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    • I may have been reading your old journal, I'm not sure, but I was able to find the posts in it easy to feel/vibe with. At first I thought, kind of stupidly, that people have posted because of me being me, when it's probably due to larger world events and that I wanted to pay more attention. Nice to see you, hoping things look up.
    • Day 72    Much better today than yesterday.    So today I did some recording for my YouTube video but had to do it different way but the strange part is the video did not record my voice though most of it is unscripted since I’m not using the same style I used to my normal videos because does not seem to work with a script.    Though on YouTube there something I dislike the most and feel like I’m doing this very thing. So when you see lpodcast videos and see a thumbnail and think this video will be interesting only to realized it been clipped from a conference or a full podcast that makes a video. I do not like this because makes feel cheap.     Where do I come in the picture well the video I recorded is hour long video and now I need to divide them in sections to make the video work and maybe later post the full hour long video and most my YouTube videos only last 4-8min so now I need to record the audio with video and divide them into separate videos and feel like I’m doing the same as the podcast videos.     I just wanted share that but I will have even more content than I thought possible. That good thing too, this turning into longer series than I thought but glad tried something new but I really don’t want do this for every video but I will only do it if the video calls for it.   Outside of that I went my densit and everything fine there, then worked on stuff at the park, I’m almost done with screenwriting book so be nice to complete that. Plus walked the dog around the neighborhood and had some coconut water.    I think that it for today still reading book of Job chapter 41 as well as my regular Bible plan.   Grateful: 1.God  2.Angels  3.Safety  4.Bible  5.Church  6.Family  7.Dog  8.Friends  9.Car  10.House 
    • Hey GQ, it's time for another approach for me. I've pitted my patience and will against my MMORPG, and come out the other side of significant completion of it feeling satisfied. In short, since this site was where I belonged for my first detox, and I like the ways you all type and/or tap, I'd now like to make a the simple - yet effortful in memory work - undertaking of recording the things offline that I have 'taken care of' each day. It will just be a list, probably in order of their completion, and not how I felt about it/the icky details unless mentioned with gratitude at the end of the post, updated throughout the day. Hopefully it makes for an ongoing rewarding feeling. Here goes. Day #1 - September 18 1 hour bodyweight walk Breakfast + medication Garbage, bed-making, clothes, dishes*2 + counter Shoes arranged Catch-up sleep Gratitude Good weather, waking up early from a good dream (my old school friend published a book and all of us he knew rushed out to buy a copy) Good luck all, ~ Matt
    • Entry 17.9 Day 719: No Useless Videos Day 716: Sticking to Food schedule Day 319: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00) Day 24: Being in bed before 23:15 3 Things I did well no matter how small -2hr 20 min run light into a completely unknown place with lots of turns, and managing to remember how to return 😉 -12 pomodoros at least =/ -Call with channel jumpstart for a potential educational program/course   1 thing I could do  better -The results of weekly food plan seem to show I do't need that mny calories, but I'm underweight the last time I checked... Need to ask my apartment mate if he has a weightscale to re-check myself. If I am indeed underweight than need to take that into account, and If I reduce calorie intake watch my weight closely so as not to disappear. Free text:  -for now it seems I'll reduce 120g of peanut butter and eat 30g tahini instead, we'll see. -need to find a place to order cranberries for cheap - and what vitamin d source to take or a routine of sun exposure. -Also need to check if the chlorella i've been consuming works for B-12 va a blood test
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