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    • Day 73         Did not get any work on maybe have a had slip up but it kind of strange how some things I think are fake are actual people in real life. That shocks me and makes me question it more.    That it for today reading book of Job chapter 42 as well my regular Bible plan. 
    • Hello Game Quitters Members.   I just made a new video for my own YouTube channel. I think being a slow progress is something I have no control over because I do remember another faceless channel that reach quick success compare to me and received more recognition after that. I am not complaining by the way, I just find it very interesting in general because he was serious that he stopped uploading and not going pass 100 upload video count and he got mixed response in the comment section. Anyway. With fitness, I notice with the Hume app I notice that the fat free mass index increased everytime I do strength training or both cardio and strength training in a calories deficit indicating that it's a good thing and I am making progress, and I am grateful that I decided to purchase FitTrack Dara Scale 1.0 to tell me more about my body in a advance way and telling me my Weight only and that's about it. Because someone can gain weight but it's due to muscle gain and also the complete opposite by consuming food in a calories surplus and remain sedentary which will result in a fat gain or a change to a worst body composition then before. I am more and more grateful in my present lifestyle while focusing on the right things in life.   Alright. I got to go Game Quitters Members. Have a great day. 
    • Entry 18.9 Day 720: No Useless Videos Day 717: Sticking to Food schedule Day 320: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00) Day 25: Being in bed before 23:15 3 Things I did well no matter how small -Morning workout -17 pomodoros -23.5 hrs fast   1 thing I could do  better -write detailed food schedule (actually there are not so many changes but I think I'll just go for 60grams of peanut butter at breakffast instead of 120g, and keep track of y weight so as not to disappear, cause i consume 1500 cals on breakfast and 800-900 in other meals so it seems that could very well be the reason i feel extremely sleepy after breakfast, but do I really need those calories (I do run half marathons on high/low intensity variating 3 times a week but how much calories do I really need for it?
    • 18/09/2024   I am starting to feel quite comfortable with the non-GUI interface of Alpine Linux. Today I learned how to browse using a text-based web-browser named lynx. I am able to browse using google(non-GUI google 😁). That was pretty descent. Now, I need to learn how to send emails using the command-line.   I noticed that my mind stays a bit distracted when I am studying or doing anything that requires some of amount of mental effort. I start recalling some gaming scenes, or game characters, or even some music of a certain level of a game. I had played Freedoom for 2 weeks continuously and that had a negative impact on me because I found myself getting distracted from my studies too often(now, it has reduced, but it's still there).   I know that playing games can be really comforting, one doesn't need to think about real-life problems, all the problems that one faces are in the game one is playing, problems that have nothing to do with real-life(or should I say virtual problems). This comfort made me lazy. I felt like solving a programming problem was too hard, I would rather play games.  I do not want such comfort that stops me from doing real development.
    • I may have been reading your old journal, I'm not sure, but I was able to find the posts in it easy to feel/vibe with. At first I thought, kind of stupidly, that people have posted because of me being me, when it's probably due to larger world events and that I wanted to pay more attention. Nice to see you, hoping things look up.
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