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    • Day 12:    I was able to stick to the plan last night. I am a bit nervous as we are approaching the weekend. I used to play until 2 am on Friday nights and also on Sunday and Saturday. Therefore, I expect to feel tempted tonight. I should start planning for tonight including getting some workout and reading hours. I need to remember what I want to achieve and what would be the price to pay. I have decided to make this sacrifice. Let go of the pleasure of playing video games as the price for getting what you want out of life. I think this is a fair price to be paid. 
    • good job, zeke. I am empowered by reading your progress. keep it up. 
    • sounds good. right, exactly. that makes sense. thanks for the advice. 
    • but 1 thing is start a day streak like I did, you will not want to break it. And know why you're doing it, know what you want to achieve. Generaly think much of your urpose in life and the more you think of something the more you want it, and eventually the more likely it is to happen. That's just a very quick tip, more elaborations later
    • Entry 20.9 Day 722: No Useless Videos Day 719: Sticking to Food schedule Day 322: Eating Only between 06:30 and 19:00 (Last bite before 19:00) Day 27: Being in bed before 23:15 3 Things I did well no matter how small -Morning workout -16 pomodoros -Signing up to creatornow trial   1 thing I could do  better -Yet again ot carried away with conversation with an old friend, it was supposed to be 10-15 minutes... turned out about 45
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