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    • Entry 5.10 Day 736: No Useless Videos Day 733: Sticking to Food schedule Day 336: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00) Day 41: Being in bed before 23:15 3 Things I did well no matter how small -morning workout -16 pomodoros -calling acquaintance for investment consultation 1 thing I could do  better -i need more real deadlines, because I feel I'm squandering time because i don't have any, spending boatloads of time just looking ad the screen
    • I haven't played for over a week now which is positive. It didn't take any effort; I was not even drawn to it. I think I need to focus on my goals and put all my energy into work that I also enjoy. This is the best technique for me to get away from the gaming. I had a few relapses since I started this detox but I think it is fine. I keep journaling and watch out for possible triggers.     
    • That's exactly what I have been trying to do and it has been working. There are relapses along the way but I am improving. Thanks for the advice. 🙂
    • Detox Day #4 and #5 Friday: I went to visit my grandma with my dad and brother, and it wasn't as painful as it's been before. In the afternoon a tough meeting in the program I joined last week took place, and I may reach out to one of the more burdened members on Sunday or as needed. Then I got to the gym where I competed for the use of a squat machine, but mostly for the better as I tried to lift the even larger man's weight for a few sets. I learnt something from that. Saturday: I slept for 9 hours but it felt like much longer again. I managed to drink cocoa and get straight into the shower, and I don't know how long it's been since doing that before eating. My dad and I went to help my brother, and then I was dropped off at the weekly men's social event. All went well, except for feeling like I was holding back all of my positive emotions despite performing, as usual it looks like. Then I came close to panicky getting home, but luckily the new member I was with didn't push me very much as we found the way to public transport/home. I've typed this to try and calm down if/before I go out to a small birthday event for someone in the new social group's 50th. I'll do what I can. Gratitude: ~ Pleasant weather ~ Didn't let myself feel provoked ~ Drank enough water ~ General understanding, even if strained Good luck with the continuing weekend everyone, Matt
    • Day 89   Today was a do nothing day, so did not do much today expect maybe worked on some optimization for my YouTube channel.      That it reading book of Romans chapter 4 as well my regular Bible plan.    Grateful: 1.God 2.Angels 3.Safety 4.Bible  5.Church  6.Bible  7.Family  8.Dog  9.Friends  10.House 
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