found accomplishment gradually in my own self development and stories in books and movies. I imagine it'll be similar with you and competition.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Many years ago I picked up the game of Go. I had many breaks, some of which had to do with insecurity feeling. Frankly, I feel the same with, say, competitive Overwatch so it's not the problem of the game, it's me)

Anyway, this boardgame has generally welcoming community where actually reviewing games and teaching weaker players is kind of custom.

Other than that trying to learn something in your professional fields usually works, especially if you pass some exam. If it doesn't help for long, it might be general social anxiety and better be treated by specialist who can teach you to dissect insecuirty to see why it pops up and whether it's realistic,

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would you say you need to pick up a hobby, where improvement is able to be measured easily.

With sports you can kill two birds with one stone.

Try weightlifting with a partner. The idea of having a partner is to encourage each other but on a subconscious level you are competing on strength.
If you don't have a gym buddy then you compete with yourself, try to break your weightlifting records.

Try jogging. Same thing with weightlifting, you can go with a partner or by yourself.

Martial art class, MMA, muay thai, kickboxing, etc.

Chess. (You can compete in tournaments)

Finally I would recommend compete with yourself by improving your life. Ask yourself, am I really done with all my chores? Is there anything I should have done but I have pushed back by being lazy? what area of my life I am not happy with? health? love? work? education? Compete with yourself dominating your mind, doing things and accomplishing your vision. Think about the shortness of life. Must people in the world never achieve their dream and goals. Compete with that, compete with the world!





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Many years ago I picked up the game of Go. I had many breaks, some of which had to do with insecurity feeling. Frankly, I feel the same with, say, competitive Overwatch so it's not the problem of the game, it's me)

Anyway, this boardgame has generally welcoming community where actually reviewing games and teaching weaker players is kind of custom.

Other than that trying to learn something in your professional fields usually works, especially if you pass some exam. If it doesn't help for long, it might be general social anxiety and better be treated by specialist who can teach you to dissect insecuirty to see why it pops up and whether it's realistic,

I had similar feelings relating to Chess. Almost always I end up thinking that I am wasting my time and I should only pick up this hobby when I am a lot older.

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