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    • Entry 19.9 Day 721: No Useless Videos Day 718: Sticking to Food schedule Day 321: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00) Day 26: Being in bed before 23:15 3 Things I did well no matter how small -1hr 40 min run 75% -15 pomodoros -masturbating   1 thing I could do  better -apartment conversation must fit in the alotted time, if not, the remainder of things is moved to next week
    • 19/09/2024   Spent the daytime working really hard to make sending emails possible via the command-line. Almost succeeded, but there was an authentication error. I will look at this one tomorrow. Took a break in the evening. Feeling tired right now.
    • I'm going through some rough times concerning my job and the possibility to maybe resign and move somepleace else. It's been building up inside me the last couple of years; the constant feeling of unease and slight disappointment. I've never been too sure if I want to live in this city in the foreseeable future. I've never been too fond of the people or the activities here and even though the nature is very nice it's also a bit too far from my family. There's also the hassle of living far away from a large airport which makes international travel expensive, and right now in my life I love to travel. Then there's work which is somewhat of a nightmare at the moment. My collegues are complaining a lot and getting into arguments as there's a lack of structure or clear goals at the moment. New management, new collegues, new methods and so on put a lot of strain on everybody. Overall my motivation is so low that I almost forget about my daily tasks, and I can't help to dift away in my thoughts thinking about a new life. Of course I don't have gaming to escape to and ever since I decided to quit I have to face reality in a new way. There is no way of escaping - I either have to make the best of the current situation or try to find a more promising future elsewhere. But it's hard... I'm at the same time tired of moving around and starting over a with a low income, unstable living conditions and so on. I just want a stable and smooth life that moves on without much trouble and pain. But maybe that's too much to ask for right now, I'm not sure. I have a lead to go on where I've been curious about a city in the middle of the country. I'm gonna go there and stay a couple of nights and just explore around. Hopefully this will lead to some more insights. The greatest thing about this new place is that they have a large ski resort close by so I know for sure that the winters will be awesome. And it's also closer to my family and some better traveling options which is great for my economy. I'll be sure to post some impressions when I've been there. 🙂
    • 14 Sep - 19 Sep: My friend and I put some good work into the reconstruction of my grandma's kitchen and managed to achieve some pre-final results, so some of the shelves are on the wall already. Spent some time with my girlfriend and friends and work. Nothing special.  
    • Day 73         Did not get any work on maybe have a had slip up but it kind of strange how some things I think are fake are actual people in real life. That shocks me and makes me question it more.    That it for today reading book of Job chapter 42 as well my regular Bible plan. 
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